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A Sweetie Bot Story

Stephanie enjoys a lot of things: reading, engineering, programming, advanced physics, and, of course, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The result of these hobbies and habits is a little robotic filly, named Sweetie Belle. It was a pet project, something she started for herself on a whim one night, and worked on since before she started college. She has a job now, and is a young adult with everything in order the way it should be.

That is, until something unexpected happens.

Author's Warning
I have been informed this story contains deadly levels of cute. Continue at your own risk. Those with weak hearts may wish to avoid.

Fan-art contributed to the story.
Sweetie Bot does not like cats! by Cannibalus

Author's Note

Greetings one, greetings all, greetings none, and some; greetings, everyone.

So, new story, folks. It's not a Madverse fic, just another little story I cooked up. It's sort of like an old movie called 'Short Circuit', but isn't a crossover or a remake. The only real similarities are of course there's a robot and a girl named Stephanie. Of course it is centered around Sweetie Bot. Please do enjoy!


Art is by the illustrious Cannibalus. Thank you for allowing me to base this story off your wonderful art, sire! By all means, I owe you.

Chapters (13)

Twilight Sparkle has been on Earth, and human, for over two weeks. It wasn’t planned, but the human girl that she stays with is at least very helpful. Helpful enough even, that when Twilight mistakenly stumbled upon a certain human passed time, she gingerly explained everything there was to it. It hadn't gone tragically well...but Twilight now understood what it was humans found so fascinating about pornography at least. Now, she also wants to do something about it, but what? And can anyone talk her out of assaulting the internet single-handedly?

This ‘one-shot’ story is the direct sequel to Twilight Watches a Porno and is an offshoot of the story, ‘A Twilight Landing’. It's a fair bit sillier in tone and takes place thirteen days into the story, just after chapter fifteen. If you read this story by itself, the jokes will still make sense. This may also be considered canon.

Cover art is by megasweet.

Co-writen with my friend by the name, Alex Nuage.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been on Earth, and human, for nearly two weeks. It wasn’t planned, but the human girl that she stays with is at least very helpful. As her stay lengthens and the difficulty of returning to Equestria seems more and more strenuous, she tries to take it easy and research the humans and their customs. Even though she is no longer a unicorn at the moment, her pastimes and favorite hobbies remain the same. Studying always eases her mind, so a look into human mating rituals should be very interesting and therapeutic, right?

This ‘one-shot’ story is an offshoot of Merlos The Mad’s story, ‘A Twilight Landing’. It takes place eleven days into the story, just after chapter thirteen. If you read this story by itself, the jokes will still make sense. This may also be considered canon.

Cover art graciously provided by go4moo!

Additional chapters a definite possibility.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of a huge explosion in the Everfree Forest, Ponyville soon finds itself as the new home for Lucario, an "Aura Pokemon" from another dimension. While he avoids explaining what has happened to him and where he came from, he repays his new friends' kindness by protecting them from the evil forces that suddenly appears around Equestria.

Meanwhile, a certain princess of the night watches his every move, unable to judge if this new visitor will bring safety or utter destruction upon the land.

(This story primarily takes place between season 2 and season 3. Elements from season 3 and beyond may occur, but won't have a significant impact on the plot.)

Chapters (19)

It's late. So late, in fact, that it's early. The clock in the room reads well past one in the morning. There's also a storm hammering against this girl's home, trying to lull her to sleep. Stubbornly, she remains awake, drawing, surfing the internet, and basically procrastinating another night away.

So, what is it that makes this night any different from another one that she has lived through? What strange occurrence occurs that makes it stand out? That changes her life forever? That changes the course of- Oh you get the idea.

Have a look through "A Twilight Landing" and find out. Follow Twilight through her journey on Earth, her quest to return home, and the people that help her along the way.

