• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012


An American who doesn't go to cons. Follow me on my Tumblr and on Fanfiction.net.

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Rainbow Dash doesn't like anypony touching her hooves for a reason. While at a slumber party at Rarity's, Rainbow's closest friends are about to find out just what that reason is. She only wished that it was simply about getting the hiccups.

Chapters (1)

After constant hassling from her parents combined with the long nights spent with only Tank for company, Rainbow Dash decides to give the dating scene a try. Unfortunately, it isn't until she's given a few stallions in Ponyville a chance to impress her does she realize the perfect stallion has been right in front of her the whole time! He understands her competitiveness, need for speed, and her hatred of boredom. There's just one problem: he could end up destroying the world.

Chapters (4)

Silver Spoon has a crush on Big Macintosh...

Today, she's going to tell him...

Chapters (1)

More popular than the "Celestia's Homecare" omnibus, better selling than "Fifty-Three More Things to do When Trapped on the Moon", and more controversial than the infamous "Cupcakes", how does the story of this remarkable book differ in a universe full of... pony?

After escaping the destruction of Equestria at the hands of some big ol' meanies, Pinkie Pie leads her friends on a series of baffling, mind boggling and downright nonsensical adventures through a galaxy where harmony is in short supply, but aliens, monsters and chaos are most definitely not.

Gasp! As they meet strange alien creatures!
Cry! As emotional torment assails our characters!
Groan! As the Author includes yet another 4th wall break!

And most importantly, DON'T PANIC

Chapters (22)

When Spike asked Twilight to help him create The Noble Dragon Code, he hoped a lot of things would happen.

Getting worshipped as a god by legions of theologically-inclined dragons wasn't really one of them but, hey, whattcha gonna do? Them's the breaks, kiddo.

Chapters (5)

Pinkie Pie challenges her friends to play a game in which they take turns being evil, with the rest of the players tasked to thwart the evil schemes. The stakes are high, and all of Ponyville is caught in the middle...

Chapters (10)

After a late night of studying, Twilight Sparkle finds herself desperately wishing she could just get some sleep. However, she has class that day and, being the student that she is, she's not about to miss it over something as unimportant as sleep! However, when she gets to her class she discovers that staying awake may be a bit harder than she thought...
Note: I was inspired to write this right after I fell asleep in a class where we were discussing Alice in Wonderland. Go figure.

Chapters (1)

For years Nightmare Moon was considered "nothing but an old pony tale," but what did those tales actually say about her? See Luna, Celestia, and Discord as viewed through pony myths and legends.

I may add more short stories on in the future as new chapters.

Image courtesy of anbolanos91 on Deviant Art. Thank you! :)

Chapters (6)

Written in collaboration with a very close friend. Twilight Sparkle discovers at the last minute that her parents have arranged for her to marry Prince Blueblood! That's not all, there seems to be more to the marriage than first meets the eye, and the consequences leave a whole heap of responsibility on Twilight and her friends' laps that they may not be able to handle!

Whacky, adventurey, explorey yada yada shenanigans.

Chapters (3)

I was bored, and wrote something I'm sure most of you could see coming from a mile away. Zecora has always had a problem with certain words, and this is quite a pain to her, especially when it comes to her favorite fruit.

Chapters (1)