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A/N: Thank you all for having this featured three times on FimFiction. It means so much to me, even if it's only featured for short times.
A/N2: Hopefully this will be under review soon, so I can clear any problems up.
A/N3: Now with a sequel! With a Shine in His Eyes

This story is set in a universe without Nightmare Moon, one where Luna has been with her beloved little ponies throughout the ages alongside her sister.

Novalis is a pony with big dreams. A large fan of astronomy and the night sky, his biggest dream comes true when Princess Luna invites him to the castle to personally show him her night sky. Novalis is excited, happy, eager, and... nervous? Novalis got into astrological studies because of his crush on Luna. Can he remain professional, or will he ruin his own chances?

Chapters (19)

Luna has faced many challenges since her return as princess. Despite many being aware of her situation, the name "Nightmare Moon" always manages to rear it's ugly head and get her discriminated. The fear and hatred of others has become unbearable for the poor princess.

Join Luna on her quest as she learns to make friends, face her inner demons, and come to terms with her short comings. With the help of a familiar lavender pony, and someone not so familiar, Luna will come discover the magic of friendship and what lies beyond.

A/N: I want to give a ton of credit to Aurora, who has been so ever so gracious as to proofread and help polish this fic to the Nth degree since chapter 5. She deserves a ton of love so please visit her page and check her fics out too!

This is also follow-up to my previous story, "This is enough..." While it's not necessary to read it, I encourage readers to check it out to gain some background on the universe I plan to write most if not all my fics in and around!

Disclaimer: This fiction was written prior to the completion of season 3 of MLP: FiM. As such, it may contain inaccurate story elements and similarities that are purely coincidental. Please keep this in mind while you read it and I hope you enjoy the fic!

Chapters (10)

When Twilight Sparkle decides to try a new spell she has perfected, she successfully pulls a being from another universe into Equestria. That being coincidentally is a human...that human coincidentally is you. What at first just seems like an opportunity for first contact between two species soon becomes something much more when certain truths are brought to light...and everything you knew about your life is flipped onto its head.

NOTE: At times in this story, the main character's thought process will be shown as an inner monologue with his brain. BRAIN's dialogue will appear in this color of text.

Chapters (7)

If it can go wrong, it's happened to Tristan Shay.

After his mother dies due to illness, the friendless, twenty-two year-old college dropout is forced to live on his own in an old house he's renting just outside of the city. One day, he receives a scroll in the mail from someone who calls their self "Princess Celestia", saying something about seven guests who will be taking a month long field trip to "his" world. This has to be the weirdest prank mail he's ever gotten...

Very first story ever. No sad rating due to only a few paragraphs of sad stuff that comes later in the story and the Teen rating is for light sexual content and possible flirting/shipping. Constructive criticism is always welcome :)

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Love's a Drag-on

It was a love story that seemed meant to never be. Two young dragons in love, torn apart by their differences. That was ten years ago. Now in their teens, the two dragons may yet again be entwined by the threads of fate. Only this time, under more dire circumstances, for dark forces linger in the depths of the Dragonlands, and they have their sights set on Equestria...

Chapters (17)

When sorting through a horde of ancient artefacts Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash accidentally activate the magical powers of a pair of bracelets which force the wearers to be in constant physical contact with one another. Stuck together until Twilight manages to find a way to remove the bracelets, the shy and timid pegasus must cope with re-emerging feelings, while the athletic and rash pegasus must cope with the various antics of a bunny rabbit out to get her.

The cover image for this story is the artwork ‘FlutterDash RainbowShy IDK’ by TheDracoJayProduct.

This fanfic features FlutterDash and hints/mentions other pairings such as SpArity, RariPie, and SweetieSpike to a lesser degree.

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters or artwork I use in this story unless otherwise stated - they belong to their respective series and owners.

Now with a fan-made TV Tropes page created and maintained by Zyr1987 because readers of this story consider this to be that awesome.

Chapters (9)

With permission from MallaJong, I am continuing the story of Spike and Princess Luna's relationship.

