• Member Since 2nd Sep, 2023

Princess Calamari

⋆。°✩ golly, it's so nice to meet you! i'm calamari hooves! ✩°。⋆

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Sequel to Only A Filly.

Cozy Glow, the filly scourge of Equestria, was snatched from her stone prison mere moments before her destruction. Twilight Velvet tried to recover the innocent filly hiding within the hardened shell of the brutal Cozy Glow, but Cozy Glow cannot change so easily. She's convinced that Twilight Velvet must be using some kind of mind magic to make her feel things that she thought she had repressed long ago.

Now Cozy Glow must contend with the dangers of the forest as well as the dangerous Princess of Friendship who still pursues them. But the most dangerous risk of all may be learning to trust another pony ... and Cozy Glow isn't sure she'll make it out alive.

Written for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest #3, with the same prompt as before - "Cozy Makes an Unusual Friend."

Author's Note: Although this is a sequel, my intention is for it to function as a stand-alone story as well. There is a little bit of catch-up in the first chapter so we can be reminded of some of the events of of the first story, but keep in mind that Cozy Glow is an unreliable narrator! You may prefer to read Only A Filly before this story, but I hope you will enjoy it as a stand-alone as well. A lot of people asked for a sequel, and I really hope you all enjoy it!

Featured September 23-26, 2022

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Flurry Heart's Story: Apple Family Memories

Everypony is thrown into panic when Cozy Glow shows up as an alicorn once again, wearing the Alicorn Amulet and accompanied by her parents (who are also somehow alicorns). Once she gets her revenge on Celestia, Luna, and Discord for turning her into stone, there is little chance of defeating Cozy with the amulet on. Flurry and her friends worry over what Cozy has planned, but a quick visit from Starswirl the Bearded changes everything when he shows Flurry an artifact that may be able to counteract the amulet. Can Flurry stop Cozy from going mad and taking over all of Equestria? And just who are these mysterious parents of Cozy's? Surely they can't really be alicorns. Are they even her real parents for that matter? After all, no loving mother or father would rear their daughter to do such a thing!

Inspired by the official show, this is part of a fan-made sequel series I created called "Flurry Heart's Story", which documents the adventures of Flurry Heart as she makes friends and faces new and familiar villains, some of which may still be redeemable.

Next story: Let My Ponies Go!

Flurry Heart's Story and its author are in no way associated with Hasbro or any of the creative team behind My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This series is entirely fan-made and is created in honor of the official show. No copyright infringement is intended or encouraged. Please support the official release.

Chapters (8)

A Flutterdash Story. The ending is sad, you have been warned.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have admitted their feelings for each other, although they have told no pony. Dash finds a house in the Everfree Forest for just the two of them, and the two of them are happy. But when Dash choses the Wonder Bolts over Fluttershy, tragedy strikes. That one choice may just change both of their lives, forever.

Chapters (5)

Ever since becoming an alicorn, the thoughts of ending up alone were Twilight's constant companion. But she knew that no matter how many years would pass, Celestia and Luna would always be there for her. That comforting thought allowed her to go on. Until now.

With Luna dead, and Celestia on her deathbed, Twilight realized that with the crown, she got more than she bargained for. Feeling alone and betrayed, she had reluctantly decided to visit Celestia one last time...


Cover based on the image from: https://derpibooru.org/2170986

Apparently, the story got inside the feature box for a tiny moment. Thank you, dear readers :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

The villains seem to finally have the heroes in their sights. It seems that the Legion of Doom will come out on top. Until Spike makes a split-second decision to save his friends and home, but it comes with a hefty price. Now Twilight and her friends must find a way to cope with in the wake of this tragedy.

The Ending Of The End Rewrite.

Cover art is by the amazing BiggerNate91

Rated T for moderate descriptions of injuries, blood, character death, sporadic mild language, and dark nightmares.

Other Characters include:

Princess Celestia and Luna
Starlight Glimmer
Big Mac
Luster Dawn
Cobalt Blitz (OC)

Chapters (11)

“I’m not making you do anything, Flurry," Cozy murmured. “I’m giving you a choice. Me or your empire. And we both know what the right call is.”

Winner of FanOfMostEverything's "Imposing Sovereigns III" contest, using the prompt "Flurry Heart/Perseverance" (and technically "Cozy Glow/Determination" as well).

Chapters (17)

In the midst of a battle to protect Equestria, Twilight Sparkle falls. For a moment—just a moment—she wonders if she should bother getting back up this time.

A treatise on 2020, written and published 12 days late. Blame it on the Gregorians.

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow and Princess Celestia have a history together. One that no pony could ever imagine.

This is a backstory I decided to make for Cozy Glow, since we never got to know anything about her past. I'm planning on using this backstory in another fan fiction I'm going to write called "The Ending of The End Part 3" because I want to make a version where the villains reform.

Reminder: For those of you who have already read the story, this wasn't created to write Celestia dirty, and it wasn't to give her bad writing. It was mainly focused on giving Cozy a motivation for her evil actions. So if you don't like it because of the writing for Celestia, please don't berate me about it in any way.

Chapters (7)

When I was a foal, I despised Apple Bloom more than anypony else in the world. Years later, my feelings have changed, and so have Apple Bloom and I. But some things will always be the same: she will always be honest, and I will always be a liar. To her, to my parents, to the world—and to myself.

2nd Place Finalist (Tied) in the 2019 EFNW Iron Author competition. Set several years after the show, as per the prompt.

Chapters (1)

This story is a semi-sequel to How I Lost My Mother

The Mane 6 realize the battle will last longer than expected. As they form a plan, they learn about the villain's pasts, and that while it's not always easy to forgive, it will turn out better than if they don't.

This is an alternate ending, and it's extended from part 2 of the finale, and this is a version where the villains reform.

This is just my fanfic. I understand if you don't like it, but this is just an alternate finale for the few like me who wanted the villains to reform. If you don't like it, I understand, but please don't comment it down or show hate.

Also, just to let you guys know, this fanfic doesn’t have Grogar in it, it's just an extension to the finale we have to reform the villains and wrap things up. Sorry if this causes any disappointment.

Chapters (2)