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Twilight Sparkle never seemed to notice Lyra Heartstrings. She didn't even remember Lyra's name.

They were friends back in Canterlot and even went to school together. Yet Twilight didn't notice that Lyra just happened to move to Ponyville the same day she did. She didn't even notice when Lyra appeared at her welcoming party. Nor did she ever seem to spot her old classmate passing by in the background on any other day during her stay in Ponyville. Some days she could look right at Lyra and never realize that they knew each other.

Lyra isn't a very noticeable pony. She has put a lot of effort into that.

Set in late season 5, after Amending Fences.
Note: Lots of spoilers in the comments.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to X is a Changeling

Twilight discusses some new rules with the changelings that live in and feed from her library books.

Thanks to Noble Thought for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to The Return of Princess Nightmare Moon! After having made a full medical recovery Princess Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects, Nurse Bandaid. Meanwhile, Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia, still vying for the position of godhood. (Coverart by Mewaponny!)

Chapters (26)

Hearth's Warming has always been a time for family and friends. A time when the ponies of Equis remember the frigid days before the rise of Modern Equestria, and bask in the warmth and comfort of their loved ones.

But for one particular holiday season, strange things are happening in Ponyville that can’t be easily explained. Least of all by Scootaloo, who is having her own share of troubles during this normally festive time of year.

When the mirth and whimsy of Hearth’s Warming starts to take on a more dour and icy edge, things take a turn for the stranger when out of the blue, the enigmatic “Doctor Clockwork” appears.

Join the Hourglass Stallion as he takes it upon himself, his temporary companion Spike, and the newly-conscripted Scootaloo to save Hearth’s Warming before the holidays are ruined forever!

Chapters (6)

The Doctor takes to the stars in this fourth installation of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When the TARDIS is unexpectedly pulled off course during her first foray into the wider universe, the Doctor, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and a somewhat-reluctant Twilight find themselves brought to the doorstep of a utopian alien city. While Rarity and Pinkie immerse themselves in two opposite ends of the local culture, questions that have gone unasked for centuries draw Twilight into the shadowy labyrinth of intrigue and deception that sustains a delicate balance of power in this "perfect" society. A balance that some will go to any lengths to preserve.

And as the mystery surrounding the cryptic messages left in the Doctor’s path continues to unfold, will the growing schism of distrust between Time Lord and Friendship Scholar over unspoken secrets cost both ponies more than either of them are prepared to lose?


"Only Skin Deep" is my fourth Doctor Whooves Episode and the sixth in the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-Anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction.net before proceeding with "Only Skin Deep."

1- Number 12by Squeak-Anon
2- Traveler by Squeak-Anon.
3- The Pinkie Conundrum
4- Game of Stones
5- Along Came a Spider

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer-pony know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler (c) Squeak-Anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on Youtube by: Cshep99
Cover & Concept Art provided by FoxInShadow from Deviantart.com
Number One Assistant & Proof-Reader - 2dextreem
*Rated T for some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (6)

The Doctor goes beyond Equestria in this third installment of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When a chance encounter with the Doctor in the middle of Ponyville causes Zecora to run away in blind terror, he is understandably perplexed, as the two had never met before. Shortly after, the cryptic zebra turns up suffering from a mysterious ailment that is somehow related to her homeland of Zebrica, and the Doctor, Twilight, and (much to their surprise) Fluttershy must travel to the distant savannah in the TARDIS to discover the cause of her distress. But what begins as a search for a cure will lead to a darker place than one might believe possible, as a mystery spanning the whole of time and space deepens and hungry gods from far-off memories demand the Time Lord’s blood.


"Along Came a Spider" is the third Doctor Whooves Episode and the fourth of the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction before proceeding with "Along Came a Spider."

1 - Number 12 by Squeak-anon
2 - Traveler by Squeak-anon
3 - The Pinkie Conundrum
4 - Game of Stones

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler: Squeak-anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on YouTube by: Cshep99
Cover art provided by FoxInShadow from deviantart.com
Proofreader, Editor and Number One Assistant: 2dextreem

*Rated T for scary moments and some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (11)

The Doctor's adventures in Equestria continue in this second installment of the Doctor Whooves Series.

His nature as a Time Lord revealed to Twilight's friends, the Doctor prepares for his first jaunt into Equis' history with Rainbow Dash when Applejack informs him of something mysterious she saw as a filly. Intrigued, the Doctor and Twilight, accompanied by Applejack and Rainbow Dash, travel 3000 years into the past to visit Ancient Roan during the Reneighssance Period.

Upon arriving, the ponies are beside themselves with wonder as they explore a place they once thought existed only in history books. They even get to meet a living legend in the form of Leonard DiHoovsie: the famous inventor, thinker, painter, and philosopher. But not everything is at it seems, and something disturbing is happening just under the surface of Roan's exquisite architecture. With strange rumors abound, and a string of unexplained and unsolved disappearances plaguing the historic city, the Doctor's companions are about to discover that some things are left out of the history books for a reason.


"Game of Stones" is the second episode of the Doctor Whooves Series and the fourth of the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction before proceeding with "Game of Stones."

1 - Number 12 by Squeak-anon
2 - Traveler by Squeak-anon
3 - The Pinkie Conundrum

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler: Squeak-anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on YouTube by: Cshep99
Cover art provided by FoxInShadow from deviantart.com
Proofreader, Editor and Number One Assistant: 2dextreem

Chapters (12)

Following the events of "Traveler," Twilight goes to Canterlot to deliver her report on what has transpired since the Doctor's arrival in Ponyville directly to Princess Celestia. She leaves the Doctor in Spike's capable claws, asking him to show Equestria's newest arrival around town while the TARDIS rests and repairs itself from the trials of the previous day.

Although at first distraught at being stranded in the seemingly serene township of Ponyville, the Doctor finds himself reexamining his initial assumptions about the ponies, the land of Equestria, and his compulsive need to travel when he is confronted with the miraculous, impossible events surrounding Ponyville's resident party mare: Pinkie Pie.


The Pinkie Conundrum is the first in a series of continuity branching off from the foundations established by the Doctor Whooves stories: Number 12 and Traveler by the very talented Squeak-anon and all references to these two works of fanfiction is credited to him. Also, while this is a separate continuity from any future works by Squeak-anon, it is strongly recommended to read these two fictions before reading Pinkie Conundrum.

This work has been developed and published with permission and blessing of Squeak-anon, my original inspiration.
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on YouTube by: Cshep99
Cover art provided by FoxInShadow from deviantart.com
Proofreader, Editor and Number One Assistant: 2dextreem

If you enjoy this story as well as my other works, please leave a comment. Constructive critique is encouraged as well as any questions or remarks that may occur.

Chapters (7)

The Sequel to Number 12.
The Doctor and Twilight leap into the future, though it may be a far darker place than they envision. In the mean time somehow the Doctor keeps crashing around Ponyville, something to do with Fluttershy, but what?

Chapters (9)

Sepia Tock is an artisan, friend, and citizen of Ponyville. He is not, however, Doctor Whoof.
This is his story

Chapters (9)