Favourites 523 stories
  • Favourites 523 stories - 155 unread chapters
    Created by Nadir
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 24,113,967
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Twilight's twenty-first birthday is coming up and the girls celebrate in Canterlot's vibrant bars and clubs, Luna is invited too, although she is not entirely familiar with such activities. Alcohol fuelled adventures abound!

Chapters (7)

Every week or so, Rarity gathers all of her friends for a little get-together at her boutique. Or at a cafe. Or in Sugarcube Corner. Anywhere that serves tea or tea can be brought in.

And every time, as soon as their conversation steers towards that most intimate of topics, Rainbow Dash falls silent.

Chapters (4)

Twilight awakes from a minor magical accident to find herself dead. She believes she is doomed to wander Equestria for all eternity, that is until she discovered certain ponies could see lost souls like her, ponies like Princess Luna.

First fic, blah blah blah, constructive criticism, blah blah blah, if you favorite it like it blah blah blah, etc...

Cover art isn't mine

Chapters (2)

In a world where she sees from a distorted perspective, all Twilight Sparkle can do is cling to the one pony she knows will never let her down: her teacher, the princess... no matter which princess her addled brain tells her that is. Twilight's used to rewriting letters, but when she's the one being rewritten, she finds the sensation to be altogether different.

Many thanks must go to my awesome editors, Varanus, Ebon Mane, shortskirtsandexplosions, Seattle_Lite, and Nick Nack.

Featured on Equestria Daily and The Pony Fiction Vault.
Check out/contribute to this story's TVTropes page!

Chapters (4)

Twilight decides to go out for a friendly night of drinking with her two friends, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, to relieve the stress of planning her brother's wedding and defending Canterlot against the changeling invasion, but not all is as it seems.

A letter arrives in the middle of the night, informing the unicorn that one of her two friends has been replaced by a changeling.

Chapters (1)

(5 stars on EQD, yay!) Frustrated with repeated failures, Rainbow Dash reluctantly calls upon the aid of her friends to help her push the envelope. Hijinks ensue. But making the impossible possible, while neglecting other things, may have unforeseen consequences and sunder her from those for whom she cares the most.

Art commissioned for the story is by the wonderful artists tt-n and FruitBloodMilkaShake. Prereaders: Starfall & Steel Resolve

(Please note: looking back at the earlier chapters now, it's easy to spot countless little editing mistakes I made. Please don't let this deter you too much; I do get a little better somewhere along the line. And hopefully I'll continue improving in that department.)

Chapters (8)

Following the assassination of Princess Celestia, the Long Night withered the once bountiful Apple Harvests of the Apple family. In the years since, they have been reduced to dumpster diving and street life. Applebloom, unwilling to continue in such a state, violates her elder sister's wishes in order to find help from Applejack's friends, who surely must be better off.

Unfortunately, Applebloom's journey to Canterlot shows her the true fates of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, who are as unable to help Applebloom as they are to help themselves. Applebloom's desperation grows with each reunion. In the end, she must turn to powers greater than begging to save her own future and those of many others.

Illustrations by the very talented Cyaneus!

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle has every intention of crawling in to her freshly cleaned bed sheets.

So why is it so hard to get there?

Chapters (1)

When Ditzy Doo loses her job at Cloudsdale Mail and Freight, she gets a job at another shipping company... only to find out their definition of shipping has nothing to do with delivering packages! Desperate for income to support herself and Dinky, will Ditzy be able to make it as a pony matchmaker?

(Occurs between Seasons 2 and 3 of the show.)

Chapters (19)

Twilight Sparkle flagrantly abuses her Come-To-Life spell, and learns a little bit about love in the process. Also, puns.

Now with actual cover art, thanks to the generous SuddenlyFerrets!

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (2)