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Milky Way is well-known throughout Ponyville. Unfortunately, it's for all the wrong reasons. She just wanted someone, anyone, to look past her appearance for a change, darn it! Luckily for her, she's found just the person.

Anon, Equestria's only human, is also used to being judged like that. It shouldn't have been a surprise, then, that he felt a kinship with the awkward mare. Their subsequent relationship did little to quell the insults being thrown their way.

Neither of them really care anymore.

Warning: This story contains discussions (but no depictions) of exactly what you think it does.

Art by Jargon Scott.

Chapters (1)

Niamh, an introverted student of veterinary science, finds herself transported to a strange world inhabited by ponies. Of course, that means becoming one herself. Now she must prove to the other ponies that she is not the 'Nightmare Moon' they think she is, and earn their trust, while they must earn hers. Especially this 'Princess Luna' character.

But two questions stand out above the rest as being truly important: How did she get there, and why?

Featured 19/03/14 Didn't expect that.

Amazing cover art was done by the extremely talented MrFulp.

Chapters (4)

Michael Wilson lived for seven years as a normal, happy boy, until he had to go to the hospital for an operation to save his life. After falling asleep in the operating room, he wakes up in the ruins of a castle. But his location is not the only thing that has changed. He is now a strange horse-like creature with a mane and tail that seem to be made of stars. Just what kind of dream is that sleeping gas giving him?


Or is it not a dream at all?

Dark and gore tag for certain chapters. There will be warnings at the beginning of these chapters to let you know which.

Cover art from HERE by ClassicsAreDead


First Featured 17-20/10/2014 then again 27-28/11/14. And again 24/4/1016.Seriously, thank you, all!

Now with a reading by TripyVox

Also with audio reading by Tarot Duelwield

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to The Best Nightmare Of My Life

Jeanne Tempest Jones, or Tempest to her friends, leads a rather ordinary life. At least for a teenager. However, one night everything changes. She wakes up in a mysterious land in a strange body, one that is feared and hated by the locals. Meanwhile, her boyfriend, Brian, and his twin sister Brianna find themselves along for the ride halfway across Equestria. Under the tender care of the Thestral (Bat Ponies) community, they will have their own challenges to face.

Now faced with numerous troubles, the largest being that no one seems to trust her, just how exactly will Tempest and her two friends reunite and find their way home?

Marked as a sequel to The Best Nightmare of my Life, as the concept being further explored is the one that sparked the Halloween One-shot. This is less comedy-oriented and more serious as to the topic of "Human looking like a villain" though.

(Title is once more a twist on the song "The Best Day of my Life")

Chapters (5)

Tom an Average Joe, saves a girl from an attempted rape. But he is fatalily injured and blacks out, only to wake up in a strange place in a body of a horse. A horse known to the locals as Nightmare moon.

Edited by Izanagi

Cover Art done by SwedishRoyalGuard http://www.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Moon-372321197

Chapters (12)

Click this to read about the hiatus.

We’ve all had nightmares, but do any of us actually know where they come from?

What if, one day, you woke up as the embodiment of nightmares themselves?

In an alley one night, Joseph gets fatally injured after saving a woman from her terrifying nightmares.

He wakes up somehow, but he quickly finds out that he isn’t in his own body. Instead, he wakes up in the body of one of Equestria's most infamous villains.

Joseph must adapt to a world completely alien to him, as well as adjusting to his new body while trying to figure out what, or who he is.

Featured 13/08 & 14/08/14
Update Feature: 4/10/15, 01/06/16, 17/8/16, 4/12/16, 30/1/17

'Sex' tag added for strong cases of innuendo.
'Dark' tag because this fic deals with morose themes.

Edited and proofread by:
Blue Blaze {COMET}
The Abyss
Twisted Code
Waffle God
Arcane Spirit
Updated as people help. Includes one-time favours and single chapters.

A/N: Tags will be updated as necessary. Constructive criticism and ego stroking are both welcome. Set both in a world where MLP doesn't exist, and after the events of first two episodes of season one. A show-accurate period of events is not likely.

Chapters (23)

A large corporation in Manehattan hires you to fulfill the Diversity and Inclusion goals and reach the target numbers on the key metrics such as the absence of gender and racial bias. They specialize in customized spell solutions, distributed enchantment systems and cloud mana storage: three things that you, a human, didn't know even exist.

To their surprise, you are not entirely useless.

This is an RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) story. You were warned.

Huge thanks to Vayne Hellslinger and SirReal for helping me to make this stuff more readable.

Chapters (4)

Shortly before Anonymous is set to operate his food tent during the Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight comes to him with an urgent request to temporarily assist in reforming the former Queen of the Changelings. He initially refuses, but eventually begrudgingly gives in, choosing to trust Twilight's judgement in spite of his ill feelings toward Chrysalis, who isn't fond of him either. Can friendship and kindness bloom where none is permitted?

set in a wacko universe where Chrysalis tried to invade again after the Season 6 finale
tags and rating are susceptible to change as the story develops

Chapters (3)

Johnny Cash, one of the greatest country singers in America, passes away on September 12th, 2003. Having spent 71 long, active years of life on Earth, his time finally comes. Our world will never hear his deep, bass-baritone voice preaching ever again.

Another world is about to discover it. He was always a devout Christian; and at the same time, called himself "the biggest sinner of them all." Well, who or whatever was watching over him decided that he had some more work to do.

And so, he awakes in an unexpected situation. It is not Heaven, nor hell, nor even purgatory; but something entirely new. Now, with only his dark clothes, his acoustic, and a lifetime of stories, he sets out to explore this new land.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
All songs by Johnny Cash.
I own nothing.

Chapters (11)

To be inserted into Equestria, it's a dream come true for anybrony!

Meet the ponies!

Have super awesome magical adventures!

Use foreknowledge to avoid all those silly pratfall moments without screwing things up and causing irreparable harm to the Mane 6...uh...hopefully!

And all for the low cost of possessing Princess Luna, denying her any real freedom or the ability to move on with her life since she's in your head and you're walking around as Nightmare Moon!

Yeah...there had to be a catch in there somewhere, didn't there?

Chapters (17)