• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

Tracking 1026 stories
Found 997 stories in 65ms

Total Words: 15,885,885
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Love is shared, Thorax and the changelings are freed, Chrysalis is defeated, and alls well that ends well. But Twilight isn't Celestia. An escaping villain should be chased down. In pursuit of chrysalis however, Twilight is surprised to uncover the truth of who the queen really is, and learns a little of the truth of politics in the process.

A personal twist on the season 6 finale, inspired by watching said finale, listening to my brother complain about it, and pondering how I would have structured the story differently. Less a "Fix" and more a "what would I do if I ran the zoo?"

Chapters (1)

A few years had passed since Chrysalis broke free from her stone prison. After another failure—an embarrassingly quick one at that—she found herself faced with the unexpected: the prospect of being free.

But of course with most free things, there was a catch. The catch in this instance involving a certain lilac mare who happened to be one of her most hated mortal enemies, becoming a permanent supervisor of sorts.

A supervisor that wants to go out on those bothersome, time and energy wasting activities that they call: dates.

Oh, joy.

Special thanks to daOtterGuy for providing the cover art!

Thank you Nailah and Jhoira for pre-reading!

Written for QueenChrysalisForever for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

By this point in their relationship, Twilight is more than accustomed to Luna's mischievous proclivities. So when Luna asks for Twilight's help acquiring a present for her sister, barely an eyebrow is raised. Not even when it's mere minutes before present opening time at a Hearth's Warming Eve party.

That is, until she finds out where this very special present resides.

An Enchanted Library server Secret Santa story for iAmSiNnEr!

Thanks to SigmaSonicX for editing and Lillowisp for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

Chapters (70)

This story is a sequel to Rarity, I'm Pretty Sure You're Dead.

Rarity is dead, rotting, but still very much standing. Now in a race against time, the mare scrambles to get a new body before she falls apart completely. Oh and Twilight's there to help, of course.

This is part of the 12 days of christmas, head over here to keep track of all the cool stuff coming down the pipes. If you want to ensure I can afford to keep doing stuff like this, consider backing me over on Subscribestar or Patreon.

Chapters (5)

Gallus does the traditional griffon courting ritual! Unfortunately, Sandbar isn't a griffon.

Written for the https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216038/m-m-shipping-contest

Chapters (1)

Little Celestia's peaceful day is interrupted by her younger sister's scream! What could it be? An injury? A monster?? No, worse... the cookies are gone! Can Celestia and Luna put together the clues and track down the culprit? Will they ever see those cookies again?

Set in the same "universe" as my main story, Into the Light! (Consider this a... soft prequel, I suppose!)

Featured November 14-16, 2022!

Chapters (1)

An athlete like Lightning Dust is no stranger to doctor visits, and a nurse like Speedy Recovery is no stranger to receiving patients. It would take something pretty cataclysmic to throw them both off.

Or maybe all it takes is three bolded words on a psych results sheet.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future. If you like this one, check out the others!

Chapters (1)

Here lies the body of Rainbow Dash, done to death by a sudden crash. It wasn't the speedy stunt that laid her low but a prank on a friend that made her go.


Cover based on the images from:

Proofread by Grammarly :duck:

Chapters (1)

Tempest Shadow, former Captain of the Storm Guard and Conquerer, has been declared hot!!! By ponies. This not only upsets the reformed mare but now she doesn't know what to do about it.

This goes exactly... no where. Like not what you think.

(Note the picture is of an anthro but story is non-anthro. Please read author note for clarification.

Featured 1st day!!!(11-7-22)

Chapters (1)