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Sequel to "Breaking Chaos". Pinkie Pie has been having dreams, dreams that make her wish that Discord was still with her. Six months ago, she had to give him up. Now, with Gummy in tow and three certain fillies also following her, Pinkie releases Discord and they start to think they're home free! Until a sinister character plots to ruin their would-be happy life together.

Chapters (12)

Hearth's Warming Eve has come once again, which means fun in the snow, warm food, and spending time with family. At least, that's what it means for most ponies. For Scootaloo it means a day off from crusading, loneliness, and the coldest night of the year. When Discord begins to whisper to her from his stone prison, she questions the beliefs held by many. What was so great about Harmony? What could be so bad about a world where chocolate milk fell from the sky?

Thanks to The Band Brony, Gsppcrocks10, Inkscrawler, TheBuggiest, and minjask6572 for help with editing. Thanks to SStwins for the awesome cover art.

Now with its own TV Tropes Page!

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Magic of Love

Twilight is planning something big for her marefriend, and is keeping it a secret from everypony. In the process, Fluttershy starts to wonder if the unicorn's feelings are true. Meanwhile, an old enemy starts to plot her vengeance! Hope you enjoy!
Contains Femslash, you been warned! ^_^

Original pic belongs to IraeCoal, here's her dA, make sure to check her out, you won't regret it!

Chapters (17)

Big Macintosh is a stallion of few words, but that doesn't mean he's slow or uneducated. Unknown to any outside the Apple family, he's a wiz at math and finds himself smitten with the one pony who could share his love for numbers, and who just so happens to be the personal student of Princess Celestia; Twilight Sparkle. With a "gentle" nudge from his persistent sister, Big Mac manages a date with the purple unicorn, but a relationship might turn out to be more work than either one bargained for.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash is injured at Sweet Apple Acres and is unable to fly home or to head up her storm team. A leaky roof puts Applejack's guest room out of commission. When these two friends share a bed, friendship slowly becomes more. But what will their friends and family think?

Cancelled, see this blog post.

Scene change markers were scaled down from here.

Chapters (4)

Applejack. For too long, that has been the only thought in Rarity's head. Finally, she will go all out to find out if the mare she cares for could ever return her feelings. The stage is set. The night is planned. Even the cutie mark crusaders will not be able to mess this up for her.
...Or so she thinks.
When Scootaloo is injured, and a certain secret revealed, the element of generosity is put to the test.

Chapters (14)

Letters from Twilight Sparkle to the Princess, involving What If questions. Twilight's mind is clouded with thinking what-ifs and only knows one pony to ask. Princess Celestia.

These letters will involve the letter Twilight sends to Princess Celestia, and also Celestia's replies.

If you have any ideas, it will probably be a good idea to ask in the comments!

Chapters (25)

After Pinkie Pie Suffers a severe head injury, in her forehead is discovered something that an Earth Pony should not have. This gives answers to where she gets her abilities, especially how she seems to be able to defy the laws of physics. This also explains some of her craziness.

How will her friends handle this, and can she learn to better harness the magic within?

A big shoutout to Aegis Shield for the original idea. I would not have thought of this one myself. You, good Sir, are brilliant!

Cover image by sapoltop on Deviantart. I lay no claim to the artwork. The artwork is his creation.

Chapters (2)

What brought Rarity and Applejack together, nopony knows, but you can bet your last barrel of cider that nothing this side of Discord could separate them.

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. This barn here'll be clop-free, y'all got it?

These stories are in continuity with Luna's Librarian and If the Flight Suit Fits.

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Ponies (TMP). Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Lift Carefully - Applejack and Rarity hatch a plan to 'help' Twilight by stealing her journal. What they discover is more than they bargained for.

Among the Hills a Winding Way - Confused about her feelings for Rarity, Applejack seeks comfort from her apple trees, who are eager to listen.

Torn - Rarity finds a philosophical Applejack irresistible and finally makes her move. Will an old hat be the only thing torn by night's end?

Drama-Induced Audience Apathy - Rarity thinks angsty drama will spice up their love life. Applejack is a bit more practical.

Ejection - Twilight and friends are determined to see Applejack and Rarity separated. How will the lovers cope?

Not Again - Applejack isn't feeling like herself. Can her marefriend Rarity help straighten her out?

The Honorable Thing - One more disappointment for Applejack might be one too many.

The Best and the Worst - Rarity's having problems with her work and her magic - nothing that an attentive and perceptive marefriend can't help with.

Crossed in the Mail - Letters bearing bad news can make a mare say things she might regret. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we don't have to endure life's troubles alone.

Tickets - With Mac gone to Appleloosa and Granny needing ever more care, the pressure mounts as AJ is left to fend for herself. A certain dressmaker's attention to detail may come handy.

Calendar - Some dates are more worth remembering than others.

Suddenly There Came A Tapping - The Cutie Mark Crusaders are on the run, forced to flee, and about to learn something that hopefully won't earn them cutie marks.

A Meditation Upon the Day's Toils, or, 'Bark' - Who's a good little dog? You're a good dog, Winona! Yes you are!

Slow and Steady - Big Mac notices a whole lot more than he lets on.

Tailoring the Conversation - Oh, what wisdom from the mouths of fillies! Especially the ones who've been peeking in the barn at really inconvenient times.

The Quiet Revelations - Applejack has a nice quiet sit on the front porch to think a few things over. Maybe a little too quiet - or maybe it's just right after all.

Answers Above - Rarity has something to ask; for other ponies this would be a formality, but for her, it will be out of this world.

Happily Ever After, Checklist Never Ending, Part 1 and Part 2 - With Twilight Sparkle as your wedding planner, you're in good hooves. Right?

Winter by the Pond - There's something Applejack hasn't been able to ask, and isn't sure if any living pony can make it easier for her.

Diminished Distance - Headed for their honeymoon, Rarity and Applejack find there are still things to learn about each other - things they'll wish they could forget.

Facing Worlds - Rarity said some things she shouldn't have at the latest Apple family reunion.

Subtle Like a Hurricane - A lady never begs, especially when public displays of affection are at stake.

Chapters (23)

Twilight and her friends are approached by Princess Luna who presents them with a set of questions that trigger a long and perilous journey.

Did you ever stop to wonder what became of Trixie, Gilda and Blueblood after your encounters? What did these episodes truly mean to you? What role will they yet play in the lives of the Elements of Harmony?

Last, are these questions as relevant as the journey towards the answers? Who will benefit from seeking these answers - you, them, or I?

Chapters (25)