• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 15,954 Views, 1,449 Comments

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects. Meanwhile Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia.

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A Carnival, Bandaid! (II of II)

Author's Note:

This chapter was re-written, sorry for any confusion. Please reread, the story is heading in a completely different direction now. Hope you enjoy! Sorry also for the long pause-- this story is the center of my writing attention now. :)

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon
Part 8: A Carnival, Bandaid! (Part II of II)

Nightmare Moon stared in fascination. She wasn’t quite sure she understood it, especially after the mishap at the dunking booth. Another water feature was being run in the outskirts of the carnival, and it was an odd one. A fake river had been set up with nicely-painted sides, using real flowers and fauna to cover the edges. On the water was a series of slow moving boats shaped like swans, and inside each boat as it went by was a pair of ponies.

Every single pair that went by were already holding hooves when they went around the bend and into a black tunnel. Nightmare didn’t know what was in the tunnel, but it must’ve been amazing. By the time each couple emerged, they were either leaning lovingly into each other, or looking into each other’s eyes… some were even kissing! Nightmare wanted that! But what was in the magic tunnel that made them do that?

Circling the place at a quick clip, she found the entrance. The Tunnel of Love, couples only, no foals allowed. “Interesting,” she murmured to nopony in particular. Perhaps she could coax Bandaid onto that ride. Perhaps the darkness of the tunnel itself made romance flow a bit easier. And what could be more romantic than a slow and relaxing boat ride? Nightmare couldn’t think of anything. She smiled and stamped one hoof to make it final.

“Nightmare?” Bandaid returned from the bathroom, startling her. He leaned to see what she’d been so absorbed in, and gave a shy smile. “Ah, I see. Are we riding that, then?” he asked.

“If you would join me?” Nightmare didn’t want to press it on him. He was such a tender thing. She could haul his flank over to the ride and put him in a boat, sure, but that wouldn’t mean as much. She couldn’t act like such a foal anymore. She carefully folded her wings and cleared her throat, looking to one side. Was that heat in her cheeks? She dared not reach up to touch her face while he was deciding.

“Alright. Sure, why not?” Bandaid finally said. “It’s just a carnival ride, after all. Could be fun.” Nightmare grinned her terrifying grin of fangs, her wings lifting happily. The brown stallion chuckled as she led the way. They got into line, drawing a few strange looks from the other couples. Nightmare saw a few wedding bands here and there, and plenty of young couples that no doubt wished for a bit of privacy. The Tunnel of Love was the best idea they’d seen all evening.

When finally it was their turn, Princess Nightmare Moon gave bits to a rather curvaceous mare and they were helped into a boat. It sagged a little because of her alicorn weight, so she was forced to sit in the middle so that the whole thing would not tip over. This left only a little room on either side of her for Bandaid. After being told not to stand or throw anything in the river, they were off.

Bandaid sat awkwardly between Nightmare Moon’s front hooves. Their size difference let him practically sit in her lap. It was cute, but a little awkward. As they were away from the starting platform, the black alicorn slowly set her chin atop his head. Bandaid nickered a little, smiling in a bashful way. “This is… nice,” he mumbled, already red in the cheeks. They floated easily along, their boat never touching the sides of the fake river. They rode by the weak current, nice and slow. They watched the bountiful flowers go by, admired the little foal statues that were fountaining water from their mouths.

“Very nice,” Nightmare mumbled softly. She really wasn’t sure what to do with her wings, or her front hooves, or her anything really. Bandaid leaned back into her a bit, and she received him without really embracing him. She didn’t want to ruin it by hugging him too hard or wrapping his tender body in her wingspan. She worried hard, turning her head and resting her cheek atop the crown of his head. “Bandaid,” she purred softly. The mouth of the tunnel approached, dark and rather ominous all of a sudden. Nightmare suddenly wasn’t so sure it was a good idea. Why was she so nervous.

