• Member Since 14th May, 2012


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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It teaches so many life lessons. In this one, Twilight and her friends learn a difficult lesson about partying too hard, and the price that comes with it.

Stay thirsty, my Bronies.

(Set prior to the Season 3 finale)

Cover image by Toodles3702 ( http://toodles3702.deviantart.com/ ).

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI - https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Una-noche-para-intentar-recordar-970255692
Russian translation by zmeyk - https://ponyfiction.org/story/6209/
Reading by Promissa Fidel

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its characters are owned by Lauren Faust and Hasbro.

Chapters (3)

This is a compilation of all the little silly ideas I get that aren't large enough to make a full story, but I still get the urge to write. There'll be a bit of everything here, but never much longer than 1,000 words! They're short Pony Shorts!

Tom x Bloomberg OTP [Comedy] - In which Twilight Sparkle is emotionally scarred by a surprising subset of romantic literature.

Zen [Slice of Life] - In which Pinkie Pie demonstrates that a garden truly is a reflection of its tender.

A Little Storm of Chaos [Slice of Life][Friendshipping] - In which Rainbow Dash cooks up a little something for Pinkie Pie.

On Crowd Songs [Slice of Life] - In which Ponyville's premier musician struggles to wrap up winter.

Letters and Late Fees [Comedy] - In which Celestia takes a moment out of her day to visit an old friend.

Morning Routine [Normal] - In which Sepia Tock has bad dreams.

Equestria [Normal][Myth] - In which Equestria is made.

Cold Flight, Warm Hearth [Slice of Life][Friendshipping] - In which Rainbow Dash delivers her last present of the day to a special friend.

Bucky McGillygutty X Kicks McGee OTP [Random][Comedy] - In which a simple leg finds the simplest and greatest pleasure of all.

Experimental Report: Animus [SCIENCE][Comedy] - In which Twilight Sparkle performs an experiment.

One-Bit Novels [Adventure][Comedy] - In which Daring Do makes a daring escape.

The Taste of Bitter Almonds [Noir][Comedy] - In which an inspector enters a bar, looking for a drink.

The Mark [Normal][Myth] - In which ponies gain their Cutie Marks.

Derpyganger [Normal] - In which Derpy Hooves relaxes after a long day.

Origami [SCIENCE][Normal][Comedy] - In which the results of Twilight's earlier experiment come back to haunt her.

Stratus [Slice of Life][Comedy] - In which Fluttershy deals with a problem purely for pegasi.

The Sleep of Reason [Normal] - In which two sisters share dreams as the years pass them by.

Black Bun Pie: Cragodile Hunter [Normal][Comedy] - In which Pinkie Pie visits Twilight with a package from her uncle.

Chapters (18)

Apple Bloom is tired of being on her own. With time stopping for nopony and a great, bright beacon calling to her, the little earth pony makes one of the hardest decisions of her life, and embarks on one last crusade with her friends.

However, one friend is not so quick to accept the truth. Can a certain little white filly learn to cope with the thing she fears most - saying goodbye?

Chapters (1)

Seriously, a lot.

(Now with a Spanish translation by the generous SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (2)

Pinkie Pie comes to Rainbow Dash with shocking news; the world is going to end, and they have a million things to do before it does. Although Rainbow Dash agrees to play along, she obviously doesn't take her seriously... but as the day goes by, the true meaning of Pinkie's warning becomes clear.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy, after a painfully awkward dance at a party with Big Macintosh, goes around Ponyville asking her friends what love feels like. This ends about as well as it could be expected to, and Rarity decides to take things into her own hooves.

01/25/12 - Director's Cut released! Rewritten! Remastered! Re... something! Whatever!

Cover art by the awesomely talented Whitestar1802 on deviantART. No, seriously, his art is incredible. Just... just go look at it.

Chapters (2)

A day in the life, and a glimpse into the mind, of Ponyville's favorite mail carrier and single mom. But if she had the choice of any one day for everyone to read about, it probably wouldn't be this one...

Chapters (1)

Macintosh feels abandoned. Applejack has taken off to Manehattan to find herself and left him alone on the farm. On a rainy night, he stumbles upon someone who can help him find a little joy again.

Chapters (1)

Celestia agrees to allow Twilight to spend the night at the palace per Luna's request. But as it turns out, the two ponies have other things in mind other than a sleep-over...

Chapters (1)