Plan to Read 493 stories
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    Created by Formis_Sage
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 23,100,158
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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At Celestia's behest, Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration, and potentially the return of Nightmare Moon.

Her preparations will be anything but easy. The stallions in charge of the festivities all seem to have taken a "romantic" interest in her, and every one of them is terrible at flirting. Really terrible. Really.

T for innuendo/creepy behavior. Thanks to Sereg for prereading and to Midnight Rambler for helping with the first draft song sequence. Thanks to Posey, Jetto, Blank!, and Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi for editing (Plus three other anons who didn't give me their fimfic names). Especial thanks to whatmustido and ocalhoun for nitpicking the hell out of this mess.

All-mare version
All-stallion version
Stallion Twilight/mare main five version
The password for the FIMfic versions is: TUSH
(Every version is essentially identical, save character gender. Comments are enabled on the Gdocs if you notice any typos :twilightsmile:)

Chapters (3)

Twilight accidentally steps on a snail. This makes her sad. As the years go on, several other things happen.

I thought this was my first story rated 'everyone', but it isn't. It kind of is though? Anyway.

Chapters (1)

A bout of sickness causes a rainbow maned pegasus to wander over to a friend's place late at night. However, the instant cure she is looking for doesn't exactly exist, and the condition has caused her to rethink a lot of things.

However, could a long term remedy be created between the two under the beautiful starry sky?


Cover art is an image by ~lostzilla, which can be found on deviantart.

Proofreading done by fellow author Sparkbrony

Chapters (1)

One cold autumn night, Twilight Sparkle lets in a pale and weary traveler into her home. When she accidentally discovers his dark secret, she is assaulted by him, and is left to die... When she woke up, she finds that she has been turned into a Vampire, an ancient enemy of Equestria last seen during Nightmare Moon's Rebellion. She now walks the thin line between life and death, sustained only by the blood of others.

Her friends now race against time to find a cure for this ancient curse, and stop the Vampire who infected Twilight, before he can create a new army of Vampires to conquer Equestria. Otherwise, Twilight will join the forces of evil and darkness, as the Bride for the Lord of Vampires. They have to work quickly, as every day passes, Twilight's thirst for her friends' blood increases...

Chapters (13)

One would think that the wounded Trixie would appreciate Twilight Sparkle taking her in to nurse her back to health. But for some ponies, leaning on someone else isn't so easy. Their crossing of paths sets them both on a journey that neither of them would've expected...

Chapters (32)

During the entrance exam to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight completely loses control of her magic. Celestia tries in vain to calm her down, but having no other choice she's forced to use a shrinking spell on the filly in order to tone down her dangerous surge of power.

After the exam, Celestia takes the tiny Twilight as her personal student to teach the young unicorn control over her powerful magic, making sure that she will pose no threat to other beings.

Will tiny Twilight be able to step out into a world designed for someone far larger than her? And will her size impede her in the trials of life as princess personal student ?
Side stories: "My Little Twiny April Foals Day" and "My Little Medic"

[img][/img] [img][/img]

Kydois (Audience <3!)

Frozen Ice King

Rated PonyStar

Chapters (35)

A fan fiction written by a young colt? That's not news. Everyone writes fan fictions. It's no big deal. Really. No one is interested at all... Where did he put it? Not that we want to see it or anything...

Come on. It's a parent's job to be curious about what their children are doing. It's also in their nature to snoop, pry, and break the laws of anything to find out WHO THEY WROTE IT ABOUT!

A double-sided story. One half tells the story of finding a fan fiction written by a starting author. The other is -well- the story itself.

Art Done by Flinx. (The younger assistant.) As a rendition of Pip drawing.

Chapters (2)


Rainbow Dash blinked at Rarity. “Come again?”

“Polyamory. What you’re trying to build with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy is called a polyamorous relationship."

“Okay,” said Rainbow Dash, “fine. So I know what it’s called. But what I really need to know is how I’m going to make it work!”

Featured on the Pony Fiction Vault, 05/11/12!

Chapters (5)

Every pony in Equestria knows the names Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch. Every musician in Equestria knows and reveres their talent and most semi-jokingly complain that Octavia and Vinyl's relationship should count as a monopoly on musical talent. Very few know their early story, years ago when Octavia had only just left Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was... well, being Vinyl.

Chapters (33)

Rainbow Dash, best pony, fastest flier in Equestria, all around awesome mare, was called upon to help with the wedding of her friend's big brother. And hey, she never leaves her friends hanging! Of course, when it turned out some kind of bug thing had replaced the bride, Rainbow was more then ready to fight. Heck, even after it seemed all hope was lost, the pegasus refused to give up.

So when she saw Shining Armor charge up a final spell, she smirked.

But when that spell reached her and flung her against the wall, her smirk devolved into shock...

Cover art is a combination of Deception is Magic vector by Helios and Sonic Rainboom Version One by SkyRings.

Chapters (18)