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One day, on 379th Acorn Avenue, Sunset Shimmer, the Daughter of her mother Solar Eclipse is preparing breakfast for herself when she finds a mysterious letter, she is then jumping for joy when she finds out that it's an acceptance letter to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Her mother was excited and proud of her daughter. After saying farewell to her mother, she heads off to Diagon Alley. After getting supplies from Diagon Alley, she gets help by three sisters to get to Platform nine and three quarters in order to get to the Hogwarts Express. Once she gets to Hogwarts, she encounters the three sisters again named, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. Even though Adagio and Sonata are pretty neutral and friendly, Aria appears to be the meanest of the three, as she would antagonize her own sisters as much as other students.

As all students were then escorted to the great hall, each student is called so the sorting hat can place each student into their proper house. When Sunset Shimmer is called up, the sorting hat puts her into Slytherin due to her calm nature and eagerness to learn. She also makes friends with others along the way.

If studying many spells or dealing with bullies was bad enough, there appears to be a dark force that is after a relic known as a spectrometer, a device that can absorb magic out of a person's body. Can Sunset and her new friends stop this evil as well as complete their studies?

Chapters (2)

In the middle of the Canterlu Region, a young girl named Sunset Shimmer is starting her first days as a Pokémon Trainer, with her partner Pokémon, Pyrosaur. As she explores the Canterlu Region, she will meet new friends, make some rivals, and even battle an organization known as Team Nova Galactic, led by one of Cyrus's old lieutenants, Venus, whose goal is to use the power of the mighty Ultra-Beasts for their own dark agenda.

Sunset will face any challenge in order to eventually become a Pokémon Master.

Chapters (3)

In the town of Canterlot, on a very stormy day, Sisters Celestia and Luna are trying to get home to escape from the storm, that was until Celestia heard the sound of a baby crying in the distance. The sisters came to see what it was and it was in fact a little infant, who was drenched from the rain and crying uncontrollably. Celestia's maternal instincts kicked in and they brought the little child into their home. Since Celestia saw that the infant was inside of a cardboard box, meaning the child's parents must have left her there, the two sisters decided to raise the child as their own, and after the storm ends, and they see the suns rays, they name the child Sunset Shimmer after the shimmering rays of the sunset. Since then, they have been raising a very friendly and energetic little girl. Now come, and listen to the journey of the human world Sunset, from childhood to adolescence to her college years, to her adulthood. It's going to be a wild ride.

I have changed it's rating to T because in future chapters there's going to be a lot of curse words and a little violence, but not a lot.

All credit goes to Grand Galvatron, Darth Wrex, and Indigo Lightning Strike. Thank you Wrex and Indigo, stay awesome. :scootangel::scootangel::scootangel:

Cover Art made by: Sunsetslight

Chapters (7)

Once upon a time, a teenager by the name of Juniper Montage was having a happy life, and her life got even happier as she was making a promising acting career. Her parents couldn't be any happier, that was until Trixie Lulamoon, a jealous rival actor, got an experimental face clay known as Renuyu, and after falsely congratulating Sunset on her stunning performance one night on a crime noir film, poured the renuyu all over her body, ensuring that would look so ugly, she would never be able to act again.

However, what she didn't know is that the experimental clay was starting to change her molecular structure, turning her bones and flesh into clay.

At first, Juniper looked a grotesque clay monster, but with enough practice, she was able to not only shape-shift into her normal looks, but also into anything she wanted.

Soon, she would run into others that had the same affliction, but each with different powers.

What happens then...only time will tell.

Chapters (2)

They say when you close your eyes and let what you feel in your eyes when you draw something on a blank canvas, it shows what your heart sees. But be careful when you color in, because you might just end up making a blot.

Blots are here to color the world in darkness and in shadows. Their first target is Equestria City and the main seven will need some help to fight against these creatures. And it just so happens that Flash's cousin, an artist by the name of Brush Shade is here to help, with the help of little alien beings called the Wisp.

Together, they'll complete the masterpiece of the battle and let the colors light the way for the future.

Chapters (5)

When Sunset got accused of going back to her old ways, she was naturally confused and upset as anyone would be. Everyone thinks she's guilty until her framers accidentally post the wrong image and Sunset sees a groupchat her friends have insulting her and she is pissed.

Inspired by Cojo5536s post.

Featured 1/20/24

Chapters (71)

So you know my whole reign of terror, brainwashing yadda yadda. What most people don't know is I had a secret protégé that I showed how to manipulate and cause chaos in my favor. Not even Snips and Snails knew about her. Now that I'm reformed and all, it's my goal to help Diamond Tiara change too.

Chapters (1)

After the events of Equestria Girls.
As college begins for the Main 7, personal secrets pull the girls away from each other, and their friendship becomes a mere acquaintanceship.

One Saturday night for the seven friends presents them with what could have been, and they begin to fight to bring their friendship back to how it was at Canterlot High.

However, some secrets run too deep to ever be dug up, and their wrong decisions could not only put their friendships at risk, but themselves too.

Chapters (8)

Strange things are happening around Canterlot High. So what else is new? A mysterious armor-clad figure protecting citizens from invisible monsters, that's what's new.
When rumors begin spreading that this nighttime warrior may be nothing more than a hoax, the HuMane 5 and Sunset Shimmer begin an investigation into the vigilante, but quickly uncover something far bigger than they had expected. Monsters from another universe are invading, reaching out from behind the mirrors…but through the darkness shines a helpful light. Is there a part for these six friends to play in this struggle against an unknown enemy attempting to conquer multiple worlds?

When you look in the mirror, what other than your reflection might be looking back?

(Kamen Rider Dragon Knight reaches into the Equestria Girls world.)
(Select Rider and attack names and powers suggested by MythrilMoth and KR Chrome.)
(This story is most conveniently read on Indented view instead of Double Spaced.)

Catch the non-canon spin-off: Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider EqG & Decade

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage

Book Two of Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage.

Sunset, feeling herself betrayed by her Princess, escapes through Starswirl's portal to the Realm of Men. Concerned for her safety, her battle sister Aiko follows her through. Nothing however goes as planned. The forces of darkness have gathered, and see a chance to land a decisive blow against Harmony, striking down her agents as they pass through the chaotic realms.

And Sunset is left to deal with what remains, her sister at her side, in a Realm so different from anything they expected and no way back for now.

Chapters (8)