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After helping Spike and Rarity while the little dragon was cursed as a werepony, Princess Luna sets out to do all she can to help the other ponies that embodied the Elements of Harmony. On her journey, she finds friends she didn't realize she had and something more.

The story continues with Hope and Shadows

Don't know what the heck is going on? Then start to story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (12)

Seeing the poor dragon at his wits end trying to woo Rarity, Gilda decides to give Spike some tips and help him gain the mare of his affection. Although she finds him slightly annoying, he starts to grow on her. And she soon learns that Spike has taken a liking to her as well...

Maybe too much of a liking.

Chapters (5)

Twilight calls her friends over to help her with a spell that with temporarily enable them to use each-others attribute's, such as their wing's, magic, etc. However, when focusing on her spell, Spike trip's into the middle of the spell, causing it to go haywire! Once the smoke clears...the Main Six find themselves...transformed...

Special thanks to Coda Crescendo for editing this story!

Chapters (1)

A young human child wakes up in the dragon lands as a dragon, following some unforeseen events he ends up in Equestria with his new dragon friend of the same age. Follow his insane journey as he tries to make sense of it all and the ponies try to make sense of him. Eventually a certain goddess discovers his strange actions and ideas have something in common with a certain bearded wizard of the past.

Editors: skultech, Albert Manhattan

Fully Edited as of 8/8/14

Chapters (18)

Edited by: Arcanist Ascendant

The connections between worlds are tenuous at best, and some of the "simple" truths we clutch so frantically to are little better than drift wood on the endless sea of possibility. The young knight Morenth knows this better than most.

Having reached the pinnacle of his order, he has achieved the title of Paladin. As a slayer of all that is evil and unnatural one would think his faith indestructible, but Morenth harbors doubts.

Desperately, he throws himself into battle after battle, seeking to blind himself to the truth of his world. The truth that no matter how much light he brings to bear against the darkness, the struggle between good and evil will never be won.

Meanwhile, the unicorn prodigy, Twilight Sparkle's faith couldn't be stronger.

With the teachings of her mentor and the help of her friends, she has overcome even the darkness of King Sombra. Restoring peace not only to Equestria, but to the Crystal Empire as well.

During her adventure she was forced to use a form of magic she'd only seen her teacher use once. Magic Celestia could never have guessed Twilight would have to use.

Dark magic.

Curious as to how far she can take this new power, she runs afoul and finds herself in a world that truly reflects the nature of this new magic.

Chapters (25)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville again and Rainbow Dash is alone again this year, but not from a lack of trying. She had set her sights on the non-talkative brother of her best friend? Will she find a way to get the Earth Pony's attention?

Many side pairings in this story not going to tag them all just yet but there is SoarinJack, PinkieCaramel, and of course MacDash. Please no flames and if you think you can help me improve please message me.

Thank you jszellmer for the edits, tomColt15 for the cover art, and KarmaDash for bouncing ideas around.

Chapters (7)

I have two foals, but I only love one.

I use my music as a way to drown out my depressed thoughts.

I am so afraid of making mistakes that I shun myself from others.

One foggy morning in Ponyville, the residents wake up to find their deepest darkest secrets sloppily written in red paint on their homes. No one knows who the culprit was, the only thing that the town knows is that it will not come off, no matter how hard you scrub. The town is baffled, humiliated, and in shambles. But no more than Twilight and her friends.

In a time where everything you fought to keep hidden is out into the open, will you embrace your faults or sins, or will you let them consume just who you really are?

Time to fess up, Ponyville.

Thanks to ThePristineEye for the coverart!

Also thanks to Kleora for editing!

Oh, and Skeeter The Lurker for proofreading.

Chapters (9)

Necromancers. Sickly ponies bathed in cloaks of darkness, bringing ruin to all who fall under their shadow, terror to those who meet their gaze. Ripping the dead from the grave and conscripting them to their army of evil and conquest. Woe to the towns that dare draw their interest.

Such are the legends.

This is a story about one of the kindest ponies I know.


Now on Equestria Daily!

Now with a sequel, From Dusk to Night.

Beta Reader Special Thanks:

Clever Pun
Japanese Teeth
Meta Four

Chapters (21)

My name is Aedan and I'm your average run-of-the-mill guy from Missouri. I served in the Marine Corps for about four years, now I've been out for a year and I'm making a living on the edge of St. Louis. It's not the best of conditions for a guy like me to have to deal with, but I adapt and overcome. Then one Saturday morning on my daily jog I ran into something (well in truth she ran into me) I'd never thought possible. She calls herself 'Princess Luna'. She's alone and confused, but most of all, she wants to go home. And guess who the poor guy is that decided to help her.

rated Teen for talking like a Marine and some... 'Adult' situations...

Chapters (25)

After the daily mountain of paperwork that results from the insanity that is Ponyville, Ivory Scroll has had enough, and has made a list forbidding things that Ponyville citizens are forbidden from doing. A one shot of surprisingly epic proportions, written in the dead of night.

Chapters (3)