• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

Tracking 1026 stories
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Total Words: 15,885,885
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Celestia thought that the next two weeks were going to be a nice get together with her niece and her sister, no irritating nobles, no magical end of the world nonsense, and most importantly, no Blueblood.

She did NOT expect a weird creature calling itself the Cuddle Bandit harassing her. Now Luna's in love and Cadence can't stop laughing.

.... Why can't her vacations ever be normal?

Thanks to Tstyson, MasterFrasca99, Astrocity, and Procket12 for all of the stuff they did.

A watchmen-ish silly fic by a silly, silly author. If your looking for a story with a plot or one that is well-written then read this one.

And nope, I'm not being sarcastic....

No, really...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is really enjoying being an honorary big sister to Scootaloo. They hang out, she praises Rainbow's sweet moves- it's really the perfect relationship. Until Rainbow has to do boring grown-up stuff and ask to meet Scootaloo's parents. No big deal. Just in case something happens, Rainbow knows who to go to.

Except... Scootaloo keeps dodging the question. And nopony in town has a clue where she lives either.

Rainbow is getting worried while Scootaloo is getting more and more desperate to avoid an answer. Because what if that answer isn't cool enough for Rainbow Dash?

Chapters (1)

After a terrible fire nearly claims the lives of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rainbow Dash has to seriously consider what it takes to be a sister when she has to face the prospect of disciplining the newly-adopted Scootaloo.

Nopony ever said that being a good big sister was gonna be easy.

Big props to Isseus and ShootingStar159 for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Love Is Its Own Reward

Everypony knows Spike would walk across hot coals if Rarity asked him to, even if he wasn't fireproof. A few years down the line, he is still happily helping her design dresses and mine gemstones. However, his fealty is to Twilight Sparkle, and everypony knows that without him she might accidentally level Ponyville! When Rarity finally feels he is ready for a real relationship, how will the dragon choose between her kiss and his duty?

A follow-up story to Love Is Its Own Reward, set a few years into Friendship is Magic's future.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara upsets the wrong show mare and is inflicted with the most horrible curse imaginable! One that forces her to be nice to everypony.

The now cursed Diamond Tiara must find a way to remove the horrific infliction, or suffer a lifetime of not being about to point out the flaws of other ponies. After all, how will they better themselves without Diamond to guide them?

And what of relationships? Will her new inability to mock others make more ponies like her? Or will it just alienate her from the few ponies she could call friends? Maybe she'll even find love.

Thanks to Mattricole for providing the prompt and Yukito for his roundabout inspiration. Additionaly, thanks to FrostMane for being the closest thing I have to a proof reader and AliRedStar for just being himself.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Pick Me Up At Seven

When Pinkie drags Twilight along with her to spy on Applejack and Rainbow Dash's date, Twilight finds herself in romantic limbo with no clear idea what to do next.

Prereading and brainstorming by Tchernobog

Note: This is a sequel and contains massive spoilers for the original story. Reading the original is not necessarily required to enjoy this story, but it is highly encouraged.

Chapters (4)

Who wants to read what's in Celestia's private mail? Spike has a crush on a certain unicorn. This little dragon has grown up under constant literary bombardment, so it's natural for him to write out just why he cares about her. As he grows a little bit older and wiser from his contemplation, he sends a letter to Princess Celestia about his feelings and questions his own bloodline.

=#= Wrote this as an exercise in Spike's perspective on his life in Ponyville. For one thing, how he would have rationalized acting the way he did on the night of the Grand Galloping Galla. For another, how he would have responded psychologically to Rarity saving him when he was on the rampage. Overall though, this was inspired by how a crush matures or declines when one grows up. Good things do not always wither and die, sometimes they have strong roots.

Now with a follow-up story, A Kiss and A Duty.

Chapters (9)

The Cutie Mark Crusader's attempt to get Big McIntosh and Miss Cheerilee together with the concoction of a "love potion", however, Diamond Tiara ruins their plans by drinking the "potion" herself!

This is an alternate take on the episode "Hearts and Hooves Day", with just a dash of shipping.

Chapters (4)

One fateful night, Apple Bloom discovers Diamond Tiara's deep, dark (?) secret. But will this discovery cause a greater rift between these two, or will it bring them closer together?

Chapters (1)

After years of attempts to trying to separate the two of them, the Foal Protective Services have finally accomplished removing Dinky from Ditzy Doo's custody. Now being taken care of by Carrot Top and her coltfriend Written Script, Dinky is struggling to adjust to her new life which continues to grow worse for her.

Chapters (1)