• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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"Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power." -Descartes

Fluttershy and Discord have become very good friends lately.

Now if only she could convince him that she's not in his imagination...

Chapters (1)

Every pony in Equestria knows the names Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch. Every musician in Equestria knows and reveres their talent and most semi-jokingly complain that Octavia and Vinyl's relationship should count as a monopoly on musical talent. Very few know their early story, years ago when Octavia had only just left Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was... well, being Vinyl.

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to This date is going to be perfect!

After asking Twilight Sparkle out, Chrysalis waits patiently for the mare's answer.

This is their night!

Edited and Proofread by Level Dasher, with props to Super Trampoline for a few notes as well.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis has kidnapped Celestia, so she has Twilight Sparkle right where she wants her!

And Celestia really doesn't want to hear about it.

A bit of silliness that I wrote in about four hours, trying to get rid of a writers block.

Edited and Proofread by Level Dasher.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have found love... with the same filly: Diamond Tiara. Neither of them are sure how approach this situation: they both want to win Diamond Tiara's affections, but are they willing to put their friendship on the line to achieve it?

What's worse is that Diamond Tiara can't accept either of their feelings, because she herself has fallen for both of them, and is unable to chose between the two fillies that are slowly driving her mad, both during and after school!

Chapters (12)

Princess Celestia went out for a stroll to a coffee shop. The next morning, she is single-hoofedly destroying the coffee industry.


No really, how?

Chapters (5)

Ever since the Sisterhooves Social, Sweetie Belle and Rarity's relationship has improved drastically. There are still days when Rarity is a bit busy, of course, and certain times when Sweetie doesn't quite get the hint.

During one particularly stressful day, Sweetie Belle gets into Rarity's makeup. Rarity demands an explanation. The answer isn't quite as simple as one sister playing dress-up.

Thanks to my good friend Loopy Legend for the prompt and link to the coverart.

Thanks to Holo, Sir Rustbucket, Loopy Legend, Sage Runner, ValorlordV5, and Midnight Legend for editing.

Now with a YouTube reading by Arwhale. Show him some love!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Everyone.

Chapters (1)

Equestria stands on the brink of ruin. A necromancer has raised an army of the dead and is poised to plunge the world into darkness. Monsters and brigands roam freely across the land, preying upon the innocent.

Only one hope remains. Armed with swords, spells, snacks, and a bag of dice, five heroes band together to defeat the forces of evil… if their rolls are good enough.

Welcome to gaming night in Ponyville.

Dramatic reading by Goombasa.

Cover image by Elosande used with permission.

Chapters (5)

I'm... not sure what happened. I remember the unicorn guy, what was his name? Starmswill the Tearded? I don't know, names are kinda off for me right now. So anyway, there I was with this unicorn then, BOOM! I found myself in the middle of his laboratory, albeit ruined.

Bit strange, isn't it?

So I started to walk, following this odd looking stripey thing, and found this cute little town. Seriously, it's utterly adorable.

And that's when I saw her, the lovely Celestia... ah, it sends my gears a flutter! Although I don't know who the blue alicorn is... or the lavender one... wait, I don't know anyone here apart from Celestia!

Thanks to Infinite Carnage for pre-reading and Draconian Soul with help on Zecora. Go check out their stuff! Cover art was done by myself.

Chapters (15)

A famous unicorn artist, now in midlife, shocks her doctor by revealing that the father of her unborn youngster is a teenager. But that's only the beginning: Can there truly be such a thing as trans-species pregnancy?

Chapters (4)