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Discord grows jealous when a Pegasus colt befriends Fluttershy and threatens their relationship, but dark and sinister things occur when the Tree of Harmony gets destroyed and the sun and moon disappear. The MANE 6 must set out to save Equestria as well as the entire world by venturing out to new and far away countries and wielding new and powerful artifacts.

Shipped couples: 

  • Fluttershy ♥️ Discord
  • Twilight ♥️ Flash Sentry
  • Rarity ♥️ Spike
  • Applejack ♥️ Caramel
  • Pinkie Pie ♥️ Cheese Sandwich
  • Rainbow Dash ♥️ Soarin
  • Starlight ♥️ Sunburst
  • More in the future

Warning: there will be lots and lots of Fluttercord, which will be the main shipping in this series, so if you're not a fan of this ship, then this story isn't the one for you.

Chapters (3)

Two oneshots involving Fluttershy and Discord as the Lord of Chaos deals with his emotions after two certain mistakes.


Do You Forgive Me? On the Tuesday after the Tirek incident, Discord pops in to visit Fluttershy, determined to make things up to her and hear the answer to a question he;s had for a little while.

Chaotic Anger: After the Grand Galloping Gala, Discord and Fluttershy stay over at Canterlot Castle for the night where the Draconequus expresses his anger over the day he had.

Chapters (2)