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This story is a sequel to Canterlot Holiday

Twilight and Sunset are living together for the last weeks of High School and aiming for college and planning their wedding. But they are both getting the feeling of being watched, and Princess Twilight has been strangely silent while the magic pouring from the portal has reached even higher levels. It seems someone - or something - is feeding off the magic.

And they have turned their gaze on the CHS Seven.

Continuity: Homecoming

Art by BlackWater

Countless thanks to BlackWater and Wolfkin for proofing and suggestions throughout.

Hit popular Story sidebar on 2-26-17, Feature Front Page 3-9-17

Revisions began 1-1-19

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative

  In an Equestria where the Sonic Rainboom never happened, Sunset Shimmer is the prized pupil of the Princess of the Sun. As Sunset struggles to make up for her past misdeeds and come to terms with the pony she wants to be, Celestia sends her to find the classic work The Application of Unified Harmony Magic from the Royal Canterlot Archives.
  Right after lunch, some meddling by her friends and meeting somepony with firsthoof experience of the Sunset she used to be.

Featured on Equestria Daily on August 18, 2016!
Appeared in the FimFiction Featured Box!

Cast: Sunset Shimmer, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Twilight Sparkle & Princess Celestia

Stories set in the Wavelengths Timeline in chronological order:

Origins Arc
The Alchemy of Chemistry
Bards of the Badlands
Grading on a Bell Curve
Habits of the Equestrian Phoenix
How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative

Applications Arc
The Application of Unified Harmony Magics
Princess Celestia: A Brief History
The Cloudsdale Report

Dreamers Arc
Tactics of Snowbound Unicorns
A Study in Chaos Theory
Teahouses of Saddle Arabia
As the Raven Flies

Cover Credits
Cover Design by Amber Spark
Sunset Shimmer Vector by TigerBeetle
Pony SciTwi Vector by Osipush
Canterlot Bookshelves Vector by FavoriteArtMan
Sunset Shimmer Cutie Mark by MillennialDan

Beta Reader Credits
Ebon Quill - Worldbuilding Writer on The Manehattan Project
Quantum State - Technical Director of The Manehattan Project
The Albinocorn - Master of Sunset Shimmer Stories

Strongly Recommended Stories:
The Brightest and the Best by Pineta - The events in this story are considered to be completely canon to this timeline and explain Twilight's entrance exam to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I cannot recommend this story enough.
MLP Annual 2013 - "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer" - As above, the 8-page short comic in the beginning of the Annual is also considered to be canon, though with some major variations.

Version 3.0 Edit: Extensive grammatical and mechanics changes. Adjustment to timeline of Sunset's second mirror experience.

Chapters (3)

Straight from the Canterlot archives, this collection of documents retells the rise and fall of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Enlightened Despot of Equestria, Defender of the Peace, Lawgiver, and Commander of Fort Libris.

Twilight Sparkle is, of course, known to historians as the first usurper to seek to schedule a coup d'etat by appointment. But for other details- such as, "What is the longest recorded time a pony has gone without sleep?", "Is it true what they say about swans?", and, "Why is there an owlbear in the Equestrian Witness Protection Program?"- these documents provide the answers and much, much more.

This is ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS HISTORY from primary sources. If anything makes you think this is silly, ludicrous, or unbelievable, blame Discord.

Written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns writing contest.

EDIT 3-15-17: Wow, almost instant featured! Was NOT expecting that!

EDIT 4-8-2017: Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library! Thanks!

Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

Chapters (2)

Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk are constantly bickering. It drives their sister, Adagio Dazzle, slightly crazy at times, but when she bursts in on what sounded like a more heated argument than usual, she sees something that won't be easy for her to accept.

Somehow, this leads to Fluttershy trying to help her. Then the rest of Fluttershy's friends get involved.

- off-screen lesbian incest
- people expressing controversial views about sex, bestiality, incest, homosexuality and homophobia
- implied bestiality
- at least one borderline abusive relationship
- swearing
- mild violence

Chapters (17)

Why does Princess Celestia leave Twilight to face all the villains?
Sunset Shimmer has returned to Equestria, to confront her former teacher.
The solar princess decides it's time to answer Sunset's questions.

Chapters (1)

Celestia invites Twilight over for tea and chess. Things don't quite go as planned.

"...Present Perfect unironically uses the term Chineighse here and I don't actually know if I can forgive him for that." -Obselescence!

"-- oh, no..." -Estee

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to "Teach Me Goodness"

Summer vacation has come and gone, and school's back in session, only Diamond Tiara isn't interested in attending if Cheerilee isn't standing at the front of the class. Her solution? Hire Twilight as her teacher.

Except it's not Twilight she runs into at the castle.

(Winner of the Pinkie Pie award for Scribblefest 2017!)

Chapters (1)

On the last day of school before summer vacation, Cheerilee informs her students that she's going to pursue her doctorate in Fillydelphia, and won't be returning as their teacher in the fall. Her friends and students alike spend her last night in Ponyville bidding farewell and showing their appreciation for her, each in their own unique way.

But one student, in particular, has a hard time coping.

Originally written for the Writeoff Association's July 2016 prompt* and published under the title Bonitatem Doce Me, this story has been revised, rewritten, and expanded from its previous version. Featured on EqD on 8/9/16. Also featured in the Royale Canteloupe Liberty.

*which it won!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Why No One Messes With Luna

Shepard has done the impossible. Old foes have set aside their differences, new friends have come into the fold, and the galaxy is more united than ever before. But the Reapers care not for the new alliances they face; they will fall, as countless civilizations before them fell. It is inevitable.

There is still hope. The Crucible, source of unimaginable power, has been constructed by the allies. With this new source of hope in tow, the allied fleets break through the Earth blockade and attempt to use this newfound weapon in a last, desperate attempt to defeat the Reapers and save the galaxy as we know it. Fleets of all races, soldiers of every kind, are united in this final stand.

Equestria, too, has sent what they can to aid in this final battle. Or rather, who, they can.

The Reapers have no idea what they have unleashed.

Warning: This story contains spoilers for ME3 and takes place during the ending of the series. This story is less approachable than the previous stories and may be confusing to those who are unfamiliar with the ME3 ending

Coverart is by Ziom05, on DeviantArt, and can be found here.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Why No One Messes With Celestia

In the wake of Celestia's return to Equus, the ponies have worked tirelessly to prepare for the arrival of the Ascended. Defenses have been set up, weapons prepared, allies warned, but most important of all in the minds of both Diarchs, a cure for the Indoctrination has been pursued.

The Ascended, or the Reapers as they are known to the rest of the galaxy, are not amused. They attack in force, unwilling to stand by and let this small, barely space-worthy race of unascended quadrupeds neutralize their most effective weapon in their march towards galactic cleansing.

Now they too shall learn to fear the dark, and the Princess who controls it.

Chapters (2)