• Member Since 26th May, 2013


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After eighty years Pathfinder has seen it all, and tried to drink most of it away. When an eager young guard comes with questions for him, he is forced to relive some of his hardest memories. Memories of Home. Memories of Loss. Memories of wind and stone.

Note: 2/10/2020: Updates every Monday.

Part of the Price of Loyalty Universe.

Pre-reading and Editing: LoyalLiar, The24thPegasus, and SolidFire.
Cover art by me.

Chapters (33)

Necromancers. Sickly ponies bathed in cloaks of darkness, bringing ruin to all who fall under their shadow, terror to those who meet their gaze. Ripping the dead from the grave and conscripting them to their army of evil and conquest. Woe to the towns that dare draw their interest.

Such are the legends.

This is a story about one of the kindest ponies I know.


Now on Equestria Daily!

Now with a sequel, From Dusk to Night.

Beta Reader Special Thanks:

Clever Pun
Japanese Teeth
Meta Four

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Tastes Like Heresy

It's said that time heals all wounds. Sometimes it takes a bit more than that, though.

Amber Spice used to have everything she thought she wanted. She had loving parents, a posh upper crust lifestyle, and her dream job as Royal Chef to the King of Unicornia. Or at least she did before she got herself banished to the Pegasopian Desert on charges of heresy. Now she's been stripped of everything she has ever loved, except for her dream to return home with a feat of culinary mastery so awe-inspiring that they just have to let her back in. Hopefully the legends about the pegasi exaggerated their taste for unicorn flesh...

Horizon, a pegasus vanguard of his caravan, has lost something important as well. Many ponies out in the great desert have. Some ponies lost their sister. Others lost their favorite storyteller. Horizon? He lost his fiancee, and nothing's ever been able to fill that hole in his heart. He can still do his job, but that's about all he finds he can do anymore. Time alone hasn't done enough to heal this stallion, but maybe something completely out of the blue will help. A fresh perspective can work wonders on one's outlook, after all.

The world has broken these ponies, but together they may yet rise again.

Edited most consistently by SirNotAppearingInThisFic, with occasional contributions from Themaskedferret and FanOfMostEverything.
Formerly edited by McWeaksauce.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Unmarked

Continuing the search for Havoc's locked away powers, Novell and Whisper must lead their friends on separate quests to both the wintry peaks of the Draconic Domain and Dromadary, the deserts of the Camels. Unprepared for her newfound role as leader, Whisper must brave a labyrinth of political intrigue and assassinations, while Novell is forced to put his diplomacy aside and stand his ground before the might of the dragons. All the while, the avatar of chaos schemes from the shadows, gathering deadly, new allies to bring about a world under his direct control.

The sands of Havoc's Hourglass diminish with each day gone by.

Chapters (4)

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk.

While on his walk, he was judged by an ancient alicorn, lodged with griffons, parlayed with air pirates, charmed a maiden of a mystical race, and dealt with the scourges of hate, fear, and racism while deliberately drawing the armies of myriad nations to the brink of global war.

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk, and did all of this so that he could keep a promise to the one that meant the most to him... Twilight Sparkle.

In the first of three books, Pillars of the Sun (Chapters 1-15), Spike is devastated by Twilight's fate and grows more and more despondent as he attempts to understand what has happened to his dearest friend. A gentle nudge from a pony he trusts sends him looking for answers. When that nudge becomes a push he unravels ancient secrets... and risks losing himself before his attempt to rescue Twilight can even begin.

Chapters (14)

After the most important night of her career is ruined and its saboteurs not even so much as punished, Octavia's life changes. She begins to pursue a path that has never been seen before in Canterlot, where concertos and rhapsodies give way to controversy and rebellion.

A path where symphonies are composed with cans of spray paint.

Cover art used with permission by LuGiAdriel14

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Best Night Ever

Final Arc - The Black Wedding
CH63 - If I Had a Heart
- The ponies of the Fourth Tribe are ascendant. Shining Armor hunts down his changeling "daughters," and even Lady Antimony won't get in his way. Meanwhile, high above the burning city of Canterlot, a long awaited reunion occurs, and Twilight confronts Alpha Brass and makes a final decision.

--- --- ---


It began with a mare from Ponyville and a time-looping Prince from Canterlot. This most unlikely union now stands at a crossroads: a ruthless changeling invasion; a conspiracy within the highest circles of the Equestrian aristocracy; a half dozen power hungry noblemares looking to become a Princess in all but name. With the prize of Canterlot and its Platinum Crown at stake, it falls to six Elements of Harmony to once again save not just Ponyville, but all of Equestria.

TVtropes page is here: link

The prequel to TPC, "The Best Night Ever" is here. link
The side-story crossover with "Sweetie Belle Chronicles" is here. link

Someone out there made a playlist for Platinum Crown: Rarity, Blueblood and Chrysalis. Pretty sweet!
Wish I knew who, or even when they did it, though. I especially like the Chrysy playlist.

I've gotten some cool TPC related art done, too.
So Sweet and Tasty's TPC Cover Art
Thanks to Madmax for these two:
Rarity, Blueblood and Antimony
Dash and Ritterkreuz
The Terre Rare Founder - Lady Arsenic
Twilight and Alpha Brass Battle Duet

Chapters (64)

The city of Dock has long been a quiet shadow of its former self, and nopony knows that better than Belle, Captain of the town guard. A steady decline in the fortunes of the once prosperous port town has led to a certain amount of boredom, and to be honest, she wouldn't have it any other way.

When disaster strikes the otherwise sleepy town, Belle finds herself hock deep in the middle of a mystery unlike any the city has ever experienced. Now she must rely on her wits, and the help of friends both old and new to stop the pandemonium that threatens to destroy her world.

(Takes place between "It's About Time" and "A Canterlot Wedding.")

Chapters (13)

A collection of poems by and about the various inhabitants of Ponyville, Equestria, and beyond.

For more information on the types of poems included, here are some links: Sestina, Sonnet, English Haiku, Chant Royal, Limericks, Rondeau Redouble', Epyllion in "fourteeners," Rhapsody in hendecasyllables, Glosa, Villanelle, Triolet, Ballade, Rondeau, Ode in terza rima, Elegiac couplets, Military cadence, Pantoum, Free verse, Virelai nouveau, Blank verse, and Virelai ancien.

Chapters (42)

When Rarity has a chance meeting with Braeburn, a blossoming friendship is tested by the latter's sudden silence. Undeterred, Rarity chases the frontier pony to Appleloosa, determined to know what he is keeping from her and keep their connection alive.

She finds a new world clashing with everything she thought she valued, a town determined to push her generosity to the limit, and obligations tearing her in two directions at once. Amidst the dirt and sand, a search for friendship turns into something much more serious.


Cover art by Ruirik

Chapters (10)