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As words go, very few utterances get a businesspony's attention like 'free'. And making a profit on free? All Mr. Rich has to do is ask his cashiers to discreetly slip the same sample item into every customer's cart, one sample per day, and Barnyard Bargains will get paid for that. Because the marketing company wants feedback on the new products, and that means getting them to the public.

And the public has feedback. Lots of feedback, especially when everypony is getting the same sample, every single day, whether they wanted it or not.

The public also knows where Mr. Rich's office door is.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Waiting Doom

It was just a bad cold. But the Cakes are first-time parents, they panicked, and... well, the twins fully recovered in the Canterlot hospital. Pinkie just didn’t know about any of it until now, because she was on a mission. So to make up for her absence, she’s sending the Cakes home. Pinkie can bring the foals home after they’re discharged. Which should be any minute now.

...or hour...

Well, it’s a big hospital. Maybe she can find something to do.

(While this story is tagged as a sequel, the only thing it shares with the previous one is theme. It can be read as a stand-alone, and no reader knowledge of previous events is required.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

As rationales go, you shouldn't allow first-year Gifted School students to have a project fair for the same reason you don't test dynamite by kicking it into the nearest wall. But since everypony else has moved on, the current school staff decided to show Celestia just how they were going to repeat the same old mistake. Because while this day may host ideas waiting for their time to come, that time is not now.

No matter how much anypony wants it to be.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Triptych

As far as amenities go, most of what the Manehattan Fashion Moon trade show offers to first-time booth operators is 'the honor of attending'. It means Rarity is expected to pay for her cart's storage, along with just finding a place to put it. But with Pinkie along for the trip, at least there's somepony to speak with during the endless Moon-watched circuits of the structure. Two mares desperately searching for an empty space, with nothing to do but think.

It's easy to think, when all you can really do is trot and talk. The hard part is figuring out how to stop.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tales Of The Canterlot Deportation Agency: Soul Survivor

Out of all the entities in Equestria, human and pony, Joanna is the only one who has been Saved. Long before finding herself in a realm of evil temptations and demonic powers, she heard the Word, and so her soul alone is safe. All of those around her will find their deaths lead to nothing more than eternal torture, and Joanna is perfectly content to tell them all of the details. She doesn't understand why anypony has a problem with this, much less how she's become the most hated resident in New Cynosure. But that doesn't really matter, not when her soul is Saved.

And it's not as if she knows that everything else about her is broken.

(Part of the Canterlot Deportation Agency series, which has its own TVTropes page. Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art from Distorted Harmony. No, really.

Chapters (1)

The appearance of heroines can lead to many things, and one of them is merchandising. So it makes perfect sense for a toy company to get the rights for the Bearers' images and produce action figures of them, right?

...well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. (Due to minimal length, this story was a pledge freebie.))

Chapters (1)

It’s unfair, really. Adults can go where they want, do whatever they wish, and that happens in a world where those who know best are continually denied the chance to prove it. But his mother has been placed under an actual restriction. For a full night, she can’t eat or drink anything, or — well, it’s probably bad, especially with potions involved. It’s important to keep her out of the kitchen until morning, and all his father did was go to sleep. So who can make sure things come out right?

Shining Armor is on the case.

Unfortunately, the case is way past his bedtime.

(A stand-alone, no-prior-reading necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

You can never tell when something will become collectible. A coloring mistake in the printing, part of a stamp's artwork gets rotated by ninety degrees, and otherwise-sane ponies are shelling out thousands of bits for the honor of owning something which no longer has a practical use. But not every mistake qualifies, and so Twilight has to directly teach Rainbow the differences: some errors are just that.

The education on how to defraud the public through creating your own collectibles, however, was completely unintentional.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

What's a tontine? It's a new kind of investment. You buy non-refundable shares in a common pot and collect the interest for the rest of your life. In fact, tontines are all about living -- and that's why the creator feels it's an idea which can't possibly fail.

There's just one minor flaw...

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. (Due to story length, this was a pledge freebie.)

Chapters (1)

Meteors fall. There's a blaze of fire across the sky, a moment of impact and since everypony was lucky, nopony was hurt. It means there's a meteor embedded into the soil of the Acres and for just about everywhere else in Equestria, that zero-injuries landing would pretty much be the end of it.

But it's Ponyville. And for Applejack, the meteor was the easy part.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)