“Nightie…” he whispered, half-turning to rest his cheek on her chest. Her regalia felt cool to his blushing cheeks. He nuzzled her, just once, rather shyly. The threshold of the tunnel slowly swallowed their little swan-boat up, and they were plunged into darkness. “This carnival was a great idea, I’m glad we came,” the stallion whispered softly.

“Mhm,” Nightmare caught his scent, nuzzling his mane quietly. Her face had stained red at her pet name being used at last. She was thankful it was dark. A few moments later, little pricks of light began to sparkle back and forth on the ceiling and walls of the tunnel. They looked almost like fireflies. The quiet slosh of the water carried them back and forth, rocking the two ponies together.

Bandaid turned slowly around, still in her lap. His arms rose up and hooked about her neck. One of her massive, pillar-like legs rose. She bowed her long neck down to lay her chin on his shoulder. The huge leg embraced him, pulling him to her chest. They held one another for a long time, not saying a word. The pull and push of the moving waters was the only force around. It rocked his plush fur against her own, and she fantasized about taking him home to bed right then. One quick flick of magic and they would teleport away to her chambers.

But no, she wanted this. This moment. She didn’t know what to call it. She was a goddess of lust—of wine and dark and fertility. Was this… love? Nightmare Moon struggled with her inner thoughts, and almost didn’t feel it when the plush of his muzzle stroked her cheek a few times. Her massive wings snapped to attention, rocking the boat. Bandaid clung to her, chuckling in his carefree way. She smiled bashfully, but hunched a bit to deepen the embrace.

“K… kiss me?” he whispered to her in the dark. It was a soft, vulnerable request.

Their hearts thundered, and it was easy to feel them as pressed together as they were. Careful of her fangs, she leaned to nuzzle the nape of his neck. She wanted it to be perfect, this moment had to be perfect. All the other almost-first-kisses had been a fake Bandaid. This was real. This counted. Her muzzle mashed against his nose while she was still thinking about it, and she quickly reared a little. “Sorry! We are sorry!” she shrieked a little.

“I-It’s alright,” Bandaid mumbled, rubbing his face. “It was the boat rocking.” He leaned into her for security, and her sheer size made her seem like a rock.

“Yes, yes of course,” Nightmare quickly added. “The boat,” One of her giant hooves came up to cup the side of his face. The twinkling lights along the tunnel walls barely showed his outline to her. The soft-eyed, drunken look of a stallion’s desire. Steadying him she slowly leaned down. His scent touched her sensitive nose— the quiet salt of sweat and the spice of male pony. It was enticing.

With a quiet purr, she at last brought her lips to his while her eyes slid closed. Bandaid let out a happy little whimper, his heart quivering. Nightmare’s great black wingspan slowly closed around him until only his withers and head stuck out. His embrace grew a little stronger, and his head tilted to one side as the kiss broke. Smek. The awkward, wet little line of spittle hung between them. He turned his head to break it, blushing darkly. She could feel his little heart thundering, and went in for another kiss. His quiet moans touched the walls of the tunnel, and she purred back to him. The warmth in her wings grew hot as the kisses continued. A long-held tension between them cracked and broke. The needy pawing of his hooves on her chest said she had not been the only one thinking of such things.

An unknown amount of time went by and one thing really led to another in the Tunnel of Love. Nightmare and Bandaid had to quickly untangle themselves when they came to the exit. Somehow it didn’t seem like a good idea for them to emerge from the tunnel with the Princess loving on him as she had been. She’d found and noted a few of his most sensitive spots along his neck and ears, though.
The two of them decide to cool off at a little watering hole in the midway, sharing a pair of tall sodas in awkward silence. The black alicorn sipped at hers, troubled. “Hey Nightmare?” Bandaid said softly. She flicked her gaze up at him, perking her ears. “Would you mind if I stayed over in your room tonight?” he asked. Nightmare Moon gaped at him in shock. What a forward move for a meek thing like him! She opened her mouth to praise him for it, delighted. He spoke first, though. “My sisters gave us those tickets to come here, and I don’t trust them not to jump me as soon as I get home tonight.” He hung his head a little, ashamed.

