• Member Since 1st Jun, 2024


Just a boy on an Autism Spectrum who love airplane and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who wants to brighten your day

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Set in an alternate timeline. Fluttershy encounters a strange creature in the woods. After realizing the animal is injured she tries nursing it back to health only to discover she has one of the most dangerous and powerful mages ever to inhabit Equestria in her care.

Story idea is from alarajrogers.

Cover art by the amazing C-Puff who kindly gave me permission to use it.

Chapters (18)

Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity have lived in the underwater world of Seaquestria ever since they could remember; and all they remembered before arriving in the undersea realm was when they were young fillies being lost at sea. They all knew that they were different than the other seaponies, with their unique appearances and lovely singing voices, and they wondered what it was like up in the world above.

After experiencing another storm that stirred up old and faint memories of their forgotten past, they all eventually sneak away from Seaquestria, return to Equestria, and regain their land hooves. All the while, they reunite with their families, go on fantastic adventures, and grow to fall in love with very special someponies or creatures.

However, there’s two things threaten the happiness that they have always dreamed of. Three attractive yet jealous mares with a darker fishy secret, and an ulterior motive other than eliminating whoever they see as competition, challenge the six of them to see who is the better singing group. And that whenever the Mane 6 touch water, they reveal their fish tails as a reminder of where they had been all the time apart from their families.

How can this group of best friends learn how to handle so much? Well, not standing alone and finding true strength within each other is part of the solution.

Ships contained: Flashlight, SoarinDash, AppleSpike, Fluttercord, Cheesepie, and Raripants.

Chapters (7)

Without altering anything canon up to season 4 (though the movies are kind of skipped over, sorry), I manage to completely rewrite everything that happened. No, seriously. And it all started based off of Discord's photo-bomb in Fluttershy's window during the season 4 theme.

What if, rather than leaving with Celestia after he was reformed, Discord ended up staying at Fluttershy's house, unknown to any of the other ponies? Chaos ensues. (Pun intended. :derpytongue2:)

Definitely a Fluttercord.

Chapters (30)

Discord caught a weird illness and it's the only one he can't get rid of magically. Fluttershy takes him home and nurses him back to health. One more thing, Discord has never actually been sick, let alone been sick for a couple of weeks. Maybe after this whole thing is over, Discord will have learned what sympathy means.
Note: Rated "T" for some mild language.:trollestia:

Chapters (2)

This is just some random fluff I wanted to write for the holidays. Some fluttercord shorts to have fun with while I take a small break from my other projects. I hope you enjoy this nonsense that my brain came up with and I hope to write more of them for all of you.

cover art by Darebel-Red on deviant art check out their work it's amazing.

Chapters (3)

Evil lurks, seeking a host that will plunge the world into eternal darkness. Finding a vengeful Tirek, they join as one, and begin wreaking havoc on Equestria. With all the princesses now under Tirek's control, who can save the ponies from this awful fate? Discord might be able to help, that is, if he weren't cursed to be a patchwork doll.

Chapters (26)

Discord still feels guilty over his betrayal. He vowed to make it up to Fluttershy no matter what it takes in order to save their friendship. However he quickly discovers his heart has different plans when it comes to his darling Fluttershy. What happens when friendship starts to melt away to be replaced with something deeper? Will he prove himself to this sweet mare or will chaos win?

Cover art by Fluttercord http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Fluttercord

Thank you so much I appreciate you making this for me!:pinkiehappy::heart:

Chapters (11)

A collection of Fluttercord oneshots, all sharing a certain hair clip in common! Was originally a oneshot only, but due to request is now a collection. Just full of fluffy moments between Fluttershy and Discord, and friendshipping shan't be forgotten.

Cover by spazzymousegirl on deviantart.

Chapter Descriptions*

Nuzzle: On their way to a picnic after the Tirek escapade, Discord gives Fluttershy a gift, and in return receives affection in a puzzling way he can't describe. With the help of his friends, can he figure out what happened?

Cuddle: Fluttershy is sick, so Discord decides to take care of her. He'll get her back to health...and keep her warm.

Fly: After helping an injured bear and her cub, Fluttershy must make her way back home in the middle of a storm. Her wings too weak for the winds, she gets hurt. Who will save her? And why, oh why was she born a Pegasus if she cannot even fly? Only love can save her now.

Confess: As all of the gang enjoy each other's company after helping Applejack out at the farm, a misunderstanding happens between Discord and Fluttershy when they are caught holding tails while having a snack with their friends. They have a fight, and Discord leaves them all with a broken heart. Can Fluttershy and Discord work things out? All they have to do is fess up.

Date: After a week apart, Discord asks Fluttershy, his friend-turned-marefriend, to help him 'decorate his room'. But is that really what he's up to? Could it be...a date? But why would he lie?

Celebrate:It's been a year since Tirek's defeat. Dreams bother Discord yet again, and Fluttershy is acting suspicious around him. It becomes clear to him that she's keeping a few secrets from him, and he needs to figure out why.

*Celestia and Cadence also makes an appearance, but it won't let me add them to the character list. T_T

Chapters (6)

(takes place immediately after Make New Friends, But Keep Discord)

Fluttershy returns from the Grand Galloping Gala with Discord at her side. Emotions peaked, she starts reflecting on the events, realizing that maybe she did things too. Was Discord really the only one who did something wrong?

They start to talk, and Discord eventually proceeds to ask an extraordinarily odd question that Fluttershy didn't expect to hear.

Chapters (2)

Discord welcomes all sorts of chaos. He relishes it, in fact. It's almost his favorite thing in the whole world!

Almost. He loves Fluttershy much more, even if he hasn't quite found the words to say it yet.

Though, when Fluttershy and chaos combine, he's not sure what to think.

just something dumb I wrote that came from a single idea; not really my usual fare

FEATURED ON 2/2/17-2/4/17 ARE YOU FOR REAL??????

Chapters (2)