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  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always lived in the now, getting what they think needs to be done as a soon as possible, executing their plans just so they can move on to the next one right away, not thinking about the consequences till they’re right there in their faces. But when an attempt to earn their cutie marks goes too far, Sweetie Belle and her friends must face a horrible reality that sends their world into darkness and fear. How will the truth be uncovered and what will be sacrificed to undo this nightmare?

Chapters (3)

Twilight wakes up and finds out that she's changed back into a filly! What kind of trouble will she get into? How will her friends react?

Chapters (7)

Twilight reads about a way to view a pony's soul, to see everything about them laid bare. When she tries it on her friends, will she be able to look at them the same way again? Or will the secrets hidden in their hearts drive her away?

(Yes, I borrowed the idea of a "soulgaze" from The Dresden Files, because it's something that really fascinates me. It's not a crossover, just an idea.)

Now has a sequel!

Chapters (9)

Applejack stands up to her abusive father, once and for all. Or... at least tries to.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy moonlights as a masked pianist at a local nightclub to pay a few extra vet bills. Known only to the patrons as the beautiful and mysterious "Piano Mare", they lavish her with love and coin each time she comes. But one night Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash are in the club at the bar, and they spot her. Will they see through the flimsy ribbon mask? (Song Fic based around Billy Joel's "Piano Man", Rated T for implied filly-fooling)

Chapters (1)

When Rarity has Twilight over for tea, she learns her friend has a big confession to make. But what is really going on here?

Chapters (5)

Fluttershy is up before the sun to feed her pets. There's only one other pony up that early, and she takes some time to secretly oogle at a certain handsome member of the Apple family.

Chapters (1)

You heard right, friends and fellows--The Album 2 has been begun! Sign up today!

Interested in joining more collabs? Then come to The Collab Cage! A group that hopes to be ALL things collab for this entire fandom!

The Album is a collaborative project between over seventy different authors. This project was designed to not only create something entirely unique and creative, but to test these authors to write in a different manner than they might normally be used to. The exercise was to take a single character--one per author and no repeats--and imagine a mental 'snapshot' of them during daily life, during a Moment we might not normally see or even think about, and write a story from said picture. So enjoy this collection of short Slice of Life tales--and be sure to check out each author's page and stories. They've worked hard to produce something amazing; please reward them for their effort!

Note: Individual Snapshots are posted in a random order (including my own), with one or two more added per day. Character tags and Rating are subject to change, but each individual snapshot will be marked appropriately.

There's still room for more; visit The Album and see if there's anypony remaining you would like to write.

Cover made by: Skunkiss
Edited by: Peregrine Caged


In anypony's life, there are the big days--tragedies and adventures, moments of loss and love, treasured memories to share and never forget.

But for every single day that comes once in a lifetime, there are hundreds that pass by unnoticed. Sometimes the simplest of moments can have just as much importance and life as the dramatic ones.

Here one can find snapshots of these moments--the every day, often unseen or even unregarded days of the lives of a variety of ponies.

Because every picture, no matter how common, is worth a thousand words.

Chapters (68)