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When Rainbow Dash receives a package from her grandfather, she discovers an artifact of immense power and potential. An artifact that holds dominion over the very destiny of each and every pony's threads of fate. In the wrong hooves, it could be dangerous, catastrophic even.

Naturally, she abuses it.

Edited by Garnot, Between Lines, Cooopercrisp, Seether00, Don't Look At My Name Bro, and MerlosTheMad.

Preread by Skeeter The Lurker.

Chapters (2)

Charis is an earth pony philosopher with no cutie mark who has a desire to see the world through a perspective other than her own. She keeps pestering Discord to become his student, much to Discord's annoyance. Every day she asks, and every day, he says "no."

Until one day, he changes his mind and takes on a magic-less earth pony as his protege. Now that he has relented, the draconequus is delighted with his student, realising something has been missing in his life.

Discord, now reformed, now has the Princesses watching him, waiting for him to corrupt the innocent earth pony filly.

Eventually, he does something far worse.

Edit: Featured! 6/11/14

Chapters (4)

For the longest time, Epona has served as the loyal mount of Link, hero of Hyrule. But one day, she finds out that she's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent, colorful equines. And not only that: Her daughter is one of the six main heroes from that world. But that is only the beginning.

When the worlds of Equestria and Hyrule get into contact after a millennium, lots of hidden conspiracies are revealed. Evil fiends from a time long forgotten emerge and some ponies begin to understand their powers as sages. But the one important question will be: What will Epona choose? Her friends from Hyrule? Or her family from Equestria?

Chapters (36)

Celestia had always thought she'd reached the pinnacle of fear when she fought against some of Equestria's greatest enemies.

As it turns out, however, nothing compares to explaining to Twilight's parents that she's in a relationship with their daughter.

Chapters (4)

Trees shorter than they should be, buildings smaller than preferred, a world filled with creatures bigger than him, yet others are near microscopic from his perspective.

Trying to find out where he should fit in is hard, because he is not too small, but most definitely bigger than most. Once he connects to the dominant civilization, a whole new world of opportunities is revealed before him.

He will walk as a giant. He will walk with giants. He will walk alone.

Edited by Newbiedoodle, CheesewedgeFTW, Immortan Joe, and Silas

Chapters (10)

Stan was one of the lucky ones to make it out of the Canterlot disaster unscathed, unfortunately for him that means he now has to deliver a treaty to the princess.
Who happens to be one of his most deepest darkest fears.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Numbers

Eleven years ago, a young stallion named Filthy Rich became a father.
His daughter was his most prized jewel...
And he swore he would always love her.

One morning that stallion's filly brought a grown mare to tears,
And Filthy Rich was forced to see his Diamond through new eyes.

Now, he must find a way to bring out the sparkling gem only he can see, before Diamond Tiara destroys her classmates... and herself.
If that gem even exists at all.

But raising a child isn't as simple as working out a business deal or solving a financial issue, and Filthy Rich must relearn what it means to be a parent if he ever has a hope of redeeming his daughter.
For the price of an innocent foal's tears is more than even he can afford.

Featured 5/27/14 - 5/28/14

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Best Nightmare Of My Life

Jeanne Tempest Jones, or Tempest to her friends, leads a rather ordinary life. At least for a teenager. However, one night everything changes. She wakes up in a mysterious land in a strange body, one that is feared and hated by the locals. Meanwhile, her boyfriend, Brian, and his twin sister Brianna find themselves along for the ride halfway across Equestria. Under the tender care of the Thestral (Bat Ponies) community, they will have their own challenges to face.

Now faced with numerous troubles, the largest being that no one seems to trust her, just how exactly will Tempest and her two friends reunite and find their way home?

Marked as a sequel to The Best Nightmare of my Life, as the concept being further explored is the one that sparked the Halloween One-shot. This is less comedy-oriented and more serious as to the topic of "Human looking like a villain" though.

(Title is once more a twist on the song "The Best Day of my Life")

Chapters (5)

Sequel to Let the Silence Sing!
Big Macintosh is dating Princess Celestia, and now all of Equestria knows thanks to a certain foal photographer. Dating a Princess is hard, thanks to her demanding schedule and his work at Sweet Apple Acres. The two rarely speak to one another during their get-togethers, but the silence sings between them.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Hello Sister

Nearly a year has passed since Twilight and Trixie have lived together as sisters, and Twilight believes it is time for Trixie to meet her big brother, or big-half-brother, Shining Armor. Trixie is still getting used to be part of a family, even if it is just her and Twilight, so can she open her heart to two more members of her newly acquired family? Or will Shining Armor completely reject her? Find out now!

Featured: 5/15/14 Thank you everyone!

Chapters (10)