• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024

Tape Deck

I'm a big time Reader/Commenter, Music Fan, and Weirdo. I'm also the number one fan of Carrot Top (the pony).|Music Recommendations|

Read Later 144 stories
  • Read Later 144 stories - 1058 unread chapters Slowing eating away at my free time...as they should be.
    Created by Tape Deck
    - March, 2024
Found 144 stories in 49ms

Total Words: 4,319,304
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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A seemingly innocuous dinner. Friendship gone horribly wrong. Things that go bump in the night. These are but a few of the themes in this short collection of thrillers and mysteries.

Welcome to my nightmares...

Chapters (6)

After finally finishing the Fall Harvest, Applejack accidentally falls asleep under the last tree, but then is awakened by the most horrible sound she's ever heard.

MLP parody of The Simpsons Episode 21,The Frying Game, Season 13.

Chapters (1)

Urbane Mannerly, a rich unicorn, has everything: a loving wife and children, a beautiful home and a high-paying career. Everything is going well, until a mistake he made one night comes back to haunt him.

And that mistake could cost him everything. Everything.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash didn’t know she’d be on the precipice of the biggest change in her life when she nonchalantly agreed to help Pinkie Pie. Throw a party, make a lot of foals happy, go home. That was the plan.

So…why does she keep going back? Why does home…feel so empty?

Unable to shake the one foal that refuses to leave her head, Rainbow Dash is ready to jump into the greatest change—and greatest challenge—of her life.

And that, my friends, is only the beginning.

Chinese translation by luhcow:
无光,无声 Unseen, Unheard - FimTale

Chapters (24)

John Joseph was just an average patron of Comic-Con, right up until he was inexplicably transported to the land of magical ponies that he had once thought to only be fictitious. Now, like many other probably-innocent-visitors-of-popular-conventions-who-disappeared-off-of-the-face-of-the-Earth-without-a-trace-yet-strangely-no-one-seems-particularly-adamant-about-investigating-their-disappearances, John has merged with and taken the identity associated with the particular articles of fabric that he had decided to drape himself on that specific day.

It was just too bad that he had decided to go casual for the convention.

Chapters (1)

After the cultural exchange between Humans and Ponies has begun, a certain game is attempted to be played in Equestria. It is met with less than stellar results.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Five Nights at Strickland Propane

Rainbow Dash thought her worries as a night guard at a certain propane store was over. But when Scootaloo applies for the exact same job, Rainbow Dash has to apply too, to save her from four robotic workers, plus some new hired ones, at Strickland Propane...


Parody of Five Nights at Freddy's. Based more on Five Nights at Freddy's 2.

I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, King of the Hill, or Five Nights at Freddy's.

Thanks to CogWing and Jordon Snake for helping me with this story. :twilightsmile:

Gameplay is not 100% accurate with this story. This is my own telling.

Chapters (2)

Life has a weird way of messing with you. You might get screwed here or there, out a job, maybe a stab in the back, nothing you can't get back from. Then there are those times. The times you can't get back from within your wildest dreams. And the universe couldn't cut me a break and make the impossibility simple. Nope, didn't get to stay human, didn't get the luxury of being transmorgified into a pony, griffon, or other, I didn't even end up as an already established pony within the candyland of Equestria!

Nope, for me, I wake up not as Pinkie Pie, but instead inside the mind of Pinkie Pie. Back on the rock farm when she was a filly. My name ain't that important anymore, but Pinkie's taken to calling me Mena. And it's gonna be a long, windy, freaky road ahead, ain't it?


[Tags will be updated if need be. Dark tag there for overall and reoccurring themes. And while it's not enough to warrant the tag there may be adventure elements from time to time. Critique is welcome and I hope you enjoy!]

Holy cow, featured on day/night one! Thank you muchly so everybody!

9/19/2023: Overall grammar overhaul for existing chapters.

Chapters (14)

Nurse Redheart's life may seem like a challenging one to most. But to her, it's never been about the difficulty.

All she wants to be is a good nurse.

Cover art by dattebayo681.

Chapters (1)

(A PoE story.) Additional Tags: (Slice Of Life)
All Twilight wanted was to give Spike a special gift for his birthday. Yes, it was a book, but it was a very special book. An Enchanted Book like that Power Ponies comic they had recently experienced.
Things went wrong when Spike startled Twilight as she was working the spell for his (secret) gift. Needless to say, startling Twilight while she's in the middle of a spell can be a bad idea - as certain frogs can tell you.
Twilight has every reason to believe that she is now trapped in a closed reality bubble fabricated out of her own magic, with no way out. She's lost in some made-up universe reflecting some random story line.
Mike, of course, has a different opinion about the matter.

WARNING: Both Twilight and Mike love talking technical and explaining things to each other.

Twilight's World now has an audio reading by No One and Nobody. Listen HERE.

This most excellent cover art was provided by Void Heart

Chapters (25)