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Rarity and Pinkie Pie have been pretty close lately, at least that is what Rainbow Dash thinks. When she brings this to Twilights attention curiosity gets the best of her. Now Rainbow Dash and Twilight are investigating Rarity and Pinkie Pie's relationship to see if there is anything there besides simple friendship.

Chapters (8)

Magic is a peculiar force. It lives in and through everypony, but none more so than Twilight Sparkle, the famous element of magic. In her mission to ascertain the true nature of magic and its most basic origins, she accidentally finds herself in a new plane of existence where light and dark are neither the same nor different. The world of twilight opens up to her, unleashing her true power and self. But in the process a shadow creeps forth, threatening to forever eclipse the land that is Equestria. What does it truly mean to be A Twilight Princess?

Cover Image by me.
-Hopefully it's not that bad. I don't usually do digital art. I'm much more fond of the pencil like my profile pic.

Chapters (6)

Luna visits Twilight late one night to seek her assistance with learning how to dance, and it sparks a series of events.

A story request by Systemfail.

Special thanks to Systemfail and Lunar Justice for their help and support!

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash was on top of her world, but one friends mistake changes all that. Can Twilight help her? Or will she let despair win?

Chapters (1)

Twilight gets her hooves on Red Pegasus, an energy drink so powerful that it is banned in Cloudsdale. She gets Rainbow Dash involved, and soon her other friends too. Like the cliche goes : Hilarity ensues.

I've deleted the old one and made a brand new one. Each chapter has like 2k words more than the original chapters ( 700 - 1000 words ) and the grammar is tremendously improved, thanks to my editors too.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has a date! Maybe. Her date doesn’t know it’s a date, which makes it more like half of a date.

But before she can go on her date, she needs to retrieve her journal, which has become unstuck from time. Her journal, full of hopes and dreams and pleasures, none of which can ever be allowed to see the light of day.

It’s a story of love, science and time travel, and the lengths one pony will go to for all three. Paradoxes be damned; Twilight has a date!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash struggles to figure out why Pinkie Pie keeps acting weird, and seems so happy about spending Hearts and Hooves with hanging out with her, while also puzzling over the fact that Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth seem to be going out of their way to help the two of them enjoy the day.

Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth need to have their own tags, because they're awesome characters who deserve to have more stories written about them.

Has a semi-sequel-follow-up-side-story:"The Life and Times of a Winning Pony."

Chapters (2)

Twilight doesn't understand why she can't get Dash out of her head, she thinks about her, even dreams about her, but she doesn't know why. First ever fanfic, written because I got bored one night.

Chapters (15)

On a stormy, overcast day, a yellow pegasus sings.
She sings for her love.
She sings for her sorrow.
She sings for the one who will never know either.

But when the mare who holds her heart overhears, will she have the strength to continue?

Chapters (2)

Twilight and Co. set out to exact revenge on Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie for their latest round of pranks. Predictably, things do not go according to plan.

Chapters (3)