Nightmare’s delight faded, but she coughed and quickly nodded, “Yes, yes of course. Thou art always welcome with me, dear Bandaid.” She nodded, putting a hoof over his. “Thy siblings will not torment you in my chambers.”

“Thanks,” he said shyly. “I’m sure we can find some extra blankets or something for me to camp out on your couch… or something,” Bandaid smiled in his usual coy way.

When they were done with their sodas, they spent another three or four hours roaming the carnival. Nightmare pondered over the Ferris wheel. Bandaid squealed at the tilt-o-whirl while the Princess laughed like a hyena. Eventually it was time to head for home.

Bandaid and Nightmare emerged into the Obsidian Hall, side by side. Laughing and leaning tiredly on each other, neither questioned it when they both flopped onto the massive bed. Their aching legs coaxed them to its plush sheets, and they barely had time to get their saddlebags off before curling up together. They could shower and clean up later. Nightmare dozed off while chewing on one of Bandaid’s ears with her fangs, purring quietly. The brown stallion felt safe, curling up between her massive fore-hooves. Her wild scent was like spice and strong flowers. It comforted him. He lay his head under hers, careful with his ear as not to wake her. The alicorn moaned in her sleep, scooping him into her embrace. He smiled happily, quietly laying his head down to rest. He was so… *yawn*… just so tired… They fell asleep in each other’s arms.


Chrysalis lay on a small hill just beyond the carnival. She’d not dared enter, but she’d decided which border to hang around pretty easily. There was a Tunnel of Love on one of the borders, and it was a constant flow of lovey-dovey ponies leaning happily on each other. With her feelers extended she could taste all of them on the breeze. The air was thick with pony hormones and happy giggling.

The Changeling Queen used her magic to peer inside the ride. It seemed to be little more than a dark tunnel with a river going through it, with little firefly lights here and there. But something about it made ponies want to nuzzle, kiss, and express a bit more passion. She didn’t understand it, but who was she to question a buffet? Celestia, the clever bitch, had put her to sleep in the middle of a feeding. She wasn’t suffering hunger pangs anymore, but she was far from full. Grumbling to herself, she watched the next couple enter the tunnel. Then the next, then the next after that.

Brushing the silken-seaweed that was her mane out of her eyes, she settled onto her belly again. With such an attraction as the Tunnel of Love she’d been there for several hours, watching and sipping at the ponies that went through it. It was like watching food come to her, ripen, then flop down in front of her. The picnic area at the end of the tunnel certainly helped too. Some couples found a shady spot or two under a tree for more intimate conversation and kisses. Chrysalis felt a mild pang of jealousy, but did not allow it to cloud her thoughts. She never did.

“Having fun?” Celestia murmured, startling her.

“I didn’t do anything!” Chrysalis blurted before she could stop herself. This earned a light snicker from her elder white sibling. “What? What is it?” she asked suspiciously. “I didn’t go in, I’m sitting right here doing nothing.”

“You’re sour with me?” Celestia said, turning her head to notice the Tunnel of Love at the base of the hill below them. “Ah,” she said delicately. “Finding other means, I see.”

“I didn’t put anypony to sleep in the middle of anything,” Chrysalis said sourly, turning her nose up and away from her. There was a short silence, and she felt the grass shifting as the alicorn settled on the ground next to her.

“Not recently, anyway,” Celestia murmured, flicking her eyes to meet her sister’s for a moment. A hot, icy burst of fear streaked across Chrysalis’ back. It licked its necrotic tongue down her spine, stopping to niggle in the back of her head. “Nightie told me what you did, right before I banished her to the moon,” she said slowly.

“You made no mention of it before,” Chrysalis said, not looking at her. It was all too apparent that her elder sibling could tear her in two if she pleased. Lack of godhood made one certainly worry about one’s internal organs. “Why bring it up now?”

“I punished you for attacking Nightmare some months ago,” Celestia whispered, “I honestly don’t know what to do about what happened a thousand years ago.” Chrysalis paused to let her fangs free, in case Celestia tried to pounce on her or something.

