Admiral Biscuit 181 stories
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Sunfire is a 26-year-old mare living in Dodge Junction, and although she doesn't know it, today she is the happiest pony in Equestria.

Now with a translation to Russian by Psychoshy!

Chapters (1)

In the mythical magical world of Equestria, six friends unite around a round table to vanquish their foes--an alicorn, a unicorn, two earth ponies, a shy pegasus, and a GE Dash 8-40CW.

Wait, what?

That’s right, Rainbow Dash is now a locomotive.

Twilight does not take this well.

”What the hell just happened? Did I really read that? Oh, my god, I did. I did read that.”
--Katrina Patrick Lumsden

”That’s not even a Dash 8-40CW. That’s an EMD SD70ACe. You’re an idiot.”
--Some pedant on the internet

Chapters (1)

Thornycroft has a dream: start a railroad. If she can’t get a charter in Equestria, there’s Earth—America is big, and needs railways.

. . .

America has railways, and building or buying one is too expensive anyway, so she can start a truckway instead, shipping oversized loads a few illegitimate thaums at a time.

It’s not like DOT inspectors even know what a thaum is.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Trouble with Unicorns IV

Sal knows that he can sell a contaminated brownfield property to a group of unicorns: unicorns might know a thing or two about buying real estate, but they don't know anything about soil contamination.

Somebody's about to learn a valuable lesson.

Chapters (1)

It’s often been said that horses ponies cannot operate automobiles.

Whether that’s true or not, ponies shouldn’t buy a car beyond their skill level, even if they’ve got the bits to afford it. It’s only a matter of time before the car winds up a twisted wreck in the woods.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Trouble with Unicorns II

Acorn's apartment on Earth has lots of great features: a dishwasher, forced-air heating and cooling, a coffee maker, a food processor, a gym and laundry room in the basement . . . it's also got a telephone. She's not so keen on the telephone.

Specifically, she’s not so keen on telemarketers.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Interview with a Cab Driver

While Spuds doesn’t always enjoy travel for the sake of it, the ponies he meets along the way often make it worth it, and this trip is no exception. The trip up the hill is in a creaky superannuated combine with the entire car to himself, but at the summit one of the railroaders from the helper climbs aboard the coach, and she’s got a story to tell.

Chapters (1)

Octavia’s never without an idea, she’s never without a plan. Ideas, those are a tenth-bit a dozen, she’s got ideas for days. Plans, well, those are trickier. Short-term, long-term? Medium-terms? Plans intersect goals and she’s not exactly sure how they do; in her head it’s one thing and then she gets home after a day’s work and what counts as research and what counts as wasting her time when she could be doing something productive? Who could say?

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Burger King’s tenuous foothold in Equestria could be more profitable if they were able to source beef locally, rather than import it from Earth. A purely financial decision, although the king of the minotaurs and by extension, cows, doesn’t exactly have the same view of the matter.

They think he’s open to negotiations; he knows they’re open to capitulation.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudios!

Chapters (1)

Saturday was a day to unwind, a day to sleep late, to eat brunch instead of breakfast, go out to the lake, or to invite friends over for a barbeque. Unless the lawnmower was broken and Ms. Bundermann is on the prowl.

Having a unicorn friend doesn’t help fix the lawnmower, but friends of friends can make short work of the lawn. It’s technically not a barbeque if the grill isn’t on, but with a whole herd of ponies nomming the grass and musicals on the boombox, with a selection of drinks to suit everypony’s taste, it’s close enough.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)