Fair warning, my writting skills are not of his level, so please bear with me.

After the Grand Galloping Gala, Spike returns to Ponyville and continues as Twilight assistant. However, the connection with the Princess leaves them both wanting more. But with their duties to perform, such luxuries are few and far in-between. When can they meet again, and how will they go about it without raising suspicions?

Chapters (4)

Spike has been abandoned by his friends at the Grand Galloping Gala. While wandering the halls of Canterlot Castle, he finds himself stumbling upon a peculiar pony.
(Season One Finale Alternate Ending)
(Originally Written As A One-Shot)

Chapters (2)

Spike loses a bet to Snips and Snails. The consequence? Ask Scootaloo out on a date. But what starts off as a frivolous punishment for the baby dragon ends up becoming much more rewarding than he ever expected.

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna finds more than a friend in her sister's student, and Twilight Sparkle gets a chance to study the moon and stars far closer than she ever dreamed possible.

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. Expect a castle's worth of clop-free d'aaawww.

These stories are in continuity with The Rustic & The Romantic and If the Flight Suit Fits.

Now featuring cover art by the inimitable Cerraka (formerly xaztein / crenair)!

Almost all chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Ponies (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Plan C - In which Cadance learns that Celestia is the chessmaster, and that her backup plans are the most fun of all.

Game, Set, Match - Twilight tries her hoof at arena combat. Victory or defeat, she's sure to end up a winner with this opponent.

Countdown - Luna swore she'd never do this again, but there's something about that little librarian from Ponyville that tests her resolve.

Twilight Hustle - Rarity's heard some steamy rumors about Twilight and gathers the girls to dish juicy gossip.

All the World’s a Stage - Luna had a wonderful evening with Twilight and sang her heart out about it. Oh, and she might have left the door open.

Every Morning After - Twilight and Luna shared a wonderful, magical night; unfortunately, immortal Princesses sometimes forget about thousand-year-old laws which could ruin the mood ever so slightly.

Names - Luna's had many more names and titles than "Mare in the Moon", and Twilight discovers which of them meant the most.

Great Minds Think Alike - Cadance and Celestia's plan for Twilight and Luna comes to a head, slightly off schedule.

Third Time's the Charm - Twilight's Nightmare Night costumes aren't cutting it. Now Luna's in town, and that may change her opinion on what makes a proper costume.

Monster - Ponyville's been through the ringer lately, but whose fault is it really?

Impossible - Luna's having a bad night, and Twilight came all the way to Canterlot to do something about it.

Early Observances - If you're going to interrupt Celestia's sleep, you'd better have a very good reason.

THAT Letter - Luna and Twilight have to tell Celestia how serious their relationship has become, and they decide to send a letter. Surely they couldn't disagree about how to make such a simple announcement - could they?

Your Turn - Twilight and her friends reveal some personal secrets, and Twilight's is life-changing.

Trembling Joyful Whispers- The Big Day is here for Twilight and Luna! Hear the congregation's comments as events unfold.

The Power Vested in Me- The Big Day is here, but Luna and Twilight are so very, very far from ready. Will their fears get the better of them?

Awkward - Twilight and Shining Armor have dinner with their parents along with Luna and Cadance. They'll probably wish they'd ordered takeout instead.

Absence - Luna deals with a thousand years of angst all at once; maybe she just needs a gentle helping hoof to make sense of it all.

You Were There - A quiet night between Luna and Twilight is almost derailed by a lesson in ancient mythology.

Between Sun and Moon - Luna reads a bedtime story with which she is all too familiar.

Postcards from the Edge - Twilight leaves to study abroad for three months; in her absence, Luna has a stack of mail to open.

Insert Princess T into Slot S - Twilight want to be Princess of Something. Careful what you wish for!

Ups and Downs - Newly-crowned Princess Twilight needs flying lessons. Careful whom you ask!

Amethyst Throne - Princess Twilight is pretty sure she's seen these petitioners somewhere before.

Chapters (27)