• Member Since 26th May, 2013


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Scootaloo has a great life. Her mother and father love her, and she adores them in return. She does well in school, even if some of the kids are jerks. Sure, she doesn't really have any friends, but she doesn't mind too much. She has almost everything she could wish for. And with her eighth birthday coming soon, who knows, maybe things will only get better from here. After all, everypony knows if you make a wish on your birthday then it comes true, right?

Please, leave a comment telling me what you think, I love hearing from my readers.

Edited by: Rainedash and Rocinante

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Under A Luminous Sky

Manehatten: The City of A Thousand Lights. A place where beings from all corners of the globe live and work together.

But even the brightest light casts shadow.

Bodies have started to turn up: broken, beaten, savaged. When the local police turn to Canterlot's Royal Investigative Service for aid, they set off a chain of events that could rock the metropolis to its core.

A mysterious investigator; a disgraced magician; a desperate detective; an idealistic journalist. Together, they must stop the bloodshed, but at what cost?

Evil, like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder.

Sequel to Under A Luminous Sky, but can be read as a standalone story.

Chapters (3)

It is the thousandth year since Nightmare Moon's banishment and she has returned. When the battle with Nightmare Moon goes awry, Twilight's friends and family must cope with the destruction left in Nightmare's wake.

Note: This story is based off of the picture giuliabeck's You Are Mine and Sparkle No More.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to A Song of Storms: Of Skies Long Forgotten

It has been twenty years since the fall of the Cirran Empire, and Commander Hurricane has led the pegasus pony tribe into a comfortable role in accordance with the Tri-Pony Compact. But a supernatural blizzard without end brings forth the suppressed hatreds that have festered among the three tribes, and the resulting famine threatens to eradicate all; earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus alike. With a bloody war looming on the horizon and the fate of their ponies at stake, the three tribes must find a way to survive together, or they will assuredly die alone.

Sequel to "Of Skies Long Forgotten." Reading of that story is not absolutely necessary to understand what is going on, but it is strongly recommended for you to understand the references.

Officially part of "The Price of Loyalty" storyverse, in collaboration with LoyalLiar

Editing by LoyalLiar and Ruirik
Cover art provided by Ruirik

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Monsters

You might think that Equestrian nights are but serene exhibitions of Luna's work on the sky. You may believe that you can just lay out on the grass and admire the beautiful stars as a warm evening breeze caresses your mane. And you would be wrong.

Equestria is a magical place, and where there is magic, there is chaos. Dead rising from their graves, inanimate objects coming to life, strange apparitions making your foal cry in her room... sounds familiar? No? Then I'm doing my job right.

I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I work the Night Shift.

This follows canon up to the end of season 2.
Check out the Fanart Repository for lots of awesome Night Shift art!

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Winner of Stories Back from the Read 2013.
One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library!
Special thanks to Nonagon and Wise Cracker.

Chapters (17)

The year is 1109. Long under the rule of the royal sisters, Equestria is in the midst of an economic boom. New breakthroughs in magic and steam technology give rise to elaborate machinery, resulting in an exodus as adventurers scramble to chart the unknown lands outside the Equestrian Valley. Spearheading the movement are the airships Celestia and Luna, the pride and joy of Equestrian air travel.

After failing the final exam of Wonderbolt Academy, Rainbow Dash's dreams of serving aboard an airship seem crushed. But when a mysterious stranger offers assistance, she is given a second chance to make those dreams come true. Together with a calculating pilot, a stubborn engineer, an eccentric inventor, a genius record-keeper, a timid strategist and a child cartographer, Rainbow Dash will face down the unknown in a foreign land as she is thrust into an adventure beyond her imagination.

(Inspired by the "Mares of Tomorrow" drawings by LionheartCartoon, who has green-lighted the use of his universe. Featured on Equestria Daily as of 11/2/13)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Antipodes

Several decades after the heroic actions of Jigsaw, Tiptoe, and Incendia restored the princesses, the world has begun the slow process of healing. Spectrum is a headstrong young stallion from Totemhoof who signs up with an excavation team in the hopes of experiencing a life changing adventure. What he finds will send him into a head-on collision with forces he can't begin to comprehend- and, perhaps, a chance to fulfill his destiny.

Sequel to Antipodes- though you don't need to have read it to enjoy this, I hope.

AKA An2podes

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Of Solicitude

Ten years after a massive war, Equestria has changed. The Empire now rules over all, giving peace and prosperity to those that deserve it, but some are against this new rulership.
The CMC, a small, raggedy group of smugglers working for the Apple family, are caught red-hoofed by an Imperial patrol. As the friends fight for their lives, they learn about themselves, each other, and the world they now reside in.
Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Emperor Blueblood has amassed a massive fleet and is preparing to smash what is left of the rebellion under the oppressive hoof of his Empire.




Chapters (26)

Now featured on EQD!
Order a Hardcover Copy Now!

"They" are the shadowy figures lurking just beyond the corners of your eyes, pulling the strings of reality and shaping it to better suit their intentions. They are the celestial bureaucracy, ensuring that everything works together orderly, smoothly, and harmoniously. And, in order to do that, They sometimes have to change a few things.

Rainbow Dash is one of Their victims, but she's learned how to fight back. Now she must trace Them down to Their own world before she forgets who she truly is, or is cast into a bleak oblivion from which there is no return.

An authorized continuation of Them by Chaotic Dreams. A special thanks to him for continuing to consult and advise as well.

Warning! Contains heavy doses of Gnosticism, Buddhism, and Hindu mysticism! Consult your doctor before use. :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Freeze Frame

When Minty Flower first came to Fillydelphia to become a reporter, she had no idea what she was in for. Now that she's achieved that goal, however, she'll learn that even more challenges face her and her friends as they try to get by in a city fighting to recover from its shady past.


Chapters (12)