• Member Since 2nd Sep, 2023

Princess Calamari

⋆。°✩ golly, it's so nice to meet you! i'm calamari hooves! ✩°。⋆

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By all rules of Equestrian logic, Silverstream should not exist. By her very existence, she breaks all the rules of Equestrian magic. These are the things her visions tell her as they slowly consume her mind, body, and spirit.

Perhaps she was truly meant for another world, after all.

A very minor, literally "in name only" crossover with Warrior Cats. Knowledge of the series is not required to read this fic.

Chapters (1)

Sunsets. Forests. Picnics.

These were all things that Rainbow Dash had avoided consistently ever since that fateful day on Sunset Cliff.

She had never returned the feelings given to her by her best friend. She was that, and only that, until Sunset Cliff. Then she was that with an extra adjective attached. Dead.

But...what happens when Rainbow has to confront the death of her best friend head on?

What happens when Rainbow Dash finds out that Fluttershy's unrequited crush on her wasn't so little after all?

What happens when Fluttershy's final message finally finds its home?

Chapters (1)

Izzy has been coming by Mane Melody nearly every day. When Pipp eventually has to turn her away, she starts to wonder why her friend has been acting so strangely.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash is tasked to help Fluttershy trust others more, she finds herself struggling to help her friend understand the lessons. She finds herself struggling even more, however, when her life depends on Fluttershy coming to terms with them.

Chapters (1)

The summer has ended. A new school year has began. And Sunny has already gotten into a fight with another filly.

Chapters (1)

To the outside, Rainbow and 'Shy are probably the perfect couple. They never fight. Never so much as raise their voices to one another.

And it's killing them.

What happens when two ponies can't talk about how they really feel?

Written for the Intelligent Shipping Discussion group's 'Made and Unmade' challenge. Contains a break-up.

Chapters (1)

Trapped in a future where Twilight--now known as Andromeda--has turned into an uncaring, emotionless dark-magic wielding empress, Rarity sometimes contemplates just... you know... accelerating her trip to the heavens, so to speak.

On one such time, she's surprised to find it's Andromeda of all ponies who makes her change her mind.

Takes place in an AU by Maximasmac (a brief explanation of the AU is inside the story). Artwork is also by Maxima and depicts Andromeda.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been extremely protective of Fluttershy since fillyhood. Bullies got a piece of her mind, hurtful comments were squashed instantly, and any mean teasing got the one doing it in really big trouble.

Nopony thought much about it, and Fluttershy never complained and seemed happy about it. But when Dash takes her protectiveness too far, its time for somepony to ask the question: "Why are you so protective?"

The answer isn't entirely what was expected...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Draconequus-To-Alicorn Talk

Out of nowhere, King Sombra returned to take over Equestria and turn everypony into his brainwashed servants. Sombra destroyed the Elements of Harmony, sealing his victory. Or so he thought.

After Discord tapped into a near-unstoppable power, the full power of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Sombra found himself in trouble.

Will Sombra's magic be enough to survive the Princess of Friendship's wrath? If he lives, how will Twilight punish him? And should she watch her back...?

This story takes place in the Season 9 premiere, but the events of the Season 5 premiere and Season 6 finale did not happen in the same way in the continuity of this story. However, enough will be explained to understand this story (and laugh) without needing to read its predecessor story, or the 2 stories before it, other than to learn more about what the changes are and why.

Here are the two stories that happened before this story's predecessor if you want to check them out for more laughs.

Nopony Interrupts My FRIENDSHIP SPEECH, Starlight Glimmer!!

She Did WHAT To You?!

Edit on 11/1/19: I edited the ending to be more funny than it was originally with a suggestion I got. This also meant I needed to bump up the story's rating from "E" to "T".

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Nopony Interrupts My FRIENDSHIP SPEECH, Starlight Glimmer!!

After a failed rescue mission to save Princess Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, Flurry Heart, and the other Princesses, Starlight Glimmer found herself helpless against the might of Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings. It looked to be all over for them and Equestria.

That is, until Starlight started acting odd when Chrysalis teasingly said "friendship speech" and Thorax informs Chrysalis why Starlight was acting the way she did. Afterwards, things got nuts.

Will Twilight and the others be saved from their cocoon prisons, and will Chrysalis be able to help(?!) Starlight?

This story takes place during the events of the season 6 finale. But the season 5 finale did not happen in the continuity of this story, but Starlight is reformed and is still Twilight's student. This story's predecessor would explain why, and it took place during the season 5 premiere.

However, it's not mandatory to read it first to enjoy this story (and laugh) since enough will be explained to understand what's going on.

Last but definitely not least, special thanks to TheHardie-Boy For proofreading this story.

EDIT: Made the featured list on 09/19/19!!

EDIT on 09/20/19: After thinking about it, I added the "Dark" tag to this story. It should fit what will happen in it.

Chapters (1)