“Just because you’re the oldest doesn’t mean you get to punish us like we’re your children,” the Changeling Queen said snippily. “Mother was ready to put you in time out for Discord, if you hadn’t pled your case so well.” She said.

“Reversing gravity on an entire planet will do that,” Celestia said carefully, cocking her head. Chrysalis never held their mother up like a shield. “But don’t change the subject. Nightie is distracted by her new beau at the moment, but don’t think she won’t come to that conclusion herself someday—that you really should’ve been punished.”

“Skinning me alive wasn’t enough for you?” Chrysalis scowled. Their horns aggressively crossed, their eyes mere inches apart. “Huh?!” she shouted defensively.

“I’m just seeking a balance. You know Nightmare will want revenge someday,” said the white mare delicately, pressing back against her.

“Can’t you just let me sit here and eat?” sulked Chrysalis, pulling away and watching the next couple go through the tunnel of love. “Not like its safe to chew on you anymore.”

“It’s my nature to be cautious. We gods play the long game.” Celestia said softly. “If I fell like Nightie did all of Equestria would be thrown into chaos.”

“’We gods’, feh.” Chrysalis said with a scowl. “Our sister is like some child on holiday,” she gave a nod towards the ride. "I saw them go by some time ago, like a mating pair." She watched another couple set off down the gentle waters, and Chrysalis sighed with loud anger in her breath.

“Don’t compare us, please.” Celestia said, trying to soothe her. “We all play our unique roles to run this world.”

“Yes, dear sister,” Chrysalis stood over her. “It’s just my job to suffer!” she dove at Celestia suddenly, fangs outstretched. The Princess shrieked, ducking her head to present her horn instead of her neck. A glowing green aura washed over her, then sizzled as golden magic rushed up and over her magic. They twisted and spun about on the ground, shouting and crushing plant-life as they went.

“Chrysalis, stop!” Celestia’s warning shot almost took the Changeling’s wing off. Both of her golden-shoe’d hooves held her back, only barely. One was on her nose, the other on her lower jaw. “Stop this! We’re trying to make reperations, not start a war!”

“I’m always at war!” Chrysalis’ hooves flailed, pulling at the ethereal mane and trying to drag Celestia into her. “Always hungry! Never stopping! Never!” her wings started to buzz as she lifted into the air to get better leverage. “My hive grows impatient, a million hungry souls! HSSSSS!” her jowls flared open like a nightmarish flower, displaying all her teeth. Celestia’s hooves shifted in exactly the wrong way and her sister lunged for her throat. "What's the matter, Celestia? No guards or psychotic nurses to save you?!"

Yelping, Celestia dug her back hooves into the ground, her muscles trembling. “Chrysalis, please! Don’t—make—me—!” Teeth were starting to scrap up against her neck, the little droplets of saliva going down her in streams. A numbness worked its way along Celestia’s muscles. Her saliva would take over soon, that was how a changeling incapacitated its victims. If Chrysalis fed on her--! No! No the world would fall into shadow! Quivering and then giving a great shout, the Princess turned and bowed her hoof back like a powerful backward slap.


Chrysalis’ head snapped to one side and she gave a little yelp. Her blue-green hair bannered wildly. Tiny shards of carapace went flying. Flecks of orange muscle were peeking out under her jawline. She felt blood going down the back of her neck and gumming up her wings. But… but how? That didn’t make any sense. She let go of Celestia, staggering back a little. The two mares stared at each other. Chrysalis held herself about the neck, eyes wide. A great hacking cough sent orange across the grass, a spot of it appearing on Celestia's cheek. Chrysalis didn’t even have time to feel the pain or look horrified. She collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Celestia launched herself to her hooves, rushing to check her. Chrysalis’ eyes rolled into her head. She rattled a little, trembled, then went still. Celestia jumped back, a bloodied hoof on her mouth. “Wh-What have I done?!”

On the other side of the cosmos, deep in the eternal mists of creation and beauty, Almighty Faust turned her head.

End of Part 8