• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012


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Princess Luna, Lyra, and the Mane 6 have set off on a grand adventure that involves a roadtrip across an alien planet.
The catch is that half of them will be experiencing it as machines!
Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis secretly tagged along and plans to neutralize Willie Nelson for what his music did to her.
There's only one undead Man in Black who can stop her - Johnny Cash.

Chapters (3)

Starlight Glimmer has finally done it. She has stolen the cutie mark of everypony in Equestria and shown them the path to equality. From her new home in Princess Twilight's castle, Starlight rules Equestria, pushing everypony towards happiness and equality.

But one day Starlight Glimmer encounters a mysterious filly. A filly who is immune to Starlight's cutie mark-stealing magic. A filly with no name, no family, and no past. A filly who refuses to wipe that creepy smile off her face. As the filly begins to make friends with everyone in Ponyville, Starlight searches for a way to beat her. And what does the filly want from Starlight?

She just wants to break her.

Chapters (17)

The average pony would be delighted to wake up and find an adorable little bundle of joy on their doorstep—even more so after having learned it's been delivered by Princess Celestia herself! Now, imagine that this new foal has been chosen by fate to save Equestria's future, and you have a scenario beyond any would-be parent's wildest dreams. How absolutely wonderful would that be?

On a related note, Twilight Sparkle is now a mother. She isn't happy about it.

Written for F*** This Prompt, because no way would I write something like this otherwise. Probably. I think.

Many thanks to Kamikakushi and Dubs Rewatcher for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

Aryanne, Ponyville's resident Nazi sympathizer, unicorn supremacist, and self-hating earth pony, gets asked to be the substitute teacher for Ms. Cheerilee's class when the latter pony falls ill one morning. During a lecture about the finer points of eugenics, Ayranne discovers that the ponies of Ponyville aren't quite as excited about the Final Solution as she is.

As with most of my stories, you have the Seattle's Angels skype group to thank for this one.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rocks Are Dumb

Apple Bloom thinks rocks are dumb.

Maud takes it upon herself to convince the filly otherwise.

Big thanks to Majin Syeekoh for begging me allowing me the chance to write this.

Chapters (1)

It's just a normal day in Ponyville, and Twilight Sparkle is meeting with her friends. Everything is safe. Everything is sane. Everything is normal. Everything is happy. Nopony is psychotic. Therefore, something MUST BE WRONG!!! And Twilight Sparkle shall find out what!

Not having anything to do with the Pony Pov Series.

Chapters (1)

Why is it that everypony struggles to finish a story properly? Rarity finds out the hard way when she asks Applejack and Rainbow Dash to write their own separate narratives for an enchanted comic book to give to Twilight on her birthday. But Instead of focusing on what Twilight would want, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are determined to out-write each other with literary pizazz. There're common problems in both mares' stories, and Rarity must find a way to fix them both... through Rainbow Dash and Applejack, if need be. After all, this is totally about Twilight... ... ... isn't it?

Chapters (9)

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, in another crusade gone awry, find themselves brought to a world very much like their own.

Except that here, Cutie Marks are considered evil and an organization known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, composed entirely of blank flanks, fight to end the tyranny of the marked.

Adding to the fillies confusion and culture shock, their counterparts in this backwards world are heralded as some of the best the organization has to offer and are expected to battle alongside their fellow blank flanks.

Making things worse are the enemies they're supposed to face. What the other operatives call villains, a large chunk of them they call friends.

The three fillies must now find a way to return home and keep their sanity intact as all they have believed in is put to the most bizarre and backwards test of their young lives.

Chapters (6)

Every since Twilight Sparkle became a princess, she has wondered if there's really a difference between alicorn magic and unicorn magic. So after a tornado and some spellcasting, something has certainly changed...

The main six seemed to have switched not minds, but personalities!
Will this event be fixed in time? Or will there be eternal chaos for the main six in their forms?

Cover art by RatingTitan2. Go check him out, he's awesome!

Proofread by HeartLinda, go check him out as well as thanking him for his proofreading skills!

Chapters (4)

A direct follow-up to Rainbow Rocks, and thus full of spoilers!

The Dazzlings are now "harmless, ordinary teenage girls", deprived of their talents of persuasion. They won't stand for this, but will they be able to strike back at those who hurt them? Will they be able to adjust to the normal life? Will they be found out? These girls haven't given their swan songs yet!

Chapters (2)