• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012


An American who doesn't go to cons. Follow me on my Tumblr and on Fanfiction.net.

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Mewtwo, the strongest being in existence. A creature of unmatched power, a twisted product of science and mad ambition; now free from its former masters, it has only experienced defeat once: by the hands of a young human boy wearing a red hat. Now, he foresees the coming of a new trainer that could threaten his power, and he knows he cannot face it alone.

In Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are investigating a mysterious magical signal that has been plaguing Unicorns all across Equestria for days. Instead of finding its source, however, they are drawn into a mysterious world by a strange, pale creature, and scattered to the winds one by one. Now they must find a way to survive in this strange world...and eventually, a way home.

In Johto, unnerving rumors of Team Rocket's resurgence bring unrest to the people, and three mysterious beasts roam the land. Meanwhile in Kanto, the legendary birds grow wary, and its ever watchful Gym Leaders are starting to realize not all things are as they may seem.

In Canterlot, Celestia will soon be informed that all the six Element bearers have mysteriously gone missing...
And in Pallet Town, Professor Oak is about to get a call from his grandson about the discovery of a strange, new Pokémon species.

Are you ready?
Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold.
Fun experiences, difficult experiences, there's so much waiting for you!
Dreams! Adventure! Let's go to the world of Pokémon!

I'll see you later!

**FEATURED on 8-10/3 2013**
**NOTICE TO ALL READERS - This story follows the storyline of the GAMES and NOTHING ELSE. If I change that policy, you will be notified, but until then PLEASE STOP ASKING ABOUT ASH KETCHUM or things like that. It gets really annoying after a while.**

Chapters (13)

Professor Dusty Tomes, Equestria's greatest scholar and Twilight Sparkle's childhood hero, arrives in Ponyville on a mission from Princess Celestia. He must study a unique phenomenon: a being whose inexplicable powers may have the potential to benefit Equestria—or even to destroy it. The object of his research? The cheerful, exuberant pony known as Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by her many trips through the Everfree Forest, Twilight gets an idea for a book. With a little help from her friends, however, what began as a single passage quickly evolves into an entire universe, with the Mane 6 as its goddesses.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to To Love a Goddess

This is Celestia's side of the story from To Love a Goddess, and the decisions she had to make.

Part two of the "To Love" trilogy.
Reading To Love a Goddess before this one is required.

Edited by Darastrix. Pre-read by Azu.

Chapters (1)

Discord is a new draconequus now, and sworn to use his powers only for good, but that doesn't mean he can't still have some chaotic fun while on the job. Tasked with helping to reform a pair of thieves hiding out in an abandoned apartment building, the Spirit of Chaos decides to make a game of it. Two lost souls find their lives on the line as they gamble their freedom in a battle of wits against a grand master, in his own House of Chaos.

Part of the Borderworld.

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo: the orange filly that everypony knows, either for her heartfelt devotion to her idol, or for the slightly disastrous happenings that occur around her and her fellow Crusaders.

But what if the filly is hiding something? A secret that might, maybe, explain all the bizarre events that occur in Ponyville? Only one knows, and he is intent upon recruiting her.

In the darkest pits of his being, Discord laughs at his fortunes.

Chapters (1)

We all know what happened during Lesson Zero. Twilight Sparkle screwed up big time. But she got off the hook. Nothing bad happened. No dire consequences to speak of. Nothing in her life changed for the worse.

But what if something did? After all, that’s how all fanfictions start. Just changing one detail, no matter how small. Just one minor detail. In this case, it concerns something being born inside the head our little Twilight that day.

Look out Twilight, because you’ve got a new roommate in your psyche. She’s everything you aren’t. She’s sporadic. She’s unconventional. She’s absolutely insane. She hates your guts.

Her name is Screwball.

Chapters (4)

Twilight and her five friends are transported during a botched spell, across dimensions to... Ponyville, Equestria? But not the same one that they knew. Sitting on a bench is Harpsy and Babar. The Doctoress avoids apples from an aspiring Applebuck. And in a library across town, six stallions join their forces as they try to decipher the appearance of filly look-alikes of themselves around Ponyville!

Chapters (12)

What would you do, if you met a pony who was at once your brother, and yet not? Applebuck wishes to reunite with his 'Cousin JayJay', and braves the dimensional divide to reach his goal. But being a small foal, how will he deal with a world in which everything is flipped? His friends, his family, and even... himself?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle is now an alicorn, and the bitterness of immortality has made an impact on her mind. Perhaps all it takes is a nudge from a mismatched friend to make her realize what she must treasure...

Chapters (1)