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This story is a sequel to Running

The gryphon, Angus Greenquill, has a job he hates, a kid that loves him, someone that wishes he (Angus) had never been born, and a desire to change things and actually do something he likes without failing miserably at life.

Octavia is a pony running away from success and fame, wanting to start anew without the expectations others had of her, from her family to her friends.

Maybe he can help her get a job, and she can help him realize his own dreams.

Note: This story picks up the Octavia from the story 'Running', although it's not in any way the definitive continuation of it.

Also, big thanks to Nick Nack for taking a glance at this.

Chapters (4)

After thousands of years of ruling over Equestria and the umpteen amount of changes in social structure over that time, Celestia and Luna discover that they do not understand their subjects as well as they used to. After all, it's been several millennia since they were like every other average pony.

However, that's about to change when an eavesdropping Discord comes up with a "brilliant" idea.

How will the lives of the two sisters change? Will the lives of their new personas "Color Craft" and "Lyrical Rhapsody" be better than their old ones? Will the friends they meet along the way be too good to leave? And most importantly, will Discord ever be pretty?! No, probably not.

Artwork by wildberry-poptart on Deviant Art

Featured: 1/19/2015 - Thanks!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Flipside

((A sequel to my surprisingly popular story Flipside! Set in an alternate universe where Spike is the pony and Twilight is his dragon assistant.))

It's been two weeks since the defeat of Nightmare Moon. Two weeks since six unexpected ponies became heroes that saved not only Ponyville, but all of Equestria. And in those two weeks Spike "Purple Prose" Flail, ace reporter for the Canterlot Sun, has had plenty of time to get into the swing of his new home in the small town. Life seems good...

Until a new pony blows into town. A specter from Spike's past that isn't willing to let him just have his "happily ever after." A certain ex-student of Princess Celestia herself that Spike hasn't thought of in ages.

One who's particularly eager to show how little a "hero" Spike is.

Part of the Flipverse!

Now on TVTropes!

Chapters (13)

January 15th, 2014. A veil of light spans across the United States of America. As the citizens stare in amazement at what is certainly a once in a lifetime phenomenon, the entire country is ripped physically out of its place on Earth and sent to a new world, a world known as Equus. Now with 312 million Humans and their country trapped in completely unknown territory with no way home, they must do what Humanity has done for centuries that has allowed it to become a force of nature. Adapt, Survive, and Overcome.

Editor/Adviser: Sneaky Breeze.
Editors: Washingtonian & AlphaFartOfDoom
Technical Adviser: ArtichokeLust
A big thanks to them for all the input and help they have given.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Advanced Lessons

After stumbling upon the secret history between her mentor and the Queen of the Changelings, Twilight now finds herself in a position to put an end to the Pony-Changeling conflict...if she can just deal with all the craziness around her.

Alongside Chrysalis herself, Prince Blueblood, and her friends, Twilight must now visit the home of Chrysalis' Changelings, to ascertain for herself, whether or not the Changelings can live alongside ponies peacefully. Are the Changelings just a bunch of monsters? Or do they have more in-common with Ponies than anypony thought?

By popular demand (At least one person :}) here's the story detailing Twilight's visit to the Changelings. This is an interquel, that takes place during the timeskip between Ch.2 and Ch.3 of my earlier story Advanced Lessons. In this case, you're probably going to need to read that first, to be able to follow everything. Hopefully everyone enjoys reading it. -Featured: 6/29/14-

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Earth & Sky

Set three years after the founding of Harmony Aeronautics and the Grand Pegathalon.

The best and brightest (or at least flashiest) minds in Equestria are at it again. An accidental combination of Harmony Aeronautics and Lulamoon Studios' latest magical technologies leads to Twilight finding a new way of looking at the world. What will be revealed by her new found perspective, and how will it shake things up in Los Pegasus?

Chapters (2)

Inspired by the story image, RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse and Trinary's "Rainbooms and Royalty", I give you my take on the alternate universe concept. Namely, a universe where Spike is the pony and Twilight is his dragon assistant.

The thousandth Summer Sun Celebration is approaching. With it will come the return of Nightmare Moon. Celestia has no student to call upon to save Equestria, and is doing all she can to make the last day of peace meaningful for her people.

Meanwhile, Spike "Purple Prose" Flail is a reporter for the Canterlot Sun. He finds himself being shipped down to the boonies with his longtime friend and assistant, Twilight, to cover the biggest festival Equestria has seen in a millennium!

But even with a visit from the princess, there's no way someplace as boring as Ponyville could ever be newsworthy. Right?

A/N: Credit for cover image goes to dzetaWMDunion on Deviantart art.

Story would also include character tags for Thunderlane and Cheerilee if not for the character tag limit.

Now has a TVTropes page!

Chapters (20)

What happens when something crafted by a creature with no real care for material things is taken from him? Nopony else knew the answer either. But they found out. Oh... They found out.

Rated 'Everyone' because EVERYONE needs a good knock in the teeth!


Featured on Equestria Daily April 2, 2015! *face melts*

Chapters (4)

A sudden and powerful magical event consumes all of Ponyville in the space of a few moments, and when Twilight and her friends come to, they find the landscape around them quite different. And the world they discover, to be devoid of magic and inhabited by strange beings.

One of these beings is Asher Burgess, the oldest son of the family whose secluded, Colorado ranch has suddenly become the location of an entire town of alien creatures overnight. Their lives are changed forever as they find themselves the link between the ponies and their own nation.

Bewildered by this new world, things start getting more urgent as more of the Equestrian world arrives piece by piece, and not all of it is so friendly. Searching for answers, Asher, Twilight, and the rest of the gang stumble onto more questions, and uncover an amazing secret. One that could either save them all, or doom both worlds to annihilation.

(Set just after the events of season 3 finale. Diverges from there, movie has no effect.)

Graciously edited by Dream Seeker, Commander Fire Starter, Sharp Quill and Absurd Tomfoolery

P.S. A request if you will: When someone gives a "dislike," would ya'll mind commenting why? Especially if it has something to do with a writing skill.

Chapters (17)

Snowflake can fly. Scootaloo can't. She's decided her best solution is for him to train her, get her in the air his way. And he'll do anything to make sure that doesn't happen. Because she wants to be strong like him... and that's something he never wants to see another pony go through. And besides, the Crusaders quit on things all the time, which means getting her to drop out should be easy.

But they don't give up on the Crusade...

(Original story concept plus title from Seether00, freely offered up on The Idea Exchange. Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members (in both groups) and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (4)