• Member Since 26th May, 2013


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This story is a sequel to Fillystata

Trixie is haunted by nightmares and begins to question if she let Twilight down in Dappleshore. When her dreams filter through to the waking world, Trixie scrambles for answers. How far will it take her, and can she face the mare in the mirror?

This story was revised on July 15 2013 to bring it up to date with Fillystata and Stitch. The changes are mostly minor.

Also available on deviantArt. Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (19)

Rarity is known throughout Ponyville and Canterlot as generous, beautiful, and a notorious flirt.

Now that Twilight has finally convinced Spike to release her from a long held promise, it's time to confront Rarity over something that has concerned the magical prodigy for a long time

Chapters (1)

Moxie gazed over the stallion in front of her, as the crowd stared at them in turn. Fellow nobles, dignitaries, and her parents had all gathered here, in the balmy mansion of her birth, to witness this occasion. The final words had been said, and they were now officially husband and wife. But she was not happy; this was not her wish.

She ran her hoof down the lock of blue hair entwined in her mane. Her whole life had been decided for her, everything coordinated to the tiniest detail. What she had learnt, how she spent her leisure, who she knew, whose company she enjoyed, whom she had pledged herself to, everything... except the one trip she had taken to Canterlot without the permission of her parents, that is. The glimmering blue strands linger as a testament to her last free action...

Featured on EqD: 13-11-2013

Chapters (1)

Twilight accidentally steps on a snail. This makes her sad. As the years go on, several other things happen.

I thought this was my first story rated 'everyone', but it isn't. It kind of is though? Anyway.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has watched Twilight grow, develop, and endure. Twilight has exceeded her expectations each and every time, and now she's enjoying a productive life full of joy and wonder. As far as Celestia is concerned, their studies together ended quite some time ago. But there's still one thing she'd like for her learn, something she can't exactly teach.

Chapters (1)

If you ask Applejack, she’ll tell you Pinkie Pie can be a few apples short of a bushel even on the best of days. They’ve always been good friends, but nothing more than that. After all, what could a hard-working apple farmer and a sugar-crazed party pony possibly have in common?

As it turns out, the answer to that question may not be a pleasant one, but something good may yet come of it.

Chapters (15)

A classic tale. Twilight tries magic. Magic doesn't work. Magic ends up reaching across the dimensional boundaries of time and space to bring forth the League of Legends's most dreaded incarnation of fear on four hooves to peaceful little Ponyville. Simple stuff, really.

A delightful little story in which the Shadow of War learns that friendship is the most powerful magic of all.
... Or was it suffering? Maybe it was suffering.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Denarians

A year has passed since Harry Dresden, wizard-for-hire and Winter Knight, rescued Equestria and the Elements of Harmony from the clutch of the Denarians. Why wouldn't he jump at the chance to return to Equestria to visit his (very) colorful friends in a totally peaceful and uneventful vacation?

Because he's Harry Dresden, and life rarely lets things go so smoothly for him, when it's not killing him to death. And when things go wrong this time, Harry finds himself in a realm far, far more terrifying than Arctis Tor, Discord's realm, or the Outside:

High school.

Follow-up to "My Little Denarians."

Chapters (1)

First contact. Not just with a new world, but with a world in a whole new universe. Initial negotiations go well, so Princess Celestia makes a visit to this 'Earth' to cement peaceful relations. Unfortunately, even when you are as experienced as the goddess of the sun, it's the little things that can trip you up.

Preread and edited by Noe Carrier. SPOILERS IN COMMENTS!
Russian translation: Все это скоро закончится, принцесса by Smikey

Chapters (1)