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A human discovers a strange book in a library, where an animated, purple pony appears on every page with the purpose of teaching friendship and solving friendship problems.

I commissioned the cover art from Seven Serenity.

Chapters (1)

It was such a small wish...

It's been nearly a year since the Jewel Seeds fell to Equestria and changed the lives of Twilight and her friends. The Time-Space Administratrion Bureau is officially opening talks with Equestria, and Twilight's new human friends are returning.

The joyous occasion is interrupted, however, by the appearance of a new threat; a set of mysterious mages armed with powerful Devices and daunting magical prowess. Who are these mysterious people that call themselves the Wolkenritter? Who do they serve?

Twilight and her friends, both old and new, are once more forced into conflict. This time, however, Equestria's future may very well hang in the balance.
This is a sequel to Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight. Please read that story before beginning this one. You can find the story here.

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight by PurpleProse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Chapters (17)

The time has come for Celestia to have a one-to-one lesson with her personal protege, Twilight Sparkle. She is, no doubt, a bright young unicorn and it doesn't take her long to understand the overall concept of the teleportation and transfiguration spell. That is not to say the lesson went perfectly well as Twilight's magic takes a haywire spin and does things unimaginable coming from a foal.

Edit: Oh the stars and galaxies, this thing got featured on 05/02/2023!!! Thank you!!!

Second Edit: OMG! This is the first time my story landed on top of the featured list. Thank you so much!!!

Third Edit: Audiobook version by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbCgCNefS8A

Fourth edit: Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

For a long time now, the citizens of Equestria have been struck down by an epidemic of illness and sickness. Nopony seems to know for sure what could be the cause, but Princess Twilight has found one common answer: The restaurants and hotels of Equestria. All of them seem to be struck with the same kind of problems.

So with her friends Pinkie Pie and Rarity, they will cross over to Earth and bring back over a man that she has heard from Pinkie is a legend among humans when it comes to food. A man that she hopes can help her get to the bottom of the epidemic sweeping across Equestria: Chef Gordon Ramsay. For her sake...let's hope he takes the request well. And pray for the sanity of the poor souls of Equestria.

(this will include elements from both of Gordon's shows Kitchen Nightmares and Hotel Hell)

(Feel free to give any creative suggestions with this fic, its kind of a shot in the dark on my part making this one)

cover art by the great harwicks-art

Chapters (35)


Celestia is pregnant, every pony is excited to see the newest member of the royal family!

Follow little Spero from the moment he is born throughout his life as he grows and learns about the world and what it means to be a prince of Equestria.

However those close to Celestia still have no idea who the father is and Celestia isn't telling. For little Spero it is a secret that he will continue to chase.

With villains, secrets and nobles all around the young prince, he most prevail! But with a little helps from his friends, anything is possible!

Long live the prince!

Note: It should be said the first chapters will be brief, as we will cover points in his baby years first. It will become bigger and bigger in time.

Timeline: His birth will be after the defeat of king Sombra and the return of the Crystal Empire, so like in the middle of season 3.

Chapters (14)

The Medallion of Light and the Medallion of Shadow are some of the most powerful yet obscure artifacts of antiquity. Created by a now-vanished cult of assassins, the two devices together give their bearer the incredible power to walk the worlds with but a single step.

Nefarious forces are closing in on both artifacts, and very little stands in their way. Heinrich Himmler's agents covet the medallions for the greater glory of the Third Reich. Ahuizotl's simply want their master to get what's coming to him: the world, and everything in it.

With the fate of all good people and ponies in doubt, one thing's for certain: saving two worlds would be one hell of an adventure. And if adventure has a name, it must be Daring Do… or is that Indiana Jones?

Will our heroes win the day? Find out in... Daring Do and the Medallion of Shadow! Or, Indiana Jones and the Medallion of Light!

NOTE: there will be some violence in this story, but nothing more than you would expect to see in an Indiana Jones movie-- so I didn't check the "gore" content box.

Artwork by Tzelly-el.

Special thanks to SapphireStarlightPony & Rated Ponystar for helping with the brainstorming on this one.

Thanks to this stupid thing I've had the Indiana Jones theme song stuck in my head for like the past four days and I am about to claw my eyes out AAAAAAAHHHHH @_@

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Legend Of Nicholas

Nicholas is the resident human of Ponyville, accepted and loved by all the ponies, especially the foals. Every year on hearth's warming eve, Nicholas makes toys for every foal in town.

However lately, Nicholas has had strange dreams about himself, about a crystal star, and about an Alicorn. Every night he feel more and more restless, and somehow he feels he must go. Nicholas has always had questions about who he is, and why he is in Equestria.

Without knowing why, he has a feeling that this year he might find answers. Of course, that feeling is only made stronger when eight reindeer come for him during the night, asking him to travel with them to the far North.

It is time for Nicholas to face his destiny, and be who he was always meant to be.

Story Inspired by: Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

Art made for me by: Hoodwinked MCShelster

Chapters (11)

One cold Hearth's Warming Eve, a pair of ponies find a human infant, crying, alone and cold. Not knowing where he came from or who he is, they decide to adopt him and raise him as their own.

Little Nicholas is crafty, if he was a pony he would surely become a carpenter like his adoptive father, but instead, he uses his skills to make toys and thank all the ponies of Ponyville each year with their very own toys.

This is the story about how the human Nicholas became a saint, and a legend all foals would one day come to know. Santa Claus.

Inspired by:
The life and adventures of Santa Claus.
Christmas Chronicles

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle has been stuck on Earth, as a human, for a while now. It wasn’t planned, but the human girl that she stays with is at least very helpful. When the stress of finding a way home gets too much for a stranded Twilight Sparkle, her friends look for a way to keep her from going crazy. A few video games won't hurt, will they?

A side story of Merlos the Mad's A Twilight Landing. It takes place just after chapter twenty-four. If you read this story by itself, most of the jokes will still make sense. This may also be considered canon.

I have been informed, that the cover Merlos found for this, is art by MegaSweet!

Chapters (1)

Suppose you found yourself in a strange body and on an unknown planet, with only a lonely dentist for company. What are you willing to do to get home? How hard would you fight? Does it matter if you're a princess or just a person?

Chapters (10)