• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 15,951 Views, 1,449 Comments

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects. Meanwhile Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia.

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The New Night Sky, Bandaid! (Part I of III)

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon
Part 18: The New Night Sky, Bandaid! (Part I of III)

The next few months were blissful ones for Princess Nightmare Moon and her beloved Nurse Bandaid. The stallion’s recovery was a blessedly quick and uneventful, after which he slowly returned to his duties. He did get strange looks from his coworkers, being the beau of the Princess of the Night, but he tried to ignore them. He was more worried they might be afraid of him for the rage-episode he’d had when he got back. But, thanks to some good common sense and a few comparisons to mind-effecting drugs, Bandaid went un-harassed by anypony.

Nightmare Moon, on the other hoof, was quite busy with paperwork, ruling the nation, and a few other things that she was not ready to share just yet. Even he who she adored was not privy to the stacks of scrolls from all sorts of other nations around Equis. Whatever she was doing, it was big. She did not, however, neglect her stallion in the meantime. A passionate night or two, many meals together and plenty of poetry and Ponies and Castles games made them quite close. She offered him a ‘royal claim’ tattoo, so other mares might know he was spoken for, but he’d politely declined. She’d settled on a mirror-shiny little pendant, which he wore around his neck. It was deepest obsidian, and sticking it near a fire made it shine and sparkle brilliantly.

Even well into August and early September (Bandaid had been delivered home in mid-March) there was no word from the southern Badlands, Chrysalis or anyling else. Not even a messenger had stuck his hoof over the border. All was quiet. Celestia worried, but made no qualms over the uneasy peace they’d attained. She did not trust her sister to be dormant or content forever, but she was not so foolish as not to enjoy the peace and quiet. The summer was a hot, humid one.

Noble Cause recovered slowly, but nicely. Being a more muscled mare than the average pony, she could endure the pain of broken wings with the best of them. Grounded, she was placed on administrative leave, given desk work and only light physical training with her other soldiers. Every single stallion in her platoon happily coddled her, until one sheepishly asked her to dinner and that was the end of that. Non-magic healing took time, but the limbs and muscles didn’t suffer any repression from it. All was right with the world.


“Ah, Bandaid there you are!” Nightmare Moon stuck her head into a dinner hall. (Being the Princess’ coltfriend had its perks, after all) He smiled, standing and embracing her. “I’ve finally finished my night sky projects!”

Bandaid cocked his head a little. Nightmare had been working on a ‘new night sky’ since she’d arrived home from the moon and had been strong enough to hold a pencil in her mouth. He’d seen many, many iterations of the ‘design’, but it all looked like madness and lines and numbers to him. “It’s done-done, now?” he asked as she beamed at him and nodded.

“I make for the Crystal Empire to rearrange the sky!” Nightmare did a little happy dance in place. “Months of laboring has paid off, will you come with me?”

“How come the Crystal Empire?” Bandaid wondered.

“Polaris sits atop the highest spire of the Crystal palace,” Nightmare explained, showing him one of her stack of papers and pointing to a specific dot labeled with the name. “He is the first star. All the others listen to him. If he tells them to move, they shall. And he answers to me, as I created him.” She puffed up like a peacock for a few moments. “Attend with me for this occasion?” she smiled her biggest smile.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Bandaid smiled and nodded as he spoke. “I’ve never been to the Crystal Empire!”

“Tiz my sister Cadance’s domain,” she sat with him. He pushed the plate her way but she got a couple of grapes from the center-bowl instead. “A city-state, yes, but still legitimate in power being that its ruler is a goddess. She visited briefly, when Chrysalis fed on you long ago?" Bandaid didn’t remember seeing her, but shrugged instead. He’d no doubt meet her.

“Well, I’ll pack warm. I hear its snowy,” Bandaid said, chewing a celery stick touched with honey.

“Be sure to wear your amulet. The Crystal Empire is… affectionate.” Nightmare said delicately.


