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  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Twilight Sparkle - magus, heroine and Princess - has learned of worlds overlapping Ungulatia in space and time. Though this has been a well known phenomenon, safely traveling to these other worlds has always eluded pony mages. But now - after years of research and careful experiments - she prepares herself for the most audacious of all experiments: stepping hoof on the surface of an alien world and returning safely! What wonders will she find once she walks through her magic portal?

This assumes that Equestria Girls never happened.

Chapters (1)

A cutie mark reveals a pony’s special talent—the thing that sets him or her apart from other ponies. Ponies never get the wrong cutie marks, but sometimes they pay a high price for the one they have.

Inspired by Estee’s Elements of Elements.
New Coverart by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Chapters (1)

Maud Pie and Captain Kirk go on a date in Ponyville. It goes as well as you can imagine.

Bronycon special! Brought to you by Admiral Biscuit (that's me!) and AShadowOfCygnus with the assistance of Shachza. Unedited! Un-proofread!

Cover image by AShadowOfCygnus
Audio Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Feature box, here we come!
If this gets enough upvotes, I'll add the sex scene. :trollestia:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Diet

It's been six weeks since Twilight started her diet. She's been getting results, but she absolutely HATES being hungry all the time. Her thoughts keep drifting back to the episode with the Metabolism Potion, and she desperately wishes she could re-experience what happened, or even better, pick up where she left off.

If only there was an immortal being that was in charge of such things; one that happened to be indebted to her, or something. Perhaps she might then be able to enlist their help in making that desire a reality.

Too bad there's nopony like that.


Picture by Cosmonaut.

Chapters (1)

Spike's eleven year nap is interrupted by a little filly in his treehouse...

Third place winner in The Writeoff Association's June event, "A Matter of Perspective"

Now with a Spanish Translation, by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)



One look at the headline of the Canterlot Times and Twilight knew that she should have slept in today. But at least none of her friends would be silly enough to believe she was killing herself every time she teleported, right?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

Hidden Fortune and her sister grew up in the Wasteland, learning its dangers and doing their best to stay out of sight and out of mind of the larger world. During a treasure hunt they discover a Stable, and a chance encounter changes their world. Now the sisters must travel out of their element, learn how to survive all over again, and hopefully, discover the one true treasure of the Wasteland.

Cover art by Jordo76.

Chapters (26)

Caramel wasn't always a Changeling, but he's going to become one. And he's going to do it for the sake of his very special somepony.

Chapters (13)

What if pony princesses were actually highly social carnivores?

What if a National Geographic team began following them around to film a documentary?

What if nopony saw anything unusual about this?

A metaphor about growing up. Or possibly a metaphor about living in a surveillance society. Or maybe just a very, very weird idea that needed to become a story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Without a Hive

It is a time of change for Equestria. A small but slowly growing number of changelings have made the kingdom their home, living openly with ponies. Many ponies welcome them in friendship. Others are concerned by the strange and unusual creatures that disrupt the traditional life of Equestria. Yet others worry that such open acceptance leaves Equestria vulnerable to less well-intentioned changelings. And some still fear the insectoid creatures, memories of invasions--and more personal attacks--still strong in their minds.

Sky, Nictis, and all the other changelings of Equestria would love nothing more than to live in peace, but such changes rarely come easily. But in proper changeling fashion, they are determined to endure, and this time they are not alone. Instead of the shelter of disguises and lies, they are strengthened by the friendship of the ponies that accept them, ready to stand tall in the face of an uncertain future.

For nobody, from the new Equestrian changelings to the Princesses themselves, knows how Queen Chrysalis is going to respond...

Book cover art by viwrastupr

Chapters (22)