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It turns out that Sunset Shimmer's final letters to Princess Celestia before her exile were not filled with resentment or remorse.

There might have been a lot more frantic running away involved.

But whatever the case, it was definitely not Sunset's fault.

At all.

Cover Art designed by Novel-Idea from my original cruddy screencap!

Rated Teen and Sex for mentions of egregious sexual irresponsibility. No actual sex.

Contains minor Sunlight shipping. Much apologies.

Chapters (1)

In the midst of doing a favor for Ember in the dragon lands, Spike tells Rarity about his not-so-secret feelings. Rarity responds with a secret of her own, one that she's guarded for most of her life. They picked the wrong day, and the wrong kingdom, for a quiet heart-to-heart.

Winner of Steadfast Hoof's sparity contest
Featured on Equestria Daily
Pre-read by mrk
Cover art drawn by Pia-sama and designed by Novel Idea

Chapters (6)

After Starlight hypnotized her friends, Twilight goes out of her way to teach them how to control their own minds before someone else does.

It doesn't go too well.

Chapters (6)

On July 3, 1943, Equestria declared war on the Axis Powers.

These are the stories of those times.

(Contains historical events, including warfare and atrocity, depicted in what I hope to be a genuine, accurate manner. For more explanation, please see the foreword.)

Chapters (27)

To Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia, it is a simple surprise visit to Canterlot. To the ponies of the Equestrian Civil Service, it is twenty-four hours of chaos, politics, weaponized dessert, politics, underhooved manipulation of media, politics, and things batrachian and tentacular. Who said bureaucracy isn't exciting?

Chapters (5)

[Complete! With TVTropes apparently!]
Also, apparently, an animated trailer.

In a world of brass and steam, Twilight Sparkle had thought she had made a life-changing discovery with the invention of the telescope. For better or worse, she was correct.

Now her discovery has not only changed her life, but the lives of those she seeks out in her desperate attempt to contact the only other creature as lonely as Twilight herself.

It all would have been much simpler, but it had to be the one Twilight could only call The Mare on the Moon.

Decidedly not within walking distance, then.

[Featured on EQD before story was meant to be submitted. 4/03/2015]

[Editing team: Southpaw, Wolfvenom, Maskedferret, SwanSong and BluePaladin42, without whom this story would be a fraction of its current state.]
[Special thanks to Novel-Idea for the updated cover]

Chapters (16)

Princess Twilight Sparkle listened to the lectures of her senior princesses and has lived the life of Canterlot's high society since the day she ascended as a young filly. Unfortunately, she skipped Cadence's lessons on love.

Specifically, how to confess to the mare of her dreams when she so happened to be her stunningly beautiful mare-in-waiting.

"Help. Please."

Preread by Timaeus and Monochromatic.
Artwork by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (2)

Sweetie Belle burst into the Carousel Boutique in tears because one of her best friends is moving to a foster home in Baltimare. Surely there has to be a pony in Ponyville who can be her foster parent, right?

I'm lucky to have two of my favorite, (and also way underrated authors) on this site pre-reading for me, HMXTaylorLee and DemonBrightSpirit. Their work is seriously excellent and unappreciated so go check them out.

My super awesome cover art was done by hugsforpenguin and commissioned by the aforementioned HMXTaylorLee, so another thanks to him.

This story takes place in an Alternate Universe where Quills and Sofas sells more than two things.

Chapters (28)

A songless siren is a miserable thing. Not only was singing their weapon and their means of control, it was the sirens' preferred means of expression, recreation, and a part of their identities. As such, to say they've all been a little depressed since the Battle of the Bands would be a considerable understatement. Imagine their surprise when that which was taken from them is offered back on one very simple condition!

One very simple, somewhat embarrassing condition that involves cheering for their former enemies and waving pom-poms around. At least the outfits are cute, right?

AU of Friendship Games, centered around the events of the movie.

Chapters (14)

Why the heck does Vinyl Scratch have a car that can transform into a giant sound system thingy?

Written by request for Bookish Delight because chicks dig giant robots EQG Vinyl needed some more fandom love; continued by request because apparently everyone digs giant robots, :twilightoops:

Chapters (6)