“It has become the home to many odd couples, half-breeds, and illegitimate love-children over the centuries,” Nightmare said, making a slow circular motion with a hoof as she tried to explain. “You may see a few odd characters there.”

“Well we’re pretty odd ourselves, don’t you think? A God-Princess and an male, earth pony nurse?” The stallion snickered a little. Nightmare smiled, nodding a bit. “Is Princess Celestia coming? It seems like a big event, rearranging the entire night sky all at once.”

“She has set up a respectable telescope on her room’s balcony, but she will not attend, no,” Nightmare said with a grump. “She does not like for both of us to be out of the country at the same time. She does not wish to provoke any sudden unpleasantries between any other world-powers.”

“Celestia is… kind of an odd one, isn’t she?” Bandaid said, scratching his head. “I mean, I know so little about her but…”

“She is the eldest of we five children,” Nightmare admitted. “She weighs worry and troubles on herself to keep peace, balance, and so on and so forth I do not care at the moment.” She leaned and kissed him with affection, then held up a series of letters to show him. “I’ve been writing to other nations, behold!”

Bandaid took a letter marked with a Yakyakistan seal. Then another from Griffonia. Then Prance. Then Saddle Arabia. All of them were confirmation messages. “Ohh, you’ve been telling everyone so they won’t freak out.”

“Verily,” Nightmare Moon nodded. “For what sailor would not lose his mind and become lost in the dead of night, if he were on the ocean and all the stars appeared to wink out?”

Bandaid nodded this was probably a good idea. “But uhm, isn’t… isn’t outer space and such your Mother’s territory?” He scratched his head, wondering if Nightmare were about to step on Faust’s hoofie-tips.

“You cannot see all the stars in the universe from any single point, beloved. We’re moving a rather small section of them, for asthetic purposes. Any bodies near and around them will be safe.” Nightmare soothed. “Now go pack, Bandaid, we leave at next moonrise!”


The train started to slow as the grand city-state of the Crystal Empire crawled into view. The angles, shining buildings and breath-taking walls were a sight to behold. Other ponies, not just Bandaid, oooh’d appreciatively at the sight. The aurora spun with slow, liquid grace high in the sky, reflecting here and there from the pristine towers.

Pegasi dotted the sky, ever watchful for sudden tundra blizzards. All of them bore storm goggles, thick insulation spells (worked into belts, thank you very much), and vigilant looks. They knew royalty was arriving this day. Guards with throwing-spears stood on the walls, tending quietly to ballista’s and sprinkling the paths with salt. Winter was coming, after all. October would mark the first blizzards in the north, they had to prepare.

As the train slowly hissed to a halt Nightmare stood, preening a feather and then drawing herself up. She’d not brought any guards with her, so she was being received by a few. Bandaid stood as close as possible, hoping he wouldn’t get mistaken for a commoner or an assassin and get separated from Nightie. The doors slid open.

“Presenting her Divine Majesty, Coruler of Equestria and child of Faust, Princess Nightmare Moon!” A royal with black stars carpet unrolled before the couple. There was a gathered, curious crowd. Nightmare strode forward with authority, muzzle tilted slightly up.

Bandaid stared at the locals. Why… why they really were! Crystal Ponies! Sure, he’d seen pictures and such but he’d never met any. Trying very hard not to accidentally be racist or something, he tried not to think about how ponies made of crystal ate, pooped, sweated, or made love. Were they like rock monsters? He itched to touch one, for medical reasons. But no doubt he’d be shaking hooves or… “Bandaid?” Nightmare called, for she’d outpaced him. He’d stopped midway, looking around. The crowd stared back at him. “Come, beloved. We have places to be.” She gaily waved him forward. Bandaid looked behind himself. A squad of guards was politely waiting behind him. One was checking a picture. Yep. That was him.

“Er-herm!” The announcer at the podium quickly amended himself. “Also announcing Prince-Consort, Bandaid!” the crowd stompity-stomped their hooves for him too.

