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This story is a sequel to What I brought back from Manehattan

Apple Bloom was expecting to find out about the niece she never knew existed. What Applejack shares with her, a secret she held for so many years, threatens to shake Apple Bloom’s world.

Cast: Apple Bloom
Supporting Cast: Apple Family, Zecora (because I am a masochist), the CMC, Dinky Doo & Berry Pinch, and Cheerilee

Edited by Level Dasher (who, along with my wife, helped tremendously through the brainstorming process)
Prereaders: Manes, Stormy Skies and The Fanfic Crusader.

Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, best friends, book-lovers. But lately, they haven't seen each other for a short time, and it's like they don't know everything about one another.
Well....that'll change when a simple task becomes a disaster.

Chapters (1)

Featured on 8/24/14

Author's Note: This story takes place mainly in the MLP comics universe. If you haven't read about this particular arc, you'll most likely be lost.

Twilight and her friends have "freed" Rarity from the grip Nightmare Moon had on her. But the spirit has left one last surprise for the fashionista; something that changes her life for the worst. Now forced to hide her secret in fear of being an outcast to other ponies, Rarity and her friends must find a way to reverse what Nightmare has done. Yet it won't be simple as two ponies who know Rarity seek to expose her to the world. Not only that, but Rarity must try to understand her thoughts for one of her closest friends.

While this story does take place in the MLP Comics universe, there is continuity from the show itself, but there are some alterations. For example, Twilicorn never happened, so she's still a unicorn. Secondly, this story will most likely dismiss any future events that happen in the final episodes of season 4.

Special thanks goes out to Arby Works for the great cover art, the Sparity Skype group that assisted in prereading the story to ensure quality, and thanks to you, the reader, for taking a look at it.

Chapters (13)

Vinyl loves Octavia. Octavia loves Vinyl.

A short, romantic slice-of-life with the fandom's favorite musicians.
(Rated teen/sex for sensuality throughout)

Chapters (1)

It pretty much is what the title says it is.
Vinyl Scratch isn't always tuff, strong and brave.
When a little, tiny bug shows up in her room, she'll definitely be the opposite.
And Octavia isn't too keen about this side of Vinyl.

Chapters (1)

Lapis-Lazuli presents...
When a strange and mysterious magical accident drags poor young Sweetie Belle through a rogue portal in space and time, it will be up to Twilight and her friends to rescue her from an unknown fate. Of course, they're going to have to rescue themselves as well, seeing as how they have no idea how to get home. Faced with madpony scientists, ruthless mobsters and fanatical pony supremacists, it will take every ounce of gumption, style, and genre savvy for them to survive long enough to find a way back to the Equestria they all know and love. But the strange new world they find themselves in does not want to let them leave, and it's not alone in its desire to keep them there...

Chapters (15)

Now Rated Teen because I kind of kill them on a regular basis, but they're immortal so they get better.

The continuing story of those in Canterlot Castle and the surrounding areas. With four immature gods running about, is anybody going to survive? Probably. However, with each day, the madness in Equestria grows and sadly I don't think anyone actually cares anymore.

It's time for Equestria's Crazies; a tale of love, of tasers, comedy and finally me, tormenting as many ponies as possible before I get bored.

[Head's up, this story is an Episodic series. Each chapter is it's own contained "Story" but really it's just whatever I want to happen on that particular day.]


Chapters (43)

A famous unicorn artist, now in midlife, shocks her doctor by revealing that the father of her unborn youngster is a teenager. But that's only the beginning: Can there truly be such a thing as trans-species pregnancy?

Chapters (4)

My name is Sunburst, and I live my life alone, because I prefer it that way.

Not everypony does.

For some ponies, in fact, that's more like a long slow death sentence.

I've received orders to a posting as a royal guard. My duty as a member of the guard is to protect the princess. Traditionally, that's taken to mean against physical threats. Less traditionally, I'm coming to a realization that it may mean assisting in other ways - maybe even in ways she's not aware that she needs. Normally I would say it's not our place to intervene in personal matters. But when you see as plain as the hoof in front of your face that something is wrong, sometimes it finally brings you to the point at which standing by and doing nothing is simply no longer an option.

Day by day, I'm getting closer to that point.

I may have to make a hard decision. I don't know if this is right or wrong. All I know is that watching my princess suffer is impossible to bear when I'm supposed to be protecting her.

Approved by Twilight's Library on July 26, 2014!
Featured on Equestria Daily on February 5, 2015!

Chapters (14)

Claire and Illusion have a bond that cannot be shaken, they have shared in each others happiness and shouldered one another during times of great grief. They have encountered many challenges during their time together, and together they faced them head on. And now life has chosen to throw them their greatest challenge yet, but are they truly prepared for the trials they will face?

They don't know, but they will brave the challenge, together.

Cover art belongs to Kilala97

Chapters (15)