• Member Since 14th May, 2012


Blah blah blah science science science.

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Due to a typo on her permit to build a new barn, and the meddling of a recalcitrant bureaucrat, Applejack is stuck running a bar, at least until Mayor Mare gets back to town. So sit down and have a drink in Ponyville's least likely watering hole!

Chapters (1)

Young Shining Dawn is very excited when she hears that Princess Celestia is coming to visit Ponyville. But for Sweetie Belle, her grandmother, the visit carries much deeper significance, especially when she learns that her old friends Scootaloo and Applebloom are also coming, and that the Princess is here on a very special visit for Grandmother Twilight.

Story inspired by this wonderful picture by Harwicks-Art. Click through the link for source.

Chapters (1)

Maybe that glance lasted just a little too long, or maybe a certain conversation could be interpreted as innuendo. Whatever it is, sometimes we see only what we want to see, and sometimes our fantasies get the best of us. Rarity is no exception.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Sparkler has a happy life with her adoptive mother and sister. However, a secret weighs heavy on her. Seeking some advice and relief, she comes knocking at Cheerilee's door.

What does the filly want to confess?

Many thanks to Taggerung for the amazing picture! The original can be found here: http://ballman64.deviantart.com/#/d4k8s3q

Chapters (1)

The glamorous unicorn Opalescence is haunted by bizarre recurring dreams of a world in which she and her friends are all animals. But as vivid as these dreams are, surely they're just dreams, right? There couldn't actually be a parallel universe somewhere where they're little more than pets ... right?

Chapters (1)

Twilight and friends learn that prolonged exposure to the power of Pinkie Pie can cause some rather interesting side effects. An unbearably silly idea that wouldn't go away until I wrote it down.

Chapters (1)

It's been more than a year since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, and she is making great strides in her language skills. And along with this come a slew of new writing skills.

However, Celestia may have a few objections once she finds out just WHAT Luna has been writing...

Now with a reading by Fanficsational!
And another by Doom Pie Network!
And another by FarnesyFudge!
And another by Teksune Studios!

...Almost forgot to mention! This fic is dedicated to FIMFiction user Karrakaz, who requested more silly Luna and Celestia! Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

After an accident, Twilight's life is turned upside down and changed forever.
With her friends standing by her, she must manage to overcome new obstacles, learn a new way of life, and discover just how long secrets last when hidden from those who know you best.


Now in audiobook form!: Youtube

Chapters (8)