Prince Consort?!” Bandaid blurted. “W-we’re just dating!” he shouted over the crowd. There was scattered giggling in the crowd.

“We are not wed, kind forepony,” Nightmare entertained the idea with a chuckle. “But relish the thought of seeing the future, for all things are possible.” Her high court-speak was ticklish to the ears, for many a mare in the crowd giggled harder at Bandaid’s blush. “But do not think to snatch him from me!” she teased as he quickly took his place beside her. The crowd chuckled politely.

“Erm, thank you for receiving us,” Bandaid said as a guard-captain approached and bowed to them both.

“The honor is mine,” the captain said with a charming smile. Pulling off his helmet, he spilled an electric-blue mane about his shoulders. “I’m Shining Armor, Guard Captain and-!”

“Cadance’s husband!” Nightmare exploded, pointing at him. Bandaid startled, looking over at her. “She speaks highly of you in her letters!” her great black span opened in greeting, displaying all her feathers for him (a few cameras in the crowd flashed). “Delightful!”

“Erm!” Shining Armor smiled bashfully. “Yes. Cadance asked me to meet you and bring you to the Crystal Palace.” He shook hooves with Bandaid. “You must be Bandaid, Cadance mentions you now and then.”

“Hullo,” Bandaid felt a little overwhelmed. Princesses and Prince Consorts and Guard Captains and crowds and flashing cameras… it made him feel rather small. He shivered in the late-autumn breeze. His cream-colored scarf didn’t help much.

“Let’s get you guys inside,” Shining Armor offered. “Rooms have been prepared, there’s a great dinner being set out-!”

“Have you impregnated my sister yet?” Nightmare wanted to know, leaning over him with her great height. “You are not her first husband, ageless as she is, but she loves foals. You’re giving her foals, yes?”

Erm!?” The captain stutter-stepped, scarlet in the face. Somepony in the crowd hoot-hollered, making him cough twice. “Er, well we both love foals!” he side-stepped the question as gracefully as he could. Bandaid shoved Nightmare’s shoulder, scowling at her. What a thing to ask! Shining Armor tried to fight his burning face as he led the Princess and nurse down the main street and to the palace.

Pairs of guards knelt as they passed. Bandaid chanced a glance over his shoulder. The entourage bearing their things, the guards and a few others followed. When they were safely inside the hallowed halls, the massive doors were pressed closed to keep out the cold. The palace was an interesting, angular sort of place. Crystal, crystal everywhere. Carpets, tapestries and the like covered most surfaces. It felt like walking in a plush hall of carpets. Fireplaces were everywhere, no two more than fifty feet apart. A squire dashed from one to the next, stirring the flames, sweeping the ash and tossing on new logs. Not one would go out on his watch!

They halted at an intersection when Shining Armor almost bumped into a strange black stallion. “Lord Sombra,” Shining Armor’s mouth was a neutral, relatively respectful line. “Forgive me,” he made to move past him.

Bandaid beheld the strangest stallion he’d ever seen. Red-eyed, curve-horned, and draped with a thick lord’s cape. His plush, perfectly groomed black fur was something to behold, and the silvered trinkets that dotted him all over told of wealth and station. Was he…? “It’s no issue, Prince Consort.” Sombra said with an equally neutral-mouthed look. There was a short, awkward silence and Bandaid was reminded of two cocks sizing each other up before fighting over the hen house. There was a history there, but he didn’t dare ask it.

Nightmare regarded Lord Sombra with a cool expression, eyeing the bulging saddlebags and tripod he was bearing. The stallion that stood next to him was a lanky thing, lime-green and crystalline. “Greetings,” the Princess said, coughing and making sure they remembered just who was being escorted and where.

“Princess Nightmare, the honor is mine. I’ve read all of your work on early mathematics and astronomy. Very brilliant work.” Lord Sombra bowed deep and genuinely. His helper-stallion did the same, his eyes never leaving the floor. The tools in his bags rattled. “Don’t let me keep you, I know you’re eager to see Princess Cadance.” He shuffled to one side, gesturing for his fellow, gesturing for mare’s first.

