• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012


I never leave the house without a good book.

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[Complete!] When Rainbow Dash crashes into the library one too many times, Twilight ends up becoming her coach for the upcoming Best Young Flier Competition. But Rainbow Dash wants more, and relationships are never as perfect as they seem.

Chapters (33)

Kuno, a young changeling, is left weak, bloodied, and bruised after the events of the Canterlot wedding. She is soon discovered by Warden, a Royal Guard. But for some reason, Warden shows her mercy. Instead of taking her into the custody of the Royal Guard, he becomes both her captor and her savior. But over time, Kuno will come to ask herself the hardest question she has ever pondered: Can a changeling feel love?

Chapters (16)

Silence. The golden rule is silence. Silence, and obediance.

For years, you have trained as a royal guard. Now, thanks to the fortuitous return of Shining Armour, your old-time friend and Captain, you are promoted to guarding Celestia personally. What follows, though, is the discovery of a personal side to the Sun Princess that you could never have imagined, not even in your most vivid dreams.

Chapters (5)

"Fluttershy has never been the most confident of ponies; so, when she finds herself introduced to some new feelings for one of her closest, longtime friends, she's understandably unwilling to act for fear of losing a friend.

Of course, Fluttershy has friends, new and old, that won't let her let the opportunity pass her by.
Some that simply can't bear to see the seeds of love go unsown in the pegasus.
After all, sometimes all a pony needs is some gentle nudging."
(Story Image by Noel)

Bite-Sized Description
A bit of shippy nonsense featuring Fluttershy and a twist. (Spoiler: It's changelings. Always changelings.)

MIND THE GAP: This story is under renovation.

Chapters (8)

Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

Chapters (13)

The royal court of Canterlot welcomes its newest member with open forelegs: the human philosopher Voltaire, from Earth.

On Earth, Voltaire is known as the greatest enemy of tyranny in the history of literature, and a legend in his own mind.

On Equestria, the court betting pool is giving him a week before the Princess banishes him to the Moon.

Note: This story doesn't have sequels per se, but there are a couple of short follow-ups set in the present day ("Parade Coverage" and "Secret Histories"), and a prequel of sorts in "At the Inn of the Prancing Pony".

TV Tropes page.

Chapters (46)

It's one thing to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It's something quite different to worry that it doesn't have a right side anymore. Stuck in an artistic rut, Rarity has to rely on an unlikely friend to understand who she is, and in doing so, discovers that what we want may not always be obvious, even to oneself.

There may or may not be an excess of hats involved, and fabulosity is guaranteed.

Chapters (5)

Dusk Shine has dealt with many trails throughout his life. From clashing with Nightterror Nebula to outwitting the mischievous Eris to thwarting King Nymphamos’s invasion, he'd seen it all.

All in all, Dusk Shine would admit that life was hardly easy. And now, Dusk finds that his mentor's self loathing is the least of his problems as he finds himself thrust into a world where he and his friend... are mares?

edited by Saylux and OverlordCornutt

Chapters (5)

Princess Luna is sick and tired of her sister lording her 'Elements of Harmony' over her! She is an alicorn too, and she deserves six faithful subjects willing to do things she's seemingly capable of doing, but doesn't feel like doing! So she does what any princess would do; heads into her kingdom in search of a 'mane six' of her very own. She'll show Celestia that just because she's been on the moon for a thousand years, doesn't mean she can't recruit some loyal and steadfast ponies to do her bidding. Though, it may be harder than she originally anticipated.

Chapters (2)

In the wake of the events of "Infernal Machines" and the Nightmare's most pathetic assault on Ponyville yet, Applejack is thrown into an existential crisis, despite her not knowing what the word "existential" means. So when a stranger named Stranger arrives in town, teaching a new way of coupling talent to power using complex machinery, she is quickly suckered in, along with everypony else. Now, it falls to the Most Dependable of Ponies to bring the resulting ruckus down to earth, but can even Applejack's legendary pragmatism stand up to the brain-fizzing horror that is... CONTRAPTIONOLOGY?

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (25)