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Sombra never realized this would happen.
Usually a villain is suppose to be defeated, right?
So, why did he,
Even he was shocked to see the crystal heart in his hooves. Never in a thousand or so years did he think he would pull this off; that he would
So, what will he do now? Just rule over everyone and enslave all of pony kind? Or Perhaps kill the princess and mind control that purple unicorn and her friends? Or maybe have some common sense and figure out just how he will deal with all of this in the long run? With all these questions, he knows one thing for sure.
This is going to be very awkward.

Chapters (7)

Curse that dratted mailmare!

Bon Bon makes candy. It's just in her nature. She's done it since she was very small. However, many of her usual customers are going to Canterlot, for Doughnut Joe has revealed new pastries and candies the likes of which Equestria has never seen. Bon Bon isn't happy about that, so when she discovers that the secret ingredients for Joe's candies are being transported from Ponyville by Derpy, she gathers some cohorts together to stop that Derpy!

Inspired by the old cartoon Dastardly and Muttley in their Flying Machines.

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Chapters (1)

*With a heavy heart, I must declare this story cancelled. Though it lacks a true ending, I encourage each and every one of you to make your own. May your vision create something even grander than my own. -Derply*
After the events of Twilight's Kingdom, vegetation across Ponyville has been thrown into disarray thanks to Twilight's new unintentional death castle. But while some plants have been sucked dry, others have flourished, such as the infamous Poison Joke.

Enter Big Mac; a stallion of few words whose about to get a few dozen more whether he, or anypony else, likes it or not.

(WARNING: While it gets silly at times, this fic borderlines between needing and not needing the tragedy tag. Contains character deconstructions that may upset people.)

Editor: Thardoc, and help from TwelveFoot as well!

Chapters (16)

A three arced story that begins slowly as partially Comedy and Slice of life and rotates more towards Adventure and Dark in later chapters.

Some school fillies have to deal with school crushes. Others with bullies. Sometimes they have to deal with both. But no filly has ever had to deal with an Evil Tyrant being bound to their shadow and have the power to control their every action. This, of course, seems to be no big deal for Sweetie Belle who seems to even enjoy the stallion's company. Though the feelings aren't mutual. The small filly reminds the old king too much of a filly he used to know... Though it's strange the only place he'd seen her before are in these strange dreams of his. Recollections of a past he can't remember.

Perhaps Sweetie Belle will awake in him that version of himself before he was a Tyrant. Before he was labeled evil. A time from when he was a father. Perhaps she will help him forgive.

First featured on 9/4/2014!

The cover art was sketched by me and colored by the very talented Midnight Sonare

Chapters (29)

Well, this is my attempt at a short story. I think it turned out better in my head. XP

Filly Derpy wants nothing to do with muffins. Her grandma likes them, but that doesn't mean she does. Can Derpy give up her hatred of these "tricky, not-cupcakes" to enjoy this scrumptious breakfast treat?

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara hates Nyx, this isn't exactly news. However, during a class fieldtrip Nyx finally asks why, and she may not like what she hears.

Written for Telaros because he wouldn't stop whinging for a DiNyx fic he's such a good friend and I'm such a kind, generous soul :3

Chapters (2)

It has been over a month since Twilight and Friends struck down Lord Tirek and saved Equestria, for the umpteenth time, and ever since becoming the Princess Of Friendship, Twilight has been curious about the secrets that Rainbow Power holds.

Spending most of her time studying on this new power, Twilight eventually gets the idea to tap into it once more, and see what it can do.

But she wasn't aware that Rainbow Power only works in their time of need, and in any other occasion, can cause "slight" loss of age. Stuck as foals, the Mane 6 have no choice but to embrace their new roles. Luckily for them, Rainbow Power also generated a temporary mother for them all.

CRITICAL CODE RED!!! CRITICAL CODE RED!!! CRITICAL CODE RED!!! YOU WILL ONLY HEAR IT THIS DANGEROUS SOUNDING ON THE WONDERFUL 101!!! (Wii U) This story contains, Foals, Cuteness, Rainbow Power, Diapers, Breastfeeding, Other Foal Stuff. Do not read if you suffer from a disease that could affect your heart if you read/saw cuteness. If you are pregnant, do not read, this is your future. Other than that, if you are not affected by this, enjoy the story!

Chapters (3)

DANGER!!! DANGER!!! DANGER!!! This fic can and will cause your hearts to die of cuteness, unless this is your sort of thing that is. Expect to see, Diapers, Cuteness. Humans. Babies, and other things to come.

In the small town of Harmony, resides a very talented little girl named Twilight Sparkle. She had just been transferred from her old kindergarten in Starswirl Village to this new one, called "Ponyville Kindergarten"

Knowing she would have to achieve and learn much before making it to Canterlot High in the future, Twilight is looking forward to a new school year with some cute little classmates.

What she doesn't know, is how to play, which could be a little bit of a problem for her, considering the five other girls that are joining the class today...

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash introduces Applejack to parkour. Racing to see who the better athlete is, they discover something else in the process.
Rated T for minimal swearing and suggested sexytimes.
(Category changed from Adventure to Slice of Life by request )

(This may or may not be a one-shot, depending on the reception. If you want another chapter, ask.)

Chapters (1)

What should be done about Discord?

Fluttershy knows that’s the question that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia will be asking during their meeting about “the breezies” in the most secure room in all of Equestria.

Could she ever forgive herself if she condemned one of her friends to be imprisoned in stone for a thousand years? But if the fate of Equestria really is on the line, could she ever forgive herself if she doesn’t?

Set prior to the season 4 finale.

Chapters (1)