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This story is a sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane

Based on the Super Cafe series and centered around the Spiders and Magic series.

A short collection of what-if scenarios had everyone practiced hindsight, foresight, and common sense to prevent some of the biggest plot-holes in the Spiders and Magic series. Might be expanded upon, depending on the feedback and requests. (Officially Complete)

Cover Art done by woogiegirl (Woogs)

Thank you, XangelMusic, Lord Lycaon, Regreme, and Darth Cygnus for editing!

Chapters (2)

Officially complete!

Trouble is brewing in Equestria, and Spider-Man is summoned to save the day! However, he takes the form of a pony upon his arrival and slowly starts to lose his powers. Now as Peter Pony Parker, he must become Equestria's new hero as the Amazing Spider-Mane, but with past failures haunting his mind, will somepony be able to give him the happiness he deserves and save him from a prophecy that ends with his death?

Across Equestria and through Earth, two hearts will join together, but one may die to ensure the survival of reality...

Cover image drawn by jmkplover and colored by Saljian

Official Theme Song done by XAVI- Playful Banter

It even has a Tvtropes page!

Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane

Chapters (61)

This story is a sequel to A Flurry of Problems

My name was once Noah 'Storm' Smith, but it is now Summer Storm. Once I was a human just like any other, but thanks to an asshole I ended up in the body of a small filly. Hopefully, I don't end up messing up this new life just like I did in my old one. Thankfully this time I have some people ponies that care for me and will help me, as long as I don't do anything too stupid...

Updates on Saturdays.

Credit for the cover art goes to Santagiera on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/santagiera/art/Good-night-554627232

Chapters (11)

This story takes place after the events from the episode Power Ponies

Shining Armor and Twilight are spending a few days with their parents for a reprieve and one night the stallion walks into his sister's bedroom. There he finds an odd book labeled "How To Train a Princess" from the peculiar Enchanted Bookstore. Without realizing it he is magically transformed into an alicorn princess and now has to complete a course of strange classes within the tome. The courses will be hard and many will take days within the strange universe that this book constructed. He will have to pass a final test in which he may either turn back into a stallion or remain a princess alicorn forever.

Cover Artist: Pridark

Chapters (14)

Shining Armor has lived a long and happy life alongside his wife Cadance. Though they never managed to have another child, they've held the Crystal Empire strong against many enemies, helping to spread friendship all across the world.

But merely being married to an Alicorn Princess has not protected him from the ravages of time. Where many others would have to say farewell to their immortal children and relatives, something else is waiting for Shining Armor.

His younger sister, ruler of Equestria, is unwilling to say goodbye, and has perfected a spell that will allow him to stay with his family. He has little time to decide: accept the spell, or say goodbye to his family forever. It isn't really much of a choice.

Cover by Zutcha, editing by da star bois Two Bit and Sparktail.

A warning for potentially sensitive readers: this is a story about cute role-reversals. Though it includes Gleaming Shield and physical transformation, it has neither the scope nor the wordcount to deal with the more sensitive topics of personal identity and dysphoria. Things I could not treat with the respect they deserved were left out of the story completely.

If you're looking for a more substantial take on transition and transgender subjects, I suggest one of my other stories, Homebrew.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Dashie: Fourth Times the Charm

A man gets transported to Equestria thanks to a particularly strange event.

After doing some pretty dastardly things, he finds himself on the run from the law and ends up in the presence of one of the most unlikeliest characters who gives him a strange deal: find out the true meaning of friendship and the magic therein within one month, or spend the rest of his life imprisoned in limbo.

With his freedom on the line, the man has to learn the value of friendship and what he learns could change his life. For better or worse, only time can tell.

- Set around +10 years from the current time-line
- Story has ceased being canon
- Story has characters from various stories (with authorization from their authors)
- Strong language from the start (i.e. lots of swearing)
- Cover art by Ephemurai
- Pictures by LuckyBreak
- Old cover art - 2
- Old cover art - 1

List of OC's and Characters

Chapters (39)

Please, vote or comment your opinion if you care about this story.

So, I got blasted by some mages in my world, and now I'm in a completely new one. I'm something called a 'kirin', and I've lost my opposable thumbs. Surprisingly, it wasn't a polymorph spell either! My magic has gone completely wack. I burned down a forest. And apparently I'm the first ever Kirin to have alicorn magic, which sounds awesome right? Well, not when you're constantly combusting into flames! I never wanted this! And for some reason these ponies keep treating me so nicely. Even after I keep screwing everything up. How hard is it to act like normal for once in my life?

What? There's nothing wrong with me! Please don't send me back...

Cover art by: Ziper Ace
Featured on: 2023 - 4/13, 4/17, 4/22 and quite a few more... Thanks everyone!

Chapters (17)

A story in the same vein as My Little Dashie, but not a carbon copy.
Awoken in the middle of the night by a mythical creature sitting on his doorstep, a man's life is drastically re-arranged by the sudden entrance of Princess Celestia. Struggling to accept things he couldn't ever think possible, he'll have to make a decision about what's worth changing his entire life.
(Note: I added the "Alternate Universe" tag because I imagined this being a reversed-roles universe where Luna is the big sister and banishes Celestia, rather than the other way around.)

Chapters (9)

Brian is now getting into his middle ages and eventually to his old age. He knows that he won't have much time and does what he can to love his life even more and live it with Dashie and her friends.

Anyone who sees this, check out deathtap's fiction; The Problem With Magic. He is writing about a man who gets turned into a pony in the same world as Brian. So Brian from the MLD series will have an important role in this fan fic.

Thank you EpicBG and deathtap for your collaboration. Also, thank you to every single one of you because without you, I wouldn't have a reason to bother writing this.

Recommended Supplies: For those of you who have cried from the previous MLDs, please have a tissue or two nearby. Apparently, my last few chapters have caused people to tear up and in some cases, cry. So I am not held responsible for making you seem mentally unstable in front of your family. Have fun!

New Note: If you are wondering if this has been approved by ROBCakeran or ty500600, then I can honestly say I contacted them. I sent them messages a couple of days before the first chapter was submitted and they didn't give an answer back. So if they approved of this or not, I can't say. But I can say that they don't put this down as a continuation. Everyone deserves a chance at writing what they want. Also, this was my first fanfic ever, so I apologize in advance for the probably many spelling and grammatical errors in this story. This was before I improved my writing and got myself a pre-reader.

Chapters (20)

As a timeless immortal being, I never understood death and loss. I was willing to make friends and play nice, I even fell in love. But then one day I lost the pony I loved most, and sought to escape my grief. It went fine for a time, until somepony restored magic to Equestria.

Hitch was having a pretty normal day, until a strange creature appeared on the road and transformed him into a mare. He kept going on about somepony named Fluttershy, before vanishing and imploding a few buildings. Hitch misses the days before he was a national hero in constant peril.

Chapters (7)