Author's Note

This story runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse". Those stories are, So Many Wonders, My Little Marriage, Abhorsen, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. :pinkiesmile:

Art Work

A Game of Geometry by Balthasar999

Other Related and World Relevant Works
Bap : Being a Pony

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Everypony from the collab group, Alex Nuage, Cold Spike, Firebirdbtops, Stormy Weather and everyone else involved!

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Bright Night, Prism Dash, Glimmer Sparkle, and Nympha Lulamoom are all daughters of some of the most powerful alicorns in existence. Now in their twenties, they are happily fulfilling their roles of learning the ways of the crown to one day take over for the Princesses. However, what will happen when a dark secret of their past resurfaces and not only threatens them, but effects their views of their regal mothers.

And what will happen when these demons free themselves upon the world?

Sequel to: Solar Child
Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Chapters (10)

Long ago, before the banishing of Luna, Equestria was home to six races, not just three. In addition to the stewards of the weather, the earth, and of arcane magics, there were also the Changelings and their Queens, the harvesters, but not thieves of love, who spread it across the land, the Fel Ponies, those who guided the souls of the dead, and finally, the Noctus Ponies, or bat-ponies, who helped guard the night.

For a time, harmony between the six was maintained in full, but over time this once proud family grew distant. The Changelings became corrupt and greedy, and the Fel Ponies began feeding upon dark magic. The former left the lands and the latter were banished to Tartarus.

At that, only the Noctus Ponies remained... the strangest and most misunderstood of the three, due to their need for blood. A steady fear of them had always remained among of the populace, but with the help of Princess Luna, their reputation remained noble. However, when she became tainted by the Nightmare, they became tainted as well - at least in the eyes of the populace.

They were forced to flee. To hibernate for many years.

Now, two years after Luna's return, her, along with Princess Celestia and Twilight, have begun turning the wheels of change: their goal to unite the six races once more - starting with those who helped watch the night.

The minions of the night will return in full force.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia, Regent of the Sun, has long guided the ponies of Equestria with a gentle and caring hoof. Never once did she allow herself to be swayed by thoughts of power, nor did she turn away from her subjects in their times of need. A ruler rightfully adored, she has helped an uncountable amount of ponies with their lives, finding their dreams, and fulfilling their destinies.

But comes the day she had long dreaded, but never feared.

Twilight Sparkle, her dutiful and precious student, has fulfilled her destiny and has become a new princess for Equestria. With her new role comes many responsibilities, but for a curious mare such as herself, so to come the questions. What does it mean to be an alicorn? What does it meant to be a princess? But more importantly than anything else, why is Princess Celestia an immortal, but Twilight Sparkle not?

It is a question the Princess of the Sun must now answer. Her last secret to be told to her greatest student.

Chapters (5)

This is the second installment to the Eternity Series:

• Son of Eternity – You Are Here – Savior of Eternity •

NOTICE: Some chapter break and other images aren't working the way they should be. Here is the reason why. So sorry in advance.


The epic of Pinkie Pie and the Immortal Man who's fate is tied to Equestria's. His life will be filled with dangers, choices, secrets, love, and most importantly, beauty. As time flows, the world begins to understand the immortal, and the immortal begins to understand his true purpose in the universe.

As disorder descends within Equestria and in the immortal, he must fight for the survival of himself and for the ones he loves. He must venture out and discover the truth in the oldest and most sacred realm in all of Equestria. Meanwhile, an ancient deception comes into effect and Equestria must fight to survive. Will time take hold of what once was lost to it? Begin your adventure below.

Two side notes: This story is based off of pre-season 3 knowledge. Any future information that may warp this story does not necessarily effect it on pre-season judgment. Second is that this fan fiction is based off of the Where the World Ends Map.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Solar Child

After the events of Solar Child, the royal family makes some changes that will change the way the public views them, but they don't give a damn! Meanwhile, a group once thought gone rises from the ashes Celestia left it in and plan their attack on the royal family.

Previous: Solar Child
Sequel: Solar Child: Past Demons

Chapters (20)