• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012


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Rainbow Dash is stuck in a rut.

Her longer stories, while well-received, aren't giving her the attention she craves.

Then, the verve hits her.

The rest is history.

Preread by RainbowBob!

Chapters (1)

Cadance isn't Sombra. But Sombra's leadership is all the crystal ponies remember, a ruler they had to love at all costs, with the final payment being their own lives. And as they gradually come to see their new Princess as leader instead of savior, too much of that residual fear is being transferred to her. They praise her, adore her, refuse to correct her no matter what she does -- because they live in terror of the consequences for doing anything else. They have yet to find their own voices, and may go on repeating hers until Celestia and Luna switch shifts. So how can she make them tell her when she's wrong, see that there's nothing to be afraid of, and take the next step in coming back to themselves once and for all?

Forbidding them to do anything other than criticize her should do the trick, right?


(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group -- but can be read as a stand-alone, and no knowledge of the other stories is required. New members and trope edits are welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (4)

Filthy Rich has a problem. His daughter, Diamond Tiara, keeps breaking her promises to treat her classmates with more respect. In fact, she doesn't even seem to really understand what a promise is. Since punishing her does not seem to have much effect, Mr Rich is forced to consider a more creative parenting method. But how can he make such a spoiled, materialistic little filly as Diamond Tiara see the value of a promise?

With money, of course!

Now has a dramatic reading on Youtube! Kudos to DRWolf.

Chapters (1)

**The following is an alternate sequence of events different than those that happened in MLP:FiM, Season 4 Episode 17: Somepony to Watch Over Me. This story breaks away from the canon episode right in the scene where Apple Bloom confronts Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about her sister's constant babying of her.**

As an alternate avenue of events of Somepony to Watch Over Me, Applejack's babying of her sister goes too far and into an even more babyish territory. Apple Bloom's friends get dragged into it as a result.

Warning: Contains diapers, uses of diapers, and many other elements that others may deem ABDL~ish. Read at your own discretion.

Chapters (4)

As the spirit of chaos, Discord can sometimes feel lonely due to the fact that nopony will ever share his passion. Well, he's right, there is not a pony alive, dead, or yet to be born who will ever mirror his interests. But a certain all-knowing Illuminati Dorito might just be the friend he needs.

What happens when these two mischievous beings spend some time with the mane 6?

Random thing brought on by a bout of insomnia.

Featured as of 01/06/15.
Holly jeez, thank you everybody! So much :heart:

Chapters (5)

With Twilight away in Canterlot, Spike is left to his own devices. But Ponyville isn't the busiest of towns and before long, boredom begins to creep.

So to cheer himself up he decides to go spend time with his friends. Five stalwart companions whom he has known through thick and thin.

But Spike soon begins to realise that really, those are Twilight's friends. Not his.

In fact he starts to wonder whether, since he moved to Ponyville, he's actually made any friends at all...

(*2nd edition. Based on feedback, the final chapter and epilogue have been added-to to better reflect the contributions of the CMC.)

Chapters (6)

Queen Chrysalis believes she has just written her magnum opus.

Her editor, Crystal Night, disagrees.


Edited by Cerulean Voice!

Chapters (1)

Set in My Little Pony G3 but G4 does play a major part of things.

All of Ponyville begins to suffer horrible horrible nightmares. Can one wish from Winkle Wish bring them the hope they need to end these nightmares? Can they save their home from Hatred itself?

This is not pat of the Pony POV Series fanon-verse.

Half written by me, half written by Kendell2 (since it's not part of the Pony POV Series he wanted to help).

MLP:FiM Copyright Hasbro

Art cover by Morningstar-1337 http://morningstar-1337.deviantart.com/art/AstralLight-Rainbow-Dash-G3-370069034

Fanfic reading! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IprsVSvq-w

Chapters (1)

When A.K. Yearling is injured, Derpy Hooves is tasked with ghostwriting the next Daring Do novel. But when Derpy takes the series in a different direction, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are upset, to say the least. Now, they must cope with the diehard, blind fans of the terrible new series while trying to stop Derpy Hooves from ruining it any further.

Chapters (2)

Destiny is a funny thing.

Sometimes, at the drop of a hat, our destiny can change. Sometimes, we don't even notice it, and what we end up with is something that doesn't belong. Even after our true friends step in to right what was wrong, a false destiny can leave something behind, and all you can do is ignore it... or embrace it.

Set shortly after the end of Magical Mystery Cure

Cover Art by Ambris

Chapters (1)