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During the end of dead space 2, instead of escaping, Isaac makes a bold sacrifice to save Ellie from the exploding Titan station and thinks that this is the end. It's not as he is soon brought to another world by something powerful. Something that sees Isaac as no more than a tool for its own use.

But can Isaac prevail and stop this new threat and perhaps learn the ways of friendship while he's at it?

Edit: Featured on front page? Thank you everyone!

Chapters (6)

Warning: This story and this description both contain spoilers for the Web Novel: Worm. If you don't want to be spoiled, read Worm first, then come back and read this

The apocalypse had come at the hand of a god-like multidimensional alien entity. Taylor Hebert, a parahuman with power over bugs and bug-like things has her powers altered by a former enemy and subsequently uses morally questionable means to make everyone in existence with superpowers fight this evil deity, eventually defeating him.

This however came with a cost. Her mind was deteriorating as her power was subsuming her. Thus another cape decided it would be a mercy to put a pair of bullets in the back of her skull.

Another entity witnessed all of this. This entity, grateful for Taylor's role in stopping this alien god and thus saving countless worlds and thus countless lives, decides to intervene. It brings Taylor to Equestria turning her into a Changeling Queen in the process.

(Warning, Dark, Death, and/or Tragedy may be added to the list of tags in the future, depending on how things go. Furthermore, the Suicide tag is for the references to suicide in the description and in the first chapter. Suicide and/or self harm will NOT be a major theme in this story.)

(This is a crossover with the web novel called Worm by the author Wildbow. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't, it's a really good story!)

Chapters (17)

Aradia Megido is a bit of an odd duck. She's been a ghost, part frog, a robot, and a deity- and she has this unhealthy obsession with death. She's been traveling existence looking for fascinating things - for a long, long time. She's ready for a change. And just like that, something calls to her from a world she's never seen before - an encouragement to drop by and visit.

So she goes to Equestria just to see what's there. It doesn't take long for her to realize that there's going to be a plethora of time shenanigans, loops, and alternate timelines. But she finds the prospect of that exciting - even if she has no idea how far it goes.

Crossover with Homestuck. Reading Homestuck is not required, though there are spoilers.

Also serves as an optional prelude to Songs of the Spheres.

-GM, master of hiccups.

Chapters (6)

Following the events of Mirror Gem, a severely injured Lapis Lazuli finds herself, alone and afraid, in the heart of Canterlot City. And the only one who can help her is the one girl in town that she despises the most: Sunset Shimmer. Can Lapis overcome her hatred of Sunset in order to survive? Can Sunset reach this broken bird's heart and heal her soul? What other threats will follow these two strange bed fellows in Lapis's quest to find her place in the universe? And is the home Lapis seeks closer than she thinks?

Crossover with Steven Universe. Features: crossover shipping, EQG shenanigans, eventual character death, and a slight possibility of misunderstood liquid physics.

Chapters (4)

Astrid never expected any of this to happen, nor did she ever want it to happen, especially not to her. Lost in a world that is not her own, trapped in the body of a creature that is not her own, Astrid wants nothing more than to go home.

However, going home may not be an option.

Edited by the fantastic Babroniedadand ShimmerLeaf!

A Displaced Story featuring Legend of Zelda
Conflicting tags: Adventure/Slice of Life
Tags may be added or even changed as the story progresses
Currently not accepting crossovers

Featured on 5/12/17, the very first day! Thanks!

Chapters (9)

What is the meaning of life?
For me it means getting a second chance.
You wouldn't think that buying a simple Pearl from an old geezer at a gas station would transport you to Equestria right?
Now I'm stuck here with this Pearl on my forehead in a stupid ballerina costume and I may or may not have ticked off an all powerful love eating changeling queen...

"How dare you attack the Queen of the changelings! I'll turn you into a hat!"

Whoops... I guess this inter-dimensional message isn't as fool proof as I thought! I'll have to cut this short!
Seriously though, if anyone is reading this please send help!

[inspired to write this after seeing so many of these crossovers! Mainly inspired though by 'Land of Friendship and Magic' :D]

Chapters (22)

I am...Well was a normal twenty one year old trying to enjoy a convention...Kinda hard when your a white girl cosplaying as Garnet-
What do they want you to go around in blackface to look the part?!
Shush! Now after buying a wicked awesome visor from a weird merchant-
You should have foresaw this considering how much fanfiction you read.
Are you going to be quiet now?
*Sigh* Now I'm stuck in My Little Fricking Pony with all the power, ability's and looks of Garnet, including my own very annoying mental Ruby and Sapphire. I can't even tell if we're three people or just one, I just want to go home!

Chapters (2)

The Indoraptor.

A monster of the future, bred from creatures of the past. The brainchild of rogue geneticist and former Jurassic World scientist Dr. Henry Wu. A hybridized super-predator designed solely for combat and warfare. A killing machine in every sense of the word.

And now one of them is in Equestria, a land of talking, magic, pastel-colored ponies, where it is being cared for by a pegasus named Fluttershy, the sweetest, shyest, most easily frightened thing imaginable.

They say opposites attract, but this definitely takes the cake...

(Crossover with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom)

Chapters (1)

Jacob Klein, a science teacher from Connecticut, never expected to witness the arrival of extraterrestrial intelligence in his lifetime, let alone see it trying to eat his wife's flowers. Nor did he expect the being in question to be something out of his twin daughters' cartoons, preaching about friendship and eager to learn about human science.

After choosing to go to the government, Jacob went from being an Average Joe to an international celebrity. Within days, his picture appeared in papers around the world, he met numerous politicians, and numerous news stations have asked him for interviews.

As a teacher, Klein enjoys the company of a creature who loves science.

He doesn't enjoy his newfound fame, however. He is a somewhat cynical man who dreads becoming a pawn to the powers that be, and fears the changes both to his own world and his life.

However, when his new pony friend discovers a dark chapter in human history, Klein must become humanity's defender, arguing that humanity and ponykind aren't doomed to kill each other.

A difficult task, especially since his own family's history is marred by that dark chapter.

This fic is a slight AU. The Equestria Girls world doesn't exist.

Rated teen for slight language and discussions of World War II.

Featured on August 1, 2019

Chapters (5)

It's not every day you wake up in another country after drinking your weight in Bahama Mamas at an Applebee's in South Dakota; it's not every day you wake up in Equestria, either. But Mego Mars has experienced both, and is about to have the adventure of his life trying to figure out how one led to the other. The kicker? He's suddenly a horse. And not just any horse; a little green girl horse. This isn't how the great adventure movie usually starts, is it?!

Written for Sparktail's AnonFilly contest, which had to focus on AnonFilly, a character I've never really heard of! But the fun thing is that 'AnonFilly' can really be anyone (so long as she's grumpy), and I liked the idea of a cute little pony actually being a big burly trucker doing his best to save Equestria!

Chapters (1)