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A harsh storm brings Rainbow into Twilight's home. However, she soon discovers something about her friend that will cause a downward spiral in their relationship, many bruises, and broken bones as they attempt to right the wrongs fate has bestowed them.

The two find themselves closer than ever as they experience the world in a way they'd never expect. Will they survive?

Read the sequel here: Tamed II - As Time Went On

Chapters (16)

Rainbow finally takes a chance with Twilight and her dreams come true as a result. But, enduring everything that happens in any relationship, both good and bad, can they create something truly permanent? Will their relationship weather the trials and tribulations or will it crash and burn all around them?

This is my first serious attempt at writing so all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Big thanks to Fox-Sama for his help prereading/editing and also giving me the confidence to go through and post this in the first place. Go check out his story too.
Big shout out to shadowsreached as well for being an awesome prereader/editor.
Thanks goes to MajorWheat and Hellpony for choosing to help me out. I appreciate it guys.

Cover art used with permission and made by NyuuChanDiannePie on DeviantArt. Go check him out, he does AMAZING Twidash art.

Characters property of Hasbro. I own nothing.

Chapters (4)

Twilight's relentless study of Pinkie's strange abilities leads to a horrifying revelation.

This site really needs an existential horror tag.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy longs to be with Rainbow Dash, but she doesn't know how to tell her foal-hood friend of the love in her heart.

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash brings along a few bottles of cider when she's meeting Fluttershy to practice and show off her new tricks. Apparently the cider has been sitting in the sun for a bit too long and provokes a strange change in Fluttershy's behavior. After a sudden revelation, both pegasi need to get their thoughts and hearts to agree, or their friendship is at risk.

Chapters (3)

In the wake of the wedding between Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, Twilight begins to experience problems she had never had before, including a mysterious noble who seems to want her hoof in marriage! What's more, Pinkie seems to be acting strangely to her, as well as this strange stallion. What could be going on to fuel these events?

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust (especially Lauren Faust)

Chapters (1)

Cloud Kicker might just have the wildest life of any pony in Equestria. Marvel at the insanity that is her life, and laugh at the suffering of her poor beleaguered best friend, Blossomforth. And maybe, just maybe, there's more to her than just the lovable sex maniac everypony thinks she is.

This is a semi-sequel to "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash." Not really a proper sequel, since it's focused on Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth instead of Rainbow and Pinkie, but it's in the same continuity. So I guess that makes it a follow-up-side-quel story. Or something. You don't need to have read "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash" to read or enjoy this, but you ought to read it anyway, just because.

TvTropes Page

The central story of the Winningverse.

We got a tag for Cloud Kicker, but Blossomforth still deserves one too.

Chapters (28)

*Revised Edition*
Princess Celestia takes the week off for spring break and her annual visit with Twilight Sparkle. But it seems Twilight has more in mind than just visiting. After a bottle of wine or two leads to a bit more than student-teacher hugging, it's clear her student is in Canterlot for more than tea and study. Now Celestia is caught between a romantically-aggressive Twilight that has awaken strange new sensations in the normally stoic sun goddess and a resentful, overprotective sister that has laid an ultimatum: Put an end to her "interactions" with Twilight before she does.

Chapters (1)

Rarity's decided to break up with Applejack, but were they even an item in the first place? And, perhaps more importantly, what does Applejack have to say about it?

Hijinks, of course, will ensue.

Chapters (5)

While Fluttershy is out doing her daily business, a sudden storm catches her off guard, leaving her at the mercy of a strong air current. With the situation of a weak flyer in the middle of a violent storm with no witnesses in sight, only one thing happens - it leaves her stranded in a deep ravine with only the howling of the wind and her aching body for company.

While the rain pours, she decides to pass the time, and instead begins to ponder her relationship with her blue pegasus companion.

She can only wonder if she'll even have a future with Rainbow Dash if it doesn't look like help is on the way at all.

Chapters (1)