• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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After Twilight brings a Saddle Arabian artifact to the Ponyville library, Nyx becomes too curious for her own good. After jumping in she finds herself in the pony version of Purgatory. There she meets the tortured soul of Snowdrop. Nyx tries to comfort Snowdrop and become her friend after over 1000 years of isolation. But with all the challenges ahead will their relationship become more?

Story officially takes place after Season 4
Edited by: lp523
Cover Image: Link
Nyx is from Past Sins by Pen Stroke

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle is seen as a hero to all the ponies of Equestria. She not only stopped Nightmare Moon, but she also aided in sealing Discord and helped in preventing a changeling invasion. She however doesn't see herself as a hero, for all of her achievement she had to depend on the powers of others. Just once she would like to know that she can protect her friends herself, and not be the one that always needs saving.

During the first day of her one year leave to return to Canterlot, a strange meeting with Princess Luna opens the door to a great mystery, and a chance to gain the strength she desires. There's only one catch. This strength she can only attain with the help of Princess Luna, who also requires her help in protecting Equestria.

Twilight just has one question. Why does Luna keep calling her "Master"?

Chapters (2)

It's time for Pinkie Pie to get a manecut once again, that time when even her own gravity defying hairstyle can no longer support its own weight.

But, something goes wrong.

Chapters (6)

I have two foals, but I only love one.

I use my music as a way to drown out my depressed thoughts.

I am so afraid of making mistakes that I shun myself from others.

One foggy morning in Ponyville, the residents wake up to find their deepest darkest secrets sloppily written in red paint on their homes. No one knows who the culprit was, the only thing that the town knows is that it will not come off, no matter how hard you scrub. The town is baffled, humiliated, and in shambles. But no more than Twilight and her friends.

In a time where everything you fought to keep hidden is out into the open, will you embrace your faults or sins, or will you let them consume just who you really are?

Time to fess up, Ponyville.

Thanks to ThePristineEye for the coverart!

Also thanks to Kleora for editing!

Oh, and Skeeter The Lurker for proofreading.

Chapters (9)

Twilight's friends may not be immortal like her, but she's not going to let a stupid little thing like death get in the way of friendship. Now the ruler of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers the truth of life after death: More life. Armed with this new knowledge, Twilight ventures from Canterlot Castle to find and befriend the reincarnations of her oldest friends, whether they like it or not.

Image used with permission of Heavens and Asteri

Feature box story of December 27, 2013. Thanks, everyone!

Chapters (2)

A young filly writes to the newly-crowned Princess Twilight, asking for advice.

She's made one small mistake, though, in assuming Twilight feels qualified to give it...

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo that it doesn't matter if she can fly or not. Then Discord made her put her wings where her mouth is and now she has to live without them for a day. But wings or no, she's still Rainbow Dash, the most awesome pony in Equestria, right?


Now has an audio version as well

Chapters (1)

Featured on Equestria Daily, December 28, 2013!

What could a smug, arrogant, disrespectful, inconsiderate, country-town farmpony possibly have to offer a seamstress down on her luck? Migraines, premature wrinkles, a revolutionary new fashion line, and a burning attraction that they'd both deny until the moon crashed into Equestria. That's what.

Rated "Teen" for suggestive themes, crude humor, innuendo, and shameless drama written by yours truly.

(Many thanks to the ever-helpful Pearple Prose for his generous proofreading and suggestions. And an extra-special thanks to the fiction and fanfiction authors that have helped push my writing skills to new heights.)


Chapters (3)

Fluttershy is fine. Really, she is. Sure, she was a magically created fruit-sucking vampire hybrid a week ago, but now she’s fine. She’s seen a pair of fangs in the mirror now and then, but she’s fine. She drools at the thought of apples, but she’s fine. Nothing to worry her friends about.

It’s not like she has a problem or anything.

Everything. Is. Fine.

Chapters (2)

While touring Canterlot with her new magic act, the Great and Powerful Trixie finds herself invited to the royal wedding at the castle.

But who's getting married? Why did they invite Trixie? And why are those ponies from Ponyville attending?

The story art is drawn by the talented Amenoo at Deviant Art, originally commissioned by EvanKestral. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)