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How much can change in a hundred years? How much can change in a thousand? The day of the Nightmare’s defeat Princess Luna finds herself adrift, a thousand years away from the world she knew. With her home in ruins and Equestria changed beyond all recognition, is there anything left for her when even apples are strange?

Winner of August's Write-off! - Distant Shores

With thanks to JCatt and Lord of Dorkness for their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

“As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.”
― Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

Here I was, hiking the Appalachian Trail with my service dog, when everyone vanished in the night. Not only that, I've transformed into some bug monster. That...isn't going to help my mental problems very much. Now I got to find a way open up my prescription bottles with hooves. Will I even get more medicine? Is there anyone still around? What about my Grandmother? And I'm pretty sure I can hear stuff screaming and growling in the woods.

Getting home is going to be tough.

Part of the Ponies after People Universe. Rated Dark as this story will be visiting darker topics such as mental illness, death, and other unpleasant things. Illustrations and Cover, by me!

Edited and Pre-read by the wonderful Stahl and Courage. Awesome.

Superior ePub version by Phoen1x [9/28/15]

SoundTrack - Listen on 8TRACKS!

This is my first story I've written for the MLP fandom. Please feel free to offer up any critique or advice. They would be very much appreciated. :heart:

Featured on 9/9/2015! Yays :D

Chapters (11)

Celestia wants to get into her throne room.

A kindergartener wants her to prove she's actually Celestia first.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Cover art by EquesTRON.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Coming Storm

Sequel to The Coming Storm, side-story to The Last Pony on Earth and Founders of Alexandria, both by Starscribe. Swift Quill, Sudden Storm, Jeff Reynolds, Karin Simonsen, Rich Leroy, and George "Serge" Coutts are the first settlers of Ponytown, in the ruins of Pickering, Ontario, Canada. They've banded together and established a community, and this is the story of that community's growth and involvement with other groups as life begins to return to normal - or as normal as it can be after the Event.

Chapters (8)

Celestia's morning has been difficult enough, between hearing Twilight's confession of love, and then breaking her heart as gently as possible. Mere moments later, her private chambers are rocked by the shockwaves of a time-traveling spell. This marks the arrival of Celestia's alleged lover from five thousand years in the future, Princess Twilight Sparkle—or as she insists on Celestia referring to her, Glitter-Flanks.

Armed with thousands of years of knowledge of which buttons to push and how to make her squirm, Glitter-Flanks has traveled back to this date for one singular purpose: to establish the closed time loop that sets the two of them up as a couple.

Chapters (2)

Side story to Starscribe's fine works The Last Pony on Earth and Founders of Alexandria. Max Morley is a 34-year-old firefighter working in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, when the Collapse begins. But he doesn't know about it until nearly five months have passed.

Chapters (12)

Side story to Starscribe's fine work The Last Pony on Earth. The main character was on vacation when the Event happened and hands were replaced with hooves. An attempt to find food & shelter is made after the apocalypse.

Now with 100% more cover art! My good friend Lionheartcartoon, also known as half of the creative team on the PMV "Children of the Night", happily put this together for all to enjoy.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Founders of Alexandria

When every human on earth either vanished or was transformed into an Equestrian pony, human civilization ended. That did not mean, however, that the survivors were content to let mankind's legacy rot and be forgotten. In every corner of the globe, ponies and other stranger creatures joined together and did what humanity has always done: survive.

With the help of their ingenuity and a little Equestrian know-how, many of these little colonies would rise to become great cities, and eventually new civilizations. But after such a dramatic transformation, could anything of their original human character survive?

There is one pony whose survival depends on making sure it does: Lonely Day. Transformed into the avatar of her near-extinct species, Archive may live to see all that newly transformed mankind might become. If, that is, she can ensure they never forget what they were.

The road to civilization will not be a smooth one. Before Equestria's universe drifted apart, terrible dangers crossed to earth, dangers earth's pony population may be unprepared to fight. Nor is humanity itself entirely extinct, thanks to careful preparation and powerful technology. Cooperation with the Human Preservation Initiative might be difficult, but it might also be the ponies' only hope.

Through many years of struggle there will be at least one witness: the eternal Lonely Day.

Now has an ePub Version, with the art included for all those with ereaders! Huge thanks to Phoen1x for making it!

I am not the artist. All the credit for that goes to the fantastic Zutcha!

Continued in: Earth Without Us!

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to The Last Pony on Earth

Alexandria; a name its founders hope might again become synonyms with scholarship in a world that only four months earlier hosted human civilization. Now only the last remnants known as the Human Preservation Initiative have retained their species, the remainder of the population has been transformed completely into ponies. Adapted to survive in a world now saturated with magic, the ponies of Alexandria settle in for what they expect to be long and boring lives.

They are mistaken. Between the gradual approach of winter, being completely new to the magic of their bodies, and the HPI constantly breathing down their backs, life in Alexandria proves to be anything but boring.

Note To E-Reader users: This story contains illustrations in each chapter, which will be lost in the standard fimfiction chapter export. The generous Phoen1x took the time to produce an epub version with all the illustrations intact, which you can download here.

A huge thanks to Zutcha , the artist for this story. Also a huge thanks to my editors Two Bit and Sparktail.

Chapters (46)

Applejack mourns the loss of one of the last 67,986 links she had to her dead father.

(Contains spoilers for "Made in Manehattan.")

Audiobook versions:
Scarlett Blade

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)