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Rainbow suffers a heart attack and it's up to twilight to cheer her up.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle thought that she had felt all that happiness could offer. She had perfect friends, an amazing mentor, and even became part of the Princess monarchy. She was as happy as she could be.

Until one day the news came...

Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to be a mother. And she never knew just how beautiful being a mother could be.

This fic was inspired by the picture, and the title came from it as well. The picture and title do not belong to me. I would like to thank Hikariviny for drawing such a wonderful picture. It inspired me to write the single best thing I've ever written. I don't wanna sound modest, but this story is the one that's most likely to be featured out of all of my stories. If it is featured, please let me know when if it was featured!!! Oh, and WHOO!!! 400 LIKES!!! I FINALLY MADE IT! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!!!

I understand that many of you don't like that it's Flash X Twilight. It's just who the picture was related to, and I wrote it based on the picture. Please don't dislike it because of this. It's more for the motherly aspect, and not for the shipping. I am very sorry if you do not like the shipping, but please don't be mean!!!

I will be posting songs that inspired me to write each chapter. Trust me, it adds to the feels. Here they are:


Chapters (12)

The six are back in an adventure filled comedy, where they meet Twilight Sparkle from the human world. They go on quite an adventure, but nothing you've ever seen before. And yes...there is romance.

Humanized ponies...again.
Cover art by uotapo

Chapters (2)

Applejack is requested by HRH Princess Cadance, to travel north to the Crystal Empire in order to assist her and Shining Armor in cultivating the long lost crystal apple, a fruit imagined to have powerful healing properties, when grown properly. Unfortunately, the crystal ponies lack such farming skills, so who better than an Element who is also an experienced apple farmer?

This is a sequel to: Orange and Blue, I Do (Book 3)

There is a later sequel to this story: Cultivating Love (Book 5)

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash has dreamed of being a Wonderbolt for as long as she can remember. She's trained herself every single day to be better at her craft so she may one day join the team. But, when her dreams finally seem achievable and she is just about to reach out and grab them, a rumor breaks loose, leading to her goals slipping out of her grasp. Hopes and spirit gone, she must clear her name or forever have cheated dreams.

My entry for the Twidash Competition, "Framed".
EDIT: I have received third place in the competition this was entered in!

New cover art generoulsy provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her stuff out!

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Syncopation

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philharmonica. There's nopony in all of Equestria that doesn't know these names. They are the pinnacles of their genres and the peaks of every genre in between, but it wasn't always this way.

When they first met, Octavia was fresh out of the Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was the only member of Syncopated Records, a new music company created by Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur de Lis. They have grown since then, overcome trials both as individuals and as a company, but Fancy Pants still has greater plans for his company. Plans to expand, to become bigger names, to be known not only in Canterlot, but in all of Equestria! In order to do this, the musicians of Syncopated Records, Vinyl, Octavia, Harpo Parish Nadermane, and Lyra Heartstrings will travel through the princessdom, playing their songs and trying to make their own mark in music.

But it will be difficult. They'll have to be more than a company and more than a music group. They'll have to work together, getting used to their off-beat attitudes until they can work as one.

Syncopation must meet with Synchronization.

Chapters (9)

Upon hearing some negative comments about her appearance, Princess Cassara begins to question why she's the only pony x draconequus hybrid in all of Equestria. She wonders why part of her is like her mommy and the other is like her daddy...

And she starts to hate the different parts of who she is. She starts to think that she isn't beautiful. Her parents, however, see her as perfect.

They just wish that she could see it too.

We don't have enough Discord x Celestia or family-themed fanfiction. I'm on a quest to change that!
This dude drew Cassie. Go tell him he's awesome!

Chapters (4)

When Sugarcube Corner burned down, Twilight offered to let Pinkie live with her. Living with Pinkie can bring out a lot of things in a person, though. Annoying habits, odd quirks, and feelings that had been ignored for a long time.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Fire & Rain

To say that the Wonderbolt's last trip to Manehatten was eventful would be an understatement. Spitfire broke her wing, met Rainbow Dash, dated Rainbow Dash, and a planned thunderstorm went out of control landing many ponies in the hospital. Now with Spitfire getting "promoted" to command of the Wonderbolt's Academy and Rainbow Dash on the mend from her own injuries, the two will learn just how much life can still throw at them.

Meanwhile, Soarin and Rapidfire must come to grips with their new roles as leaders of the Wonderbolts. Soarin doesn't know if he's up to the task, and Rapidfire doesn't know if he even wants to stay. All these trials and more await them further on up the road...

Pre-reading and Editing: LoyalLiar, The24thPegasus, SolidFire, Sorren, and Skeeter The Lurker.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (11)

While visiting Ponyville, Shining Armor meets Big Macintosh and the two quickly hit it off as best buds. However, they soon find that Twilight and Applejack may be canoodling with suspicious stallions of the town. Ever alert, the two buffoons big brothers work together to protect their little sisses from the male persuasion. The result can only be hilarity.

Chapters (5)