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Dazed and confused after a tense conflict with a family member, a human finds himself whisked away to the brony Nirvana of Equestria! (Er, sort of?)

And as a character from My Little Pony!

Ooo, a villain you say? This should be good! Which one did he get inserted into? Nightmare Moon? Trixie? Discord? Sombra? What about Tirek or any of the Dazzlings?

...he's WHO???

Not your typical "human becomes a villain and learns to cope" story!~
Anthro Level 3

Chapters (2)

You're all invited to the most unlikely wedding of all time. Who is getting married and how will the Mane Six handle the most surprising twist they've ever seen? Read to find out.

Proof Read By: FlutterDash7 & Frostfur
Edited By: MysteryMare
Cover Pic By: MysteryMare & FlutterDash7

Chapters (7)

When Rainbow Dash receives the verdict that her final grade is in jeopardy, she enlists the help of most eggheadiest person she knows.

Unfortunately, she encounters a problem. A naked problem.

A very naked problem.

A comedy of the nudist variety.

It brings me great pride to say that this fic inspired the Nudists and Nudity group. Go check it out for all your barebacked needs!

Rated "T" for trigonometry.
Sex tag is for lewd jokes and language, not sex scenes.

Chapters (4)

Just another stormy night like any other. Why expect it to be any different than the rest? But that's the thing. I thought it was just another one of those nights, but I was dead wrong when I saw what was in my shed. A small, pony/human hybrid thing that I had no idea that I was going to become the adopting father of. This is my story.

Chapters (7)

Lately, things have been different in Scootaloo's life. Her parents have been too busy to give her the love and attention that she needs, and she feels that maybe they simply don't love her anymore. Well, there's only one way to find out for sure, right?

Written for and set in Mattricole's Mother-verse.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna's Hearth's Warming Eve went terribly. Full of flattery, last minute gifts, and an obligation to open a party for the Royal Guard, Luna just wants to lay back down in bed. However, the main event of the party is Vinyl Scratch, and the DJ wants to make sure that everypony has a good time. That includes Princess Luna.

Can Vinyl rekindle Princess Luna's holiday spirit? Or will the holiday turn into a nightmare?

Chapters (1)

This is a blend of the Legend of Spyro Series with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It will have Spike being replaced by Spyro and the ever wise-cracking Sparx. The Ponies are Anthro in this. The storyline will follow through the Friendship is Magic Parts 1 & 2 before moving to 'A New Beginning' and then bits of Season One of MLP.

Chapters (11)

Tonight in Ponyville, something's going down. Something big. But Twilight Sparkle may not live to see it, as a mysterious assailant breaks into her home and kills her. But then someone else appears to her, a lost spirit that claims he can change her fate and save her life with inexplicable powers. And though she can't figure out how he's doing it, he does it and only the two of them remember. He's not supposed to be here, but he has to be here for a reason, right?

Many mysterious things will happen in this town tonight.

It's Trick Time.

WARNING: Will contain major Ghost Trick ending spoilers.

NOTICE: This takes place between seasons 3 and 4, thought I will try to avoid stepping on season 4's toes too much.

Sissel's Record (will be updated after every chapter)

Mirrors: | Archive of Our Own

Chapters (3)

Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changeling Hives, feels a disturbance. Something unusual, something evil... something festive. It doesn't take her long to discover that the source of this dread is a pony holiday by the name of "Hearth's Warming Eve," and it takes even less time for her to decide what she has to do now: She must steal it.

Yes. The whole thing.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle makes her maiden voyage to the human world! During her adventure, she meets a group of girls who inspire the same magic of friendship Twilight found long ago back home. In particular, she finds a familiar friend in one girl calling herself "Rainbow Dash."

But this Rainbow Dash has more than just friendship to offer the otherworldly princess. She also has her own outlook on life, and insights into her pony counterpart that Twilight would never have guessed... and will never forget.

Editing by nanashi_jones. Cover art by CViperfan.
A deluxe-sized, from-scratch re-exploration of a previous concept.

Chapters (8)