• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012


I never leave the house without a good book.

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The local crime syndicate sees Miller's lack of ID as an advantage. Before too long, our poor former human is eyeball-deep in the scum of Canterlot. Forget going home - the challenge is trying to stay one step ahead of police, criminals, and a pair of persistent mares.

Chapters (13)

Recently rewritten. Contains occasional adult humor and violence.
On a request from Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the mane six explore an abandoned mansion located deep in the woods. While doing so, they unwittingly stumble across an enchanted mirror that scrambles their DNA and pops out three brand new bouncing baby ponies. Hilarity and drama ensue as the mane six must cope with being suddenly thrust into motherhood, as well as protect their new foals from a dark god that wishes to use them for his own sinister gain.


The three foals. by Freefraq on Deviantart.

Chapters (2)

Sometimes, bad things happen to good ponies. A year following a tragic incident, Twilight Sparkle returns to Ponyville to visit what she has been missing - her town, her memories, and most importantly, her friends. But will everything be as she remembers it?

This story has a sequel titled "In History, Maybe".

Chapters (1)

The year is 2154, Humanity is on the cusp of interstellar travel, with the earth united under a single banner. Then an anomaly is detected, 0.75 light years from the sun a Wormhole has formed, large enough to swallow a planet and stable enough to stay open for years at a time, in a rush of scientific progress a vessel is built and crewed with the cream of humanity, the best astronauts from around the solar system.
Then it sets out across the stars, a physics defying engine driving the ship towards this gateway to places and times unknown.

A universe away, a purple coated unicorn trains her telescopes to the night sky, and notices a strange object in the sky. A hole in the endless dark between stars, through which another dimension can be seen.

Chapters (21)

There really is no excuse for forgetting something as important as a hoof-written law. But Celestia forgot. And now, a thousand years after she wrote it, a law comes into play mandating that Celestia take a two-month sabbatical from her duties as Princess of Equestria.

So what happens when she has to step down for a couple months and leave Luna by herself in the bloody gladiator ring that is Equestrian politics? What happens when Celestia has to disguise herself and mingle with the populace of Ponyville without them knowing?

The short answer to that would be "a string of hilarious chance encounters, sisterly banter, romantic mishaps, and a political coup that was decades in the making."

The long answer, of course, is this story.


Rated Teen for swearing and sexual humor.

Cover image is by enma-darei

Chapters (5)

Now has a sequel! Celestia Does Stuff in Ponyville While Other Things Happen Elsewhere

"Your Majesty!" "Your highness!" "My princess!" "My Sweet Goddess!"

These are all titles that Celestia has heard her little ponies call her. They hold her in the highest esteem, praising her for every little complement she gives them, and they look for her approval above all else.
Even her student Twilight treats her very highly, although that could be chalked up to a mother/daughter relationship. In fact, the only ones that don't treat her as a high and mighty, so-far-above-from-the-world-you-would-not-understand ruler were those not under her, and her sister.

Yes, everypony worships the very ground she treads upon.
And she is sick and tired of it.

With the help of her dear sister, Twilight and her friends, our beloved princess will seek out a way to put an end to the high level of praise that she has, Luna is jealous of, and Twilight is worried about receiving because of her status-- no matter how humble her subjects are to her.

The picture here seemed to get the premise of the story right. yes, sue me, I picked a picture to fit with the story, not a story for the picture. Please give the artist your full appreciation!

If you want to read the old and rejected chapters, consult this link [Clickey!]

Chapters (13)

Commander James Bond was one of MI6's top operatives. Having succeeded in countless missions and bringing down international terrorists such as Le Chiffre and Dominic Greene, Bond is sent to Istanbul to retrieve a hard drive containing the names of every agent involved in undercover affairs. The hard drive in question has fallen into enemy hands, and it's his job to get it back.

After disastrous events in Istanbul during the mission, James finds himself in an unfamiliar land, and soon becomes entangled in a tale of international espionage.

Only one man can protect Equestria and its princesses in this new time of crisis, and his name's Bond.

James Bond.

A sequel has been published: An Equestrian Princess in London.

Chapters (13)

It's a bright sunny day in Ponyville. Ponies talk, ponies laugh, and then there's the huge black death sphere that sucks up all matter in its path.

Chapters (4)

The Elements of Harmony are missing, and Raindrop needs them to quell the rising curse of her ancestry that threatens to consume her. Paired with a Royal Guard, and with a strong mutual loathing, Together, they will have to try to reunite the elements and find their new bearers...If they don't kill eachother first.

Cover art by infernowyvern!

Chapters (61)

Caramel wasn't always a Changeling, but he's going to become one. And he's going to do it for the sake of his very special somepony.

Chapters (13)