• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024

Tape Deck

I'm a big time Reader/Commenter, Music Fan, and Weirdo. I'm also the number one fan of Carrot Top (the pony).|Music Recommendations|

Read Later 144 stories
  • Read Later 144 stories - 1058 unread chapters Slowing eating away at my free time...as they should be.
    Created by Tape Deck
    - March, 2024
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Total Words: 4,319,304
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Long ago, when the Mare in the Moon still hung in the sky, the Everfree Forest was far larger and far less forgiving. When a supernatural force lures his friend into the ancient forest, threatening to steal her away forever, a young foal must venture inside and confront a terrifying evil.

This story is loosely based on A Short Trip Home by F. Scott Fitzgerald. If you enjoy it, I encourage you to read the original.

Chapters (1)

Celestia thought that the next two weeks were going to be a nice get together with her niece and her sister, no irritating nobles, no magical end of the world nonsense, and most importantly, no Blueblood.

She did NOT expect a weird creature calling itself the Cuddle Bandit harassing her. Now Luna's in love and Cadence can't stop laughing.

.... Why can't her vacations ever be normal?

Thanks to Tstyson, MasterFrasca99, Astrocity, and Procket12 for all of the stuff they did.

A watchmen-ish silly fic by a silly, silly author. If your looking for a story with a plot or one that is well-written then read this one.

And nope, I'm not being sarcastic....

No, really...

Chapters (1)

All his life, Angel Bunny has been plagued by a single question. At long last, he has an answer, and he longs to reveal it. Doing so may be the single most important thing he's ever done, but Angel doesn't know how to deliver the message. After all, rabbits have no need of writing.

Angel needs to learn. Knowing this task is far too important to let his pride get the better of him, Angel does something he never thought he'd do: ask for help. There's only one pony for the job.

One of the most unique fics I have ever read.PresentPerfect

A hugely welcome addition to the small pile of stories that take Angel's character seriously.Louder Yay

The structural gimmick is both well-used and well-explored.Royal Canterlot Library

A deeply emotional tale, told piece-by-piece through the perspective of someone who desperately wants to say something but is unable to say it.Bad_Seed_72

...unique, endearing, heartwarming, cute, and proved to me you can write Angel Bunny in a way that doesn’t make me want to strangle him. That last part alone is enough for me to think this story is a work of genius.Vertigo22

Preread by Dash the Stampede
Edited by Hopeless Appraisal
Cover art used with permission from WhitediamondsLtd (click image for White's DeviantArt page)

3/29/2015: Now featured on Equestria Daily!
11/28/2015: Now featured in the Royal Canterlot Library!

Chapters (2)

Rarity finds it difficult to be generous to the pony who needs it most. Can these two ponies, who don't seem to have anything in common, overcome their differences?
(Originally written and posted to EqD in April 2011, could possibly be considered an 'Alternate Universe' fic due to later reveals in the show.)

Chapters (1)

How many years has it been since I joined the military?

I don't know. I lost count. When you feel like you wasted your whole life, you lose your sense of time-- what's sad is that the more you enjoy it, the faster time goes by.

I thought the rest of my time on Equus would be exactly as I described, until she came into the picture.

Original cover art by Imalou

Chapters (1)

Retirement. It was a tough subject for Spitfire. She knew she was about to retire soon, but she hadn' t notified Fleetfoot and Soarin of her decision. Unfortunately for Spitfire, Fleetfoot already knows and is more than apt to tell her all of her feelings on the matter. She's angry. She's anxious. She's upset.

She just wants Spitfire not to leave. Was it that hard to want something like this in life?

Apparently to Spitfire, there's more to this than meets the eye.

Written originally for a Speedwrite for Quills and Sofas' Spitfire Contest under both prompts Leave No One Behind and Finish Line, where it tied for 1st place. This is a revised expanded version of said fic that is now a submission to the 2024 Wonderbolts Sitewide Contest.

Pre-read by 6-D Pegasus.

Chapters (1)

This is the first story I ever wrote, and I'm keeping it here to have a reminder of where I came from.

This is my original story in all of its glory cancer.



EDIT: Apparently this description has to be longer to upload this. This should just about do it.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash finds... something on her early morning flight over the Everfree Forest. She's not exactly sure what this something is, but she sure will make sure to not only keep him safe, but also away from anypony! She doesn't need the whole town freaking out about him!

After all, who would believe her story that a deformed ghost was wanting to burn down the whole Everfree Forest as retribution?

Chapters (2)

Coming straight out of FTL, Captain Amelia Finegold barely has time to blink as her ship, Cobalt Blue, crashes into an unknown vessel in deep-space. Struggling to get ahold of an unexpected situation, things take a turn for the bizarre when she finds out the other ship isn't driven by humans. Or even occupied by humans at all.

One moment, Twilight is asleep. The next, lights and alarms blare as she comes to grips with an unexpected emergency. Problems crop up one after the other. Irreparable damage, wounded ponies, and a new alien species?!

Set in an alternate universe where Equestria became a space-faring empire.

Small note: Some revisions have been made, thanks all!

Chapters (3)