“Commendable,” Nightmare favored him with a slight smile, going forward as she pleased. Sombra watched her go, and then eyed Bandaid for a moment. The nurse very suddenly felt like a hayburger, and glimpsed curved teeth in the front of Lord Sombra’s mouth. Fangs?

When they were out of earshot, Bandaid blurted what almost everypony was thinking, “Did you ever have foals, Nightie?”

What?” she glanced over at him in surprise. “Oh you mean…?" She glanced down the hall where Lord Sombra had melted away into shadow. "No, no of course not. That half-breed is no descendant of mine, I assure you. Tia and Cadance are the only ones to have foals. And Chrysalis, if you count her as well.” Bandaid relaxed a little. He didn’t know why.

“Lord Sombra is a brilliant stallion,” Shining Armor put in slowly, turning to continue. They walked for a time. “Perhaps too brilliant,” He said under his breath. Only Nightmare’s ear flicked, having heard him. “He’s skilled in mathematics, magic, and many other fields.”

“What does his Lordship do?” Bandaid asked politely.

“He drifts from project to project, mostly invention,” Shining Armor said, gesturing the two of them into another set of doors. “His latest project is—ah, here we are. Finally,” the white stallion smiled, coughing. “Enough about him, he’s not who you’re here to see!”

The doors of the throne room burst open as Nightmare and Bandaid entered. “Sister!” Nightmare said aloud. “I come at last, thank you for hosting us.” Much to Bandaid’s awe, she took to a knee for respect of power and territory.

“The Crystal Empire is happy to have you, Nightmare,” Cadance descended from the throne, elegant and… and… very pink. Bandaid almost giggled. She was so… so pink! He was used to the binary Celestia and Nightmare Moon, this Princess was bright pink! His hoof leapt to his mouth to stop a giggle, but he bowed as deeply as ever. When the two alicorns met they embraced, “I can’t wait to see your new designs for the night sky. Everypony is eager to see what you’ll be putting into it this time. It’s not changed in… what, almost three thousand years?”

“Close to it,” Nightmare agreed. “Come! Let us sup and make merry as sisters should!” she put a long arm around Cadance. “We’ve mare-talk to have, and wine to swill! I’ve brought some of a brand I favor.”

“I think I’m going to go rest for a bit,” Bandaid said with a softened smile. Nightmare nodded, kissing his cheek. “Prince Consort, do you have a library maybe I could hang out in?” He winced at saying ‘hang out’ to a Prince, but he couldn’t take it back.

“Oh yes, of course!” Shining Armor smiled. “I’ll be back when he’s settled,” he promised Cadance.

“Take your time!” Cadance said with a giggle. She was already being whisked away with frivolities of southern living, Equestria’s new river stories, and more.


“You should be comfortable here,” Shining Armor said, gesturing about. The royal library of the crystal palace was a staggering thing, but well-lit and covered with tapestries, comfy sitting and fireplaces. “Don’t hesitate if you need anything.”

“Thank you, your Majesty,” Bandaid said with a tired smile. “I think the train took it out of me.”

“Just Shining is fine,” the Prince was certainly a charming guy. Bandaid found himself liking him a lot. Maybe he could teach him a thing or two about how to deal with uppity Princesses. Then again, Cadance didn’t seem as loud or as rude as Nightie. He may have been on his own there. Shining Armor left him there, donning his helmet as he went. Perhaps a quick lap around the palace to make sure his soldiers were all doing their jobs and such… Nightmare Moon and his wife certainly had some catching up to do.

Bandaid watched him go, then sagged into a plush couch with a sigh. Groaning in relief, he flopped over a little and watched the fire for a bit. He eyed the protective runes around the hearth, in case of a fire spreading. How intricate! Well it probably had to be, being a library and all. He felt his eyes get heavy. It was warm and very comfy there.

A heavy tap-tap-a-tappity woke him before sleep embraced him completely. A pause, then more tapping. He sat up, looking around. That wasn’t the fire. The sleepy-looking old librarian mare had come and gone a few times, but that wasn’t her. Frowning in irritation that couldn’t rest even in a library, he peered around. Another long string of tap-tap-tappity-tap-taps. The brown stallion blinked a few times, rising. He found a series of doors, all of them standing open, into library side rooms. Some of them were study cells, tiny little rooms with a desk and lamp. A couple of them were classroom-sized rooms, though. When he arrived at the last one, he found himself at a high-ceiling’d, lecture-hall sort of room. There were auditorium style seats, and a chalkboard several ponies high, and a scattering of scientific apparatus.

“Quit your scowling and growling,” it was the lime green crystal stallion from before! And atop the ladder, scribbling furiously with chalk (ahhh, that was the tapping!) was Lord Sombra himself. “It’ll all be fine!” the stallion assured him.

“It’ll be perfect or it’ll not be at all,” Sombra snarled, exposing what were indeed fangs in the front of his mouth. Was he really one of the half-breed ponies Nightmare had mentioned? Bandaid wondered what his parentage was, curiously leaning around the doorframe to spy on them. “The Princess already hates this project. Thinks I’m building a weapon when I’m trying to help ponies!” his voice was deep, like a growling bronze bell.

“You’re blasting a hole in the sky, Sombra,” the lime-green stallion said flatly. "Of course she hates it."

“I’m blasting a hole in the clouds, I’ve told you a thousand times!” Sombra snapped, looking down at him and pausing in his endless calculations. “Suppose the Crystal Empire were buried in a catastrophic blizzard like it was a few decades ago?! The fatalities could’ve easily have been prevented--!”

“If somepony aimed a great big charged crystal at the sky and parted the clouds like a god?” The stallion interrupted. “You’re playing with some pretty big magic there,” he gestured vaguely to the charts and wavy lines that were going back and forth in graphs. Bandaid’s eyes narrowed. What were they doing? Sombra grumbled grouchily, going back to his mathematics. He checked a long print of paper, then kept writing. “Y’know, I can see up your cloak from here,” said the crystal stallion wryly, craning his neck.

Sombra’s chalk screeched from making a seven over into making a lightning bolt shape. “Don’t start,” the black stallion said, red-faced. His ears splayed to the sides and he coughed twice, focusing on his papers instead.

“Yep, it’s a nice view,” the stallion chided.

Not now, Lemon Lime!” Sombra snapped angrily.

“Come down here and say that to my face!” the crystal stallion chuckled.

Sombra angrily rattled down the ladder, his face red, throwing his chalk and papers to one side. “I am in the middle of an important breakthrough right now and you are just-!” Lemon Lime smooched his lips. “GAH!” Lord Sombra flinched like he’d been slapped. “Don’t do tha-!” Lemon Lime smooched him again. “You can’t just-!” A third time. “Gr-r-r-r-rgh!!!” A forth.

“You work too hard, hun,” Lemon Lime said softly, cupping his cheek.

“S-stop it, I’m not in the mood,” Sombra turned from him, brow knitted somewhere between guilt and stress. The stallion wilted, but Sombra’s eyes flicked past him to the doorway. “Who’s there?!” he shouted, horn alight with red magic. Bandaid squealed as he was hauled into view and dropped in the doorway just as suddenly. “Oh it’s you, Nurse Bandaid.”

“S-sorry!” Bandaid said. “I-I didn’t mean to evesdrop!”

“This classroom has been rented, sir, you’ll have to be gone,” Sombra said politely as he could. “And keep good manners about things you see that you weren’t meant to.” He had a slight edge in his tone, gesturing to the chalkboard. Bandaid’s eyes settled on the other stallion instead. “That either!” The black stallion snapped, horn lighting. The door was outlined in red and SLAMMED in Bandaid’s face. He yelped, holding his nose